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 Message Boards » » Thought about reading some Marvel Comics Page [1]  
All American
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...haven't ever read comics, but used to be in to them somewhat...anyone have any suggestions on which are good...

i know i know...a decade late, but fuck you i wanna read em

10/16/2007 1:09:29 PM

60006 Posts
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go outside instead

it's nice out

10/16/2007 1:09:58 PM

All American
7117 Posts
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yeah...well i'm stuck inside...and i didnt plan on reading them right this moment...just at some point

and believe me...i know about the "outside"

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 1:11 PM. Reason : d]

10/16/2007 1:10:50 PM

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10/16/2007 1:11:21 PM

All American
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I just want to know more about certain comics than other i can look down on them and what have you

10/16/2007 1:13:59 PM

no u
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* Captain America was killed by his girlfriend, who may now be pregnant
* The Hulk has subdued all the heroes, gutted Manhattan, and makes them fight in Madison Square Garden
* Spiderman beat the shit out of the Kingpin and threaten to kill him if his aunt dies
* The Punisher has a daughter, apparently
* The New Warriors nuked an elementary school in Stamford, Connecticut
* There are now only about 200 mutants on earth
* Iron Man has taken over SHIELD and is a general douche
* Wolverine is on every goddamn superhero team in the Marvel Universe
* There's some shit going on in space with some dudes
* Some other wacky shit has happened

now you're all caught up

10/16/2007 1:21:42 PM

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is that the world war hulk storyline? gutting manhattan and the heroes

10/16/2007 1:24:56 PM

no u
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10/16/2007 2:32:29 PM

All American
27281 Posts
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Quote :
"haven't ever read comics, but used to be in to them"

You were into them but didn't read them? So what did you do with them? Just stare at the cover pages?

10/16/2007 2:35:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"* The Punisher has a daughter, apparently"

WTF? That's news to me. Then again, I only read the MAX books...

10/16/2007 2:37:18 PM

no u
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it is the MAX books that the daughter is in

she's a toddler and Barracuda has her

10/16/2007 3:14:16 PM

All American
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Huh. I've been picking up the collected books instead of buying them one issue at a time. Wonder how long it'll be before the next one is due out? Last one I got was Widowmaker.

MAX is right on the most depraved thing I've ever read... and I can't get enough of it. So far I thought the stuff with Barracuda was the weakest of all of them (mainly due to the art by comparison to the other issues), but it seems like he's built a small fanbase.

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 3:24 PM. Reason : etc.]

10/16/2007 3:22:59 PM

no u
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he had his own little miniseries

10/16/2007 3:28:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You were into them but didn't read them? So what did you do with them? Just stare at the cover pages?"

YEAH! so fuckin what!!!

nah, what i meant was like the cards, the toys, and cartoons...

10/16/2007 3:58:55 PM

All American
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explain this to google is fucked up

10/16/2007 3:59:58 PM

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Look up your favorite character and just keep clicking. Its like a drug, i tell ya. Probably give you the fix you need, or at least an inclination on where to start.

10/16/2007 4:00:57 PM

All American
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X-Men was always a good comic

10/16/2007 4:02:11 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Here’s a couple of trailers for recent events
The Civil War:

Quote :
""After the publication of Civil War #7, Mark Millar was interviewed by Newsarama and described the event as "a story where a guy wrapped in the American flag is in chains as the people swap freedom for security", agreeing that a "certain amount of political allegory" was present but that the real focus of the book was on superheroes fighting each other. "

World War Hulk:

Here's an older event
Onslaught Reborn:

I still follow some X-men and spiderman stuff. Thanks to M-Day, where the Scarlet Witch rewrote reality causing most mutants to lose their powers, X-men is back to its roots of a true minority struggling to survive. I think the next major storyline is going to focus on the first mutant born since then, although if Beast is right in the endangered species storyline, even if mutants start being born again there isn't enough genetic diversity left in the species for it to survive long term. Still though, there will be a race of the X-men, villains like Sinister & mystique, and others racing to the first mutant born since m-day, and they are calling the storyline Messiah Complex.

Here's a comic that came out last week, it didn't really delve much into the issue on the cover, but I think it left it so that the next issue has to which should be fun.

