GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
My car was broken into last night in Centennial Village, a Silver-Grey 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee, they busted out my driver window and stole my subs and amp. Sucks. Please let me know if anyone saw anything. 10/15/2007 3:44:36 PM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
i saw it coming.
blaring your subs and amps through the lot. 10/15/2007 3:57:34 PM
Republican18 All American 16575 Posts user info edit post |
file a report so the serial numbers can be entered into NCIC thus when n if someone tries to pawn it they can be located 10/15/2007 4:08:02 PM
Prime First All American 512 Posts user info edit post |
^that's a good tip. Do it ASAP.
I'll ask my friends at Centennial Village if they saw anything. 10/15/2007 5:54:24 PM
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
that sucks, i park over there all the time, luckily crackheads don't know how much tools are worth they're only after cheap stuff, and my windows are tinted so damn dark you cant see in there anyway
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 7:27 PM. Reason : and it always smells like ass over there] 10/15/2007 7:27:27 PM
MrLuvaLuva85 All American 4265 Posts user info edit post |
go check that pawn shop in avent ferry shopping center (across the street from that apt i think)...or any pawn shop at that
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 7:32 PM. Reason : asdf] 10/15/2007 7:31:41 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah... I have a feeling this is just going to end up in some fool's ride in about a week once he figures out how to wire it into his car. Why buy it when somebody else already did it for you?
On a serious note, that sucks and I'm sorry to hear your car got broken into. Perhaps invest in a razor blade security system next time, or, if you're thrifty, an insulin-syringe based security system. They'll run away because they got stabbed and THEN fall down about 15-30 minutes later once the medicine drops their blood sugar to DEATHFAIL levels. :E
OK, that's just malicious.
Best Solution: Don't crank the sound system when you're near your neighborhood, and keep an eye out for people who follow you into your lot. If they don't live there, maybe you should consider taking the expensive stuff inside for the night.
I'm ranting because I am on medication. That is all. 10/15/2007 7:35:43 PM
ALkatraz All American 11299 Posts user info edit post |
THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS ![](images/frown.gif) 10/15/2007 7:41:23 PM
whtmike2k All American 2504 Posts user info edit post |
that sucks, my friend over there got his CD headunit jacked like 2 weeks ago. it was probably the same people, cause they bashed in his driver window too. damn lazy criminals can't even learn how to break in the right way
that parking lot just blows, especially the lower part right off gorman
its too damn dark and there's barely ever people walking through it. hell i lived a year in university meadows (off kent, in the ghetto) and no one's car ever got broken into.
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 7:45 PM. Reason : .] 10/15/2007 7:44:09 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
the funny thing is i wasnt even over in that dark area right below gorman, it was closer to the apartments in the visitor spots. They didnt even take my cd player my cd's or my other amp under the seat, they busted in went straight to the back and pulled my subs out. I even had a towel over my amps for that purpose of people seeing them. 10/15/2007 8:43:04 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Sounds like somebody scoped you out alright. 10/15/2007 8:44:12 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, i dont even live in centennial village, so i dont see how someone would have known i had that stuff in there and went straight for it, the whole act had to have taken 5-10 mins. 600 bucks right down the drain if i dont get it back. ![](images/frown.gif) 10/15/2007 8:48:28 PM
budman97420 All American 4126 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "600 bucks right down the drain if i dont get it back" |
you won't be 10/15/2007 8:51:33 PM
jtmartin All American 4116 Posts user info edit post |
i live in CV
i didnt see anything tho.. makes me worried about my subs 10/15/2007 8:53:21 PM
EMCE balls deep 89872 Posts user info edit post |
you're not going to get it back. consider it gone for good.
this happened to me a couple of months ago, and I know it sucks. people are going to tell you that you were playing your system too loud around where you park your car, and that's how someone knew it was in there.....but I know first hand that's not necessarily true.
chances are that you got scoped out. Like, someone was walking by earlier in the day / week, and happened to see something they liked in your car. so they came back later and jacked it.
you can give the serial numbers to police, and file a report all you want. the sad part is that finding your stolen property isn't really a huge concern for the police. also, criminals are stupid, but they're not that stupid. it's doubtful that they're going to try to pawn it. they're going to hook it up in their ride, or sell it to a friend.
all you can do is wait till you move out of that area before replacing anything that was stolen. 10/15/2007 8:54:39 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
that sucks, but 2-way paging alarms ftw. If I'm within 1/2-3/4 of a mile from my truck and someone messes with it, I know it.
^ from what the guy said, he doesn't even live there. Kind of a wrong place at the wrong time thing.
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 8:56 PM. Reason : ] 10/15/2007 8:55:34 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
well, if anyone happens to see two 12 inch type r alpine subs with a black 1300 watt hifonics amp let me know. You guys are right though, i dont think anyone is going to pawn it cause if they were they would have tried to jack my cd player too. But for sure if you have subs in your car i would be careful.
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 9:00 PM. Reason : spelling] 10/15/2007 8:59:08 PM
EMCE balls deep 89872 Posts user info edit post |
as H8R said to me...
that sucks man. at least they left your car 10/15/2007 9:00:23 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53261 Posts user info edit post |
speaking of which, I just came into possession of two 12 inch alpine subs, type r, I think, and a hifonics amp that I don't need. If anybody is interested, shoot me a PM 10/15/2007 9:00:53 PM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
This sound system, coming soon to a 1993 Honda Accord near you! (with rims) 10/15/2007 9:01:08 PM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
^^ thats actually not that funny.
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 9:02 PM. Reason : +^] 10/15/2007 9:01:46 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
and a loud crappy muffler 10/15/2007 9:02:50 PM
EMCE balls deep 89872 Posts user info edit post |
aha, when my system was jacked, my first 3 thoughts were:
1. Damn, they got me 2. Guess I should find some clear plastic to put over the window. It's going to rain today...
and a few hours later
3. Damn, I wish those fucks knew how to pick locks so they wouldn't have to smash my window in. At least I wouldn't have to get that fixed too... 10/15/2007 9:03:17 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
haha, yeah man after it happened i thought the same thing, damn they got me, then later i was like, i would be fine if they just stole the subs and didnt bust my window... and now i have plastic wrap flapping on my window
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 9:09 PM. Reason : reason] 10/15/2007 9:05:48 PM
EMCE balls deep 89872 Posts user info edit post |
/photo_folder.aspx?user=2357&folder=looted&filter= 10/15/2007 9:08:09 PM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
^ it's amazing at how easy those head units are to steal if you have the tools. 30sec max and it's gone.
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 9:10 PM. Reason : ] 10/15/2007 9:10:29 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
those pics look all too familiar 10/15/2007 9:11:17 PM
EMCE balls deep 89872 Posts user info edit post |
yeah, they really tried to steal that head unit. You can tell by the plastic molding around it that they tore up... they probably thought that I just slid it in there. I had it bolted in though. Just about the easiest way to get mine is to take off the dash. 10/15/2007 9:12:37 PM
jtmartin All American 4116 Posts user info edit post |
i have a car alarm and my car is like 15 feet away from my room outside my window.. but this makes me want to keep going to check on it 10/15/2007 9:16:14 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
i have a stock alarm, but i dont know what the conditions have to be for it to go off 10/15/2007 9:17:02 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
Where are the serial numbers on subs and amps? I might know someone who needs to keep this information for cases like this. Is there sufficient info on receipts?
[Edited on October 15, 2007 at 9:54 PM. Reason : ] 10/15/2007 9:53:58 PM
whtmike2k All American 2504 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "i have a stock alarm, but i dont know what the conditions have to be for it to go off" |
a lot of stock alarms don't do shit for smash jobs. if the guy had actually jimmied the lock, or gone in through the window to get it open with the switch, it probably would have gone off. but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have still stolen your shit. 10/15/2007 10:07:28 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Where are the serial numbers on subs and amps? I might know someone who needs to keep this information for cases like this. Is there sufficient info on receipts?" |
no to the second question 10/15/2007 10:22:06 PM
GIANFRANCO Veteran 216 Posts user info edit post |
i have the receipts to the amp and the subs, i bought them online so yeah i have all that stuff saved in emails 10/15/2007 11:10:20 PM
bethaleigh All American 18902 Posts user info edit post |
Do you know where the serial numbers were on your subs? 10/15/2007 11:17:05 PM
hunterb2003 All American 14423 Posts user info edit post |
Im the guy whitemikes talking about
they busted out my mustang window and ripped the dash off and thought i had a system but i took it out years ago
they stole my 200CD case but left my Elton John Greatest Hits cd lol 10/15/2007 11:20:08 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41758 Posts user info edit post |
I know a guy that got his whole fucking car jacked from wolf creek, system and all. It did not have comprehensive either. ![](images/frown.gif) 10/16/2007 12:01:34 AM