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 Message Boards » » Financial Aid Repayment Page [1]  
All American
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Since I graduated in december and I consolidated my loans I had to start paying my loan payments as of last month. I sent in a voided check at the beginning of december so they would start automatic withdrawals of my payments so I didn't have to worry about it every month. Despite this they managed to not process the check until after my first payment was due (though they even note they received it more than 2 weeks ahead of schedule.) So I had to call them and fight with them and convince them this was their error because they can't process things in a timely manner even though I had called them prior to the due date to verify the check had arrived. Anyhow, I had to pay the first month though their website which still took too much time. They assured me that they'd fix it so that it would say I was paying on time (less interest at the end of the year and all that jazz for auto withdrawal and on time payments.) and they said it would be auto withdrawal from now on since they had my info. Month 2 comes around and guess what? No payment deducted from my account. I haven't called them to bitch yet, but is there anything else I can do other than fighting them every month for payments?

2/22/2007 9:41:45 AM

25083 Posts
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i'd try listing the company i was dealing with

2/22/2007 9:45:53 AM

All American
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how does the name of the company affect how to deal with the problem?

2/22/2007 9:51:45 AM

25083 Posts
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i just saw that you graduated as a history major - i guess that pretty much explains your last response

there are a number of reasons as to why listing who the loans are through would be beneficial- the largest is probably personal experience in how to deal with this situation with this exact company - if someone replies with a solution that worked for them but yet doesn't apply to your situation because it was with a different company you are still left holding your dick looking like an idiot

a few other reasons but i'm assuming the history major will help you now learn from your past mistake and do better in the future

2/22/2007 9:57:57 AM

All American
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I don't post smaller details because I don't like making the internet my personal blog. Putting too much on the internet can come back and get you.

Nevertheless, Wachovia is who it goes through.

2/22/2007 10:01:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"convince them this was their error because they can't process things in a timely manner even though I had called them prior to the due date to verify the check had arrived."

Next time you call in, get the representatives name, a case number, and a guaranteed date every month when the payment is supposed to go through. On the day of the payment, CALL if the payment isn't going through. As with any bill, the burden is on YOU, NOT the company, to make sure payments are made on a TIMELY basis, REGARDLESS of how the payments are made. Automatic draft is provided as a convenience service to customers, and isn't something you are required to have in place to successfully make your payments on time (yes it saves them money, but besides the point). In any case, underpaying is worse than overpaying, so you won't get any sympathy on here. Sorry.

[Edited on February 22, 2007 at 11:37 AM. Reason : .]

2/22/2007 11:35:20 AM

All American
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I would agree with you except they have sent me a letter saying that they received my check and they would begin making automatic withdrawals every month. To me that's a contract saying that as long as money is in my account they should be taking it on the due date.

2/22/2007 11:39:00 AM

All American
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Are there dates on there explicitly stated on there when it would be effectively and which payment is would be in effect for? I have my consolidation through CFNC, and they are pretty good about sending you a ton of paper with information such as that.

2/22/2007 11:42:18 AM

All American
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I think it said effective immediately and had a date on it from sometime in January. Can't remember off the top of my head though.

2/22/2007 11:45:49 AM

All American
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Mine went right away, acs-education. I am still debating on consolidation.

2/22/2007 2:33:28 PM

All American
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I'll say I have loans currently with ACS and I've been trying to consolidate with WACHOVIA since JUNE. Both companies suck ass. And ACS handles Wachovias student loan dept.

2/22/2007 8:25:52 PM

10008 Posts
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why don't you just use your credit card? I heard you could get cash back with those things. but make sure you only pay the minimum required, but that's good for your credit rating.

2/22/2007 8:29:00 PM

All American
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A lot of places that let you do that charge you a fee.

2/22/2007 9:55:45 PM

All American
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Credit card wasn't an option.

Called them yesterday and they started telling me completely different things from the first time I talked. Namely they said the check processing for auto withdrawal only takes 7-14 days, this time they told me I think part of the problem is I'm getting bounced between Jamaican phone services and american correspondents. I sent off an e-payment but this is getting retarded.

2/23/2007 7:14:22 AM

 Message Boards » Old School » Financial Aid Repayment Page [1]  
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