[Edited on October 16, 2007 at 4:12 PM. Reason : .]

10/16/2007 4:02:31 PM

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why would mutant villains be concerned with the newest mutant, just because of the potential for a new recruit?

10/16/2007 4:11:15 PM

supple anteater
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There's been alot of prophecy stuff going on in the x-men comics. Right now the bad guys know more than the good guys, and have been trying to destroy the x-men’s access to any future knowledge which has worked to some degree. This implies that there’s a lot more to this new kid than just being another mutant. But the audience hasn't been given full access to what the villains know obviously.

10/16/2007 4:15:24 PM

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wasn't xavier's son overwhelmingly the most powerful mutant on the planet until he got taken out, or am i thinking of something else?

should be interesting to see what this new kid can do that sets him apart from the rest of the universe so much, only thing i could think of right now would be he could convert humans to mutants

10/16/2007 4:18:54 PM

All American
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all you need to know is Thor...

that is all

movie is coming out in like 2 years

10/16/2007 4:23:03 PM

no u
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oh yeah, thor died a year or two ago

he recently came back though, and visited new orleans

10/16/2007 4:27:08 PM

supple anteater
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I've liked the new Thor. I'll admit the only reason I picked it up is because I saw JMS as the writer (also is doing some spiderman, has done some other comics, but most importantly did the tv series Babylon 5 which I was a fan of). In the first issue, in as nonchalant a way as one can with the return of a god, Thor comes back & recreates Asgard in Oklahoma.

Here’s the wiki summary of the first issue or two. I bolded the basic premise for the series thus far.
Quote :
" New beginning
The mysterious man seen during the events of Civil War is Donald Blake. When Blake touches the hammer Mjolnir, he is transported to the void where Thor has been in hibernation. Blake explains that when Odin originally removed the Donald Blake persona from Thor,[14] Blake was transported to the void Thor now inhabits, and was returned to New York City when Thor broke the Ragnarok cycle. Blake convinces Thor to wield Mjolnir once more and return to Earth and renew the dual identity with Blake. Blake also reveals that Thor's fellow Asgardians are not dead but hidden on Earth.[15]
Thor rebuilds Asgard in Oklahoma and after paying for the land with Asgardian treasure, seeks his fellow Asgardians. [16] Thor learns of the events of the superhero-registration "Civil War" and is angered that Tony Stark (Iron Man) and others used his DNA to create the Thor Clone without his knowledge or permission. Thor defeats Iron Man in a confrontation, and states he will respond with greater aggression unless left in peace. Seeking a compromise, Stark rationalizes that Asgard may be considered a foreign embassy, with diplomatic immunity granted to its inhabitants. Thor deems this acceptable, and soon after finds the first of the lost Asgardians, Heimdall, and restores him to his true form.

10/16/2007 4:40:32 PM

All American
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Quote :

explain this to google is fucked up"

MAX books are completely uncensored. The violence is sometimes astonishingly graphic in the Punisher books.

10/16/2007 5:05:38 PM

supple anteater
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“i wanna read em”
I think a lot more people are with all the movies coming out.

Quote :
"Wolverine Movie Gets Official Title and Release Date
X-Men Origins: Wolverine hits theaters May 1, 2009
Posted: 2007-10-19 Updated: 2007-10-19 12:24:06
By Ryan Penagos

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Movie
» Gavin Hood to Direct Wolverine Spin-Off Movie
» Wolverine Solo Movie on the Way May is officially awesome month for Marvel movies. From "X2" in '03 and "Spider-Man 3" in '07 to 2008's "Iron Man," there's no doubt that Marvel and May make a solid team. And now we can chalk another surefire success to the list when "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" slashes its way into theaters May 1, 2009!

Reprising his role as Wolverine from the "X-Men" movies, Hugh Jackman stars in the blockbuster which, according to VARIETY, could feature a young William Stryker, Sabretooth, Weapon X and a bevy of other mutants—both returning and new characters.

Additional cast members haven't been announced yet, but joining Jackman are director Gavin Hood ("Tsotsi") and writer David Benioff ("The Kite Runner"). With filming tentatively scheduled to begin by the end of 2007, look for more "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" news and announcements here on

This vid gