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 Message Boards » » Dictionary (T9) WTFs on cell phones?!?! Page [1]  
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So this happens a lot. I use the T9 feature to type my texts fast. As I am sure most people do by now. I used to only type them out the old way, but converted a few weeks ago. Anyway, it seems it will sometimes throw up a word that either doesn't strike me as what most people will want, or a word that makes no sense at all. Case in point:

If you want to type ME, it puts ON first. I am sure ME is used a lot more than ON is.

If you type BEST, it spits out AEST. What the fuck is this random shit? And how does it show up before BEST? Who in the history of time has ever even spelled this word? I don't even think this has a meaning.

10/11/2007 12:13:35 AM

All American
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dial phone number

press call

talk into microphone.

10/11/2007 12:15:12 AM

76471 Posts
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your T9 is fucked up.

ON and ME don't use the same keys.

I've always been amused that COCK and ANAL are the same numbers



. If you don't understand the appeal/use/handiness of texting, just stay out of the thread.

[Edited on October 11, 2007 at 12:16 AM. Reason : ldj]

10/11/2007 12:15:38 AM

All American
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I sent my last text message junior year of high school and have not missed it once.

10/11/2007 12:16:53 AM

76471 Posts
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Good for you

10/11/2007 12:17:08 AM

15126 Posts
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Quote :
"I've always been amused that COCK and ANAL are the same numbers "

hahahaha i always have too

10/11/2007 12:19:50 AM

391 Posts
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Quote :
"your T9 is fucked up.

ON and ME don't use the same keys.


You are CORRECT sir.

I have had a few beers and was trying to recall from sober memory.

The correct fuck up is:

ME and OF.

ME and OF people, mark that in your notes....

10/11/2007 12:22:56 AM

391 Posts
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Quote :
"If you don't understand the appeal/use/handiness of texting, just stay out of the thread."

Agreed! If I know you are somewhere you can't answer, I am gonna send you a text, and you can reply. You cant always answer and talk.

And believe it or not, there are a lot of things that are better said, or even more hilarious said via text message.

Say you are at work, and I am in a cab, I just let out some huge fucking fart and it stinks to high heaven, and the cabbie is smelling it, but he is acting like its not bothering him, yet I can see him struggling.

Now there is no way I can call you without ruining the moment, and there is no way you can answer and have a real conversation about this without getting fired. The only and BEST option is our good ole friend the text message.

[Edited on October 11, 2007 at 12:44 AM. Reason : .]

10/11/2007 12:29:32 AM

41758 Posts
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I always hated the nights I smashed my phone and the next day did not even know who to apologize to for the obscene/inappropriate texts that led up to that.

10/11/2007 1:41:43 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Dictionary (T9) WTFs on cell phones?!?! Page [1]  
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