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I have about 6-8 hrs of minidv tapes to convert to dvd and would like some ideas.

After converting to dvd I want to create and compile a dvd that tells the story of my trips to Russia and my daughter's adoption process.

I will be starting with virtually no system. My first thoughts are to buy a big external hard drive to capture the video, next I may need to get editing software and then a dvd burner/player since my computer will not burn.

Suggestions? Thoughts? I might pay someone for help if I have to!

9/24/2006 8:21:40 PM

All American
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Ive done this already. Its not easy.

The hardest and most time consuming part is getting the video on your computer.
first you need a big fast hard drive, a fast connection like firewire, and a good capture program.

I tried pinnacle, windows something, nero, other stuff. pinnacle is the easiest to use.
if you're gonna build a system just for this you'll end up spending alot of money.
if i were you id find someone who can put the videos onto a hard drive then you can do the editing.
the editing is actually fun.

9/24/2006 8:30:37 PM

163 Posts
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I just found a 400 Gig USB Hard Drive for ~$160 7200 PM. That is more than enuff capacity isn't it?

9/24/2006 8:40:10 PM

All American
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oh yeah but i dont know if the speed is good cause its going thru the usb drive
ive never tried it, but give it a shot, you never know.

9/24/2006 8:41:57 PM

All American
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10GB/hr for uncompressed DV is a pretty close approximation. You'll need some extra space to edit with, for temp files and such (scratch disk) but not too much more.

I do this kind of thing for pay, but I don't have any free time for a new project for at least another month. I've got too many open projects that I need to finish up....

9/25/2006 12:53:27 AM

All American
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^what do you use to transfer the tapes to the hard drive?

9/25/2006 12:18:27 PM

All American
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if your playback tool doesn't output to firewire/1394, then you'll have to go straight video input into a capture program on your computer, then use a dvd maker to convert/burn the video.

one of the best sites for all things video ...

there are many different apps, a good number of free ones, but all of it depends on what hardware you have available. you'll definitely want to invest in a dvd burner for your computer, and likewise, a video capture card or usb device if you don't have the ability to input (or output from device) firewire/1394.

a 400gb hard drive would be a good investment so you are not held back by space limitations while capturing/editing/converting/burning.

9/25/2006 1:03:06 PM

All American
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assuming your computer is not too ancient, you should have a firewire port build in.
externhal hardrive should work too, i would suggest firewire over usb if theres is not a significant difference in pirce. if you have to go usb, make sure your computer supports usb 2.0 cause regular usb won't be fast enough.

the easiest way to do about DVD's if you aren't trying to make a menu or have any extra features, is to get a cheap dvd recorder from beastbuy with a firewire port built in. it's as easy to use as a regular VCR and will save you a headache of choosing comperssion settings and such and rendering time. i wuld also suggest editing it in the native DV format on the computer and output a final copy back to DV tape for archive, this way you will not suffer the quality loss associated with the compression used on DVD. also DV tapes are more durable over time IMO. dvd's are more convenitent, of course so that what you would use for everyday viewing.

so, in short, DV camera >(firewire)> DV storage >(firewire)> DV Editing >(firewire)> DV output back to camera >(firewire)> DVD Recorder> DVD(compressed)

9/25/2006 2:17:16 PM

163 Posts
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Any reccomendations of editing software?

Adobe premeire????????

10/2/2006 9:40:22 PM

All American
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Adobe Premier.

10/2/2006 10:33:18 PM

All American
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i would not suggest adobe premiere

after using premiere for 6+ years, there are plenty cheaper & easier alternatives that are made for what you are trying to do

10/2/2006 11:09:50 PM

All American
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a cheap and EASY to use pc program is

Sony Vegas

its how i originally learned to edit

10/2/2006 11:34:09 PM

All American
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yeah, premiere pro is probably more powerful, but learn with something cheaper, make sure you like it...

the best way, of course, is to go with apple (final cut pro), but for those of us without that kind of a budget... I would say Sony or Adobe FTW

re: lafta-- you can transfer tape to hdd using your camcorder or you can use a DV deck-- there are a few on campus (DML Lab in DHHill, etc) but you just have to bring your own external hdd to capture it to. Using a deck saves hours on your recording heads, if you're concerned about keeping your camera [new].

10/3/2006 12:56:30 AM

All American
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FYI: Premiere Pro 2.0 is available at the bookstore for $179

Educational Liscense, so no commercial usage, and it doesnt include documentation, but WHAT A DEAL, EH?

10/3/2006 8:02:18 PM

All American
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how is it? im still stuck with 6.0. havent kept up with that shit in a while.

10/3/2006 8:04:46 PM

All American
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they gave me a bogus s/n, so I'll let you know how it is once I get a real one...

gotta rattle some cages in the morning at le bookstore... probably just a typo or something

10/3/2006 9:56:18 PM

All American
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check email or pm

10/3/2006 10:01:22 PM

All American
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AWESOME. TWW FTW. S/N was just for wrong version, all is good now. Premiere 2.0 is hot-- already tried the multicam editing and it seems to work as well as FCP's.

HOORAY FOR BOOKSTORE, Charybdisjim, AND PP2.0!!!

10/3/2006 10:48:42 PM

All American
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damn hook a nigga up

10/3/2006 11:57:19 PM

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Has anyone looked at AfterEffects 7.0? The improvement of 6.5 over 5.5 was nice (built-in text effects anyone), but I'm curious to see if 7.0 is just as good, or in what way.

10/4/2006 7:35:10 PM

All American
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man I tried learning that one on my own also, but WOOO i'd need a solid week and a good tutorial... that thing is hot, though.

I had a co-worker who's spent 20 years in the industry tell me if you know that program backwards/forwards you could build a career off that knowledge....

10/4/2006 9:21:46 PM

Johnny Swank
All American
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How about an external firewire drive, then a hike to the Library's Digital Media lab. That place is awesome.

Yes, it's nice to have everything at home, but if you're starting from scratch for just one project, I'd just use their highend stuff and call it a day.

10/5/2006 6:39:54 PM

All American
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Here's another plug for PP2.0-- after working with 1.5 for a couple years, now-- 2.0 reminds me of FCP's more-realtime operation. I was able to scrub a timeline in NEARLY realtime on the same PC that used to practically lock up doing the same thing with 1.5. I haven't had the chance to edit a big multi-cam project yet (have the tapes/project/budget, but no time...) but I'll report in when I can compare to FCP.

This may convince me to NOT go Apple/FCP in the next few years, and spend the $$ on a steadycam setup....hmmmmm....

10/10/2006 10:22:40 AM

Symbolic Grunge
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Capturing the video is done through standard DV compression, so if you're using windows, you could use Movie maker. As for editing, I'd try Sony Vegas, the most intuitive and if you really get into teh pro version is as if not more powerful than Premiere, for less money!

10/10/2006 2:53:50 PM

Symbolic Grunge
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AE7 is freaking sweet... much better than 6.5! More stable and interface is fucking bad ass..... Also nice features added....

10/10/2006 2:55:38 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » video editing Page [1]  
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