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 Message Boards » » If you're gonna ban someone, ban them for good Page [1]  
All American
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By "ban" I mean suspend or terminate. I am not a very old or a very active member of TWW, yet I can think of two instances off the top of my head where people who were previously suspended from TWW came back under different names. I have posted on other forums before, and the way banning is handled on other forums is by maintaining a database of all existing members' IP addresses. That way, if someone got banned and try to reregister, the mods would check his IP and not approve him for regestration. The only way to come back to those forums after being banned was to start using a new computer or a new Internet connection, which was a length most banned members did not go to. I think the same thing should be done on TWW, because there is no point in terminating or suspending a member if they can come back under a different name shortly after.

4/5/2002 3:09:32 PM

New Recruit
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why did nchsref sneak his sorry ass back in here?

4/5/2002 3:14:26 PM

The Boss
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the users that get banned go to a lot more lengths than just using different computers. because of our account policy, they have to get access to another NCSU email account before they can get back on.

4/5/2002 3:36:08 PM

All American
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^^^ Or they can simply get a hotmail account and pay $5. That's why I'm advocating storing their IP addresses.

4/5/2002 3:39:42 PM

The Boss
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i'll keep taking their $5 and keep banning them. we have never had a user to abuse a paid account.

and i don't see the authentication of IP addresses as a very reliable mechanism. even you have logged on from 21 different IP addresses in the last month. a lot of our users browse exclusively from labs.

[Edited on April 5, 2002 at 4:05 PM. Reason : .]

4/5/2002 3:53:00 PM

All American
1567 Posts
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Quote :
"by maintaining a database of all existing members' IP addresses. "

Nice thing about the linksys router is by changing my MAC Address Clone I can change my ip address. Not to mention peep that use dialup and other things don't have a static IP address. Or you can just us bouncers to redirect the traffic making it appear from another place (seen them around but not often)

4/5/2002 4:12:40 PM

10015 Posts
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Quote :
"even you have logged on from 21 different IP addresses in the last month"

HAHAHA damn you got owned by the boss, alex

4/5/2002 6:44:53 PM

All American
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Well, I can see your point, CrazyJ. Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't the IP address that the mods on other forums kept track of, but I know they kept track of something or other that was much more difficult to change than an e-mail address. But then, they didn't charge anyone to register, so that made their situation different from yours.

4/6/2002 2:14:55 AM

Mangy Wolf
All American
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[bentsen] I know nchsref. nchsref is a friend of mine. And, Grand Wizard, you're no nchsref.[/bentsen]

Seriously, it ain't him folks.

4/6/2002 5:48:12 AM

1524 Posts
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thanks mangy i like that quote

4/8/2002 2:05:28 PM

All American
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what did that have to do with this thread?

4/8/2002 5:16:27 PM

All American
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when i was mod of a sports forum...we would sometimes put a .*(* or some 123.34.12.***) at the end. Some peeps will go through alot to post, and when we did that, of course, a handful of others would get banned in the process and that would increase the more * we put at the end...and we would for sure hear from those caught in the cross fire. Though, sometimes it was worth it. We had a hell of a time with AOL users.

[Edited on April 13, 2002 at 7:18 PM. Reason : .]

4/13/2002 7:16:50 PM

All American
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whats to stop someone from just using a random NCSU email address found in the directory?

4/14/2002 8:26:41 AM

10015 Posts
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the password is mailed to that "random" account, so sure, they could use it, but never log into that account

4/14/2002 8:54:44 AM

All American
6659 Posts
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give me a break Mangy. GrandWizard's name was made almost on the same day if not the same day that he got booted. and just look at nchsref and what he believes in (KKK). Do you even know what the term GRAND WIZARD means? Give me a break, u must think we are pretty stupid. Oh and nchsref, ur still a toolbag no matter how many names you have.

4/14/2002 6:37:55 PM

 Message Boards » Feedback Forum » If you're gonna ban someone, ban them for good Page [1]  
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