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All American
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doesnt count when you get a sausage and egg on wheat bread, soggy bread with grease.


[Edited on October 8, 2007 at 11:55 AM. Reason : ]

10/8/2007 11:54:42 AM

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10/8/2007 11:55:35 AM

All American
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deliciousness > healthiness

10/8/2007 11:55:48 AM

All American
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its even better when the guy making it hooks you up with two sausage patties.

what better place to get a heart attack then near the hospital. you are in the clear

10/8/2007 11:57:19 AM

All American
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This thread has made me hungry.

10/8/2007 12:02:39 PM

wear sumthin tight
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sprinkle diamonds on it

10/8/2007 12:02:47 PM

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10/8/2007 12:10:29 PM

All American
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sounds like a healthy dose of protein

10/8/2007 12:52:03 PM

All American
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that and supersizing Mcdonalds with a diet coke

10/8/2007 12:57:28 PM

9388 Posts
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throw some Ds on that bitch

10/8/2007 12:57:44 PM

All American
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^^hah. yesir

10/8/2007 1:04:15 PM

All American
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add texas pete, that makes it more healthy.

10/8/2007 2:44:11 PM

All American
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Quote :
"As you surely know, Texas Pete is North Carolina's answer to Tabasco sauce. .... that produces the heat, can boost metabolism, which helps burn fat faster. ...


10/8/2007 3:05:34 PM

All American
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10/8/2007 3:07:29 PM

All American
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^^ I call BS.

10/8/2007 3:08:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The substances that gives chili peppers their intensity when ingested or applied topically are capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) and several related chemicals, collectively called capsaicinoids. Capsaicin is the primary ingredient in pepper spray.

When consumed, capsaicinoids bind with pain receptors in the mouth and throat that are normally responsible for sensing heat. Once activated by the capsaicinoids, these receptors send a message to the brain that the person has consumed something hot. The brain responds to the burning sensation by raising the heart rate, increasing perspiration and releasing the body's natural painkilling chemical, endorphin.

10/8/2007 3:09:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
"that and supersizing Mcdonalds with a diet coke"

If you don't see the difference between eating wheat bread and drinking diet coke then you are lost.

Diet Coke is worthless. You drink it to save a couple hundred calories, but it isn't giving your body anything it needs and the aspartame and phosphorous can actually be bad for you in quantity.

Assuming the bread was whole grain wheat then it has a multitude of positive health effects. It has lots of fiber which affects intestinal health and cholesterol. It is also rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and protein; all of which your body needs.

So, it sounds like the guy ate a high calorie/high cholesterol meal. While sausage and grease is never really good for you, the eggs and whole grains have a lot to offer. My point being that it could have been a lot worse.

[Edited on October 8, 2007 at 3:11 PM. Reason : .]

10/8/2007 3:10:24 PM

All American
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^^ I haven't researched this much, but I doubt that the increase in hear rate is hardly significant enough to make make a noticable difference in the amount of calories burned.

Has there been a study done showing the difference in heart rates on digesting the exact same food in the same conditions, only with added heat? Sounds interesting, but don't think for a minute that you can eat like a pig as long as you add hot sauce.

10/8/2007 3:31:52 PM

All American
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^It's probably similar to caffeine. It does raise your metabolism, but not enough to matter and your body will probably build a tolerance quickly. Burning 15 calories per day isn't going to do a lot for you.

10/8/2007 3:39:36 PM

All American
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i posted TEXAS PETE to be a smart ass. is that for real though? it doesn't seem to far of a stretch to assume that it may facilitate metabolism in some sort or fashion. it's just a mix of raw chemicals, mostly acids...

10/8/2007 3:41:41 PM

All American
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15-30 min in a sauna can burn up to 100 calories

10/8/2007 3:45:58 PM

All American
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i don't have a sauna

10/8/2007 3:50:10 PM

All American
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I've actually read that 30 minutes can burn 200-300 calories. I have no idea how accurate that is though.

10/8/2007 3:51:12 PM

All American
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Its very accurate.

[Edited on October 8, 2007 at 3:53 PM. Reason : I assume fatties burn more calz, but im no scientist]

10/8/2007 3:52:38 PM

All American
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well the eggs arent real eggs. its those mass production eggs.

10/9/2007 12:00:30 PM

All American
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from Mcdonals...

eating two biscuits (sausage egg/cheese *i think*)

has similar calories and fat grams as

3 pancakes, syrup, 2 cereals (didnt know they serve cereal) and milk.

twas pretty interesting.

10/9/2007 12:01:49 PM

All American
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how do you burn calories in a sauna? i mean, i know you sweat and stuff, but i assumed all one would lose is water weight....

10/9/2007 12:02:07 PM

play so hard
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^^ i always get the egg mcmuffin. seems like pretty good nutrition value without too much fat. though i think there is 1gm of trans fat in each biscuit...wonder where that comes from? theres no oil?

10/9/2007 12:04:04 PM

All American
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Your body uses energy to maintain homeostasis.
You also burn calories when you are in a very cold surrounding.

10/9/2007 12:07:51 PM

New Recruit
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The calories you burn are minimal. You'd burn more calories talking a walk.

If you could lose 200-300 calories of fat just by sitting in a sauna, you could lose 2 pounds per week just sitting in a sauna. Doesn’t it sound great?

The claim that a sauna can "burn calories" is nothing but a misinterpretation of a simple medical fact. It’s well known that "as water evaporates from the body surface, 0.58 calories of heat are lost for each gram of water that evaporates". This is nothing more than the heat of vaporization. It is what drives evaporative air-conditioning and is why you feel suddenly cold when you step out of a bath into a dry room.

By calculating up how many grams of water you 'evaporate off' in a sauna, you can arrive at a figure of about 200-300 calories per sauna session. The only problem with this is that what you are losing is not 200-300 calories of fat, but rather 200-300 calories of HEAT -- heat which the sauna so kindly provided you to begin with.

Any time you get hot, you have had extra heat energy pumped into your body, whether you are out in the sun, exercising, or in a sauna. Your body responds by saying, “Hey, I’m fucking HOT, and I don’t mean sexy, either,” and then turning on the sweat. As your sweat evaporates it carries off with it some of that excess heat energy.

Remember, a calorie is just a unit of energy. Fat can be measured in calories because it is a form of chemical potential energy. Heat can also be measured in calories, since it is just thermal energy.

This bullshit rhetoric is nothing more than a scam.

It's also very important to note the difference between calories and Calories (with a cap. C). One Calorie = 1k calories. The nutrition facts on the back of food labels are measured in Calories.

[Edited on October 9, 2007 at 12:28 PM. Reason : .]

10/9/2007 12:18:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Any time you get hot, you have had extra heat energy pumped into your body, whether you are out in the sun, exercising, or in a sauna. Your body responds by saying, “Hey, I’m fucking HOT, and I don’t mean sexy, either,” and then turning on the sweat. As your sweat evaporates it caries off with it some of that excess heat energy"

sounds like a very reliable source

10/9/2007 12:30:04 PM

New Recruit
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it sounds better than let me sit down in a hot room and watch me burn a 10th of my daily recommended caloric intake in 30 minutes.

10/9/2007 12:32:08 PM

All American
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Good breakdown Lius. I was fairly skeptical which is why I put in that disclaimer about the accuracy of my statement.

10/9/2007 12:49:09 PM

All American
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only good thing a sauna is used for is cleaning out your pores.

not weight loss like my foreign nigga said.

[Edited on October 9, 2007 at 1:33 PM. Reason : ]

10/9/2007 1:33:30 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » eating healthy Page [1]  
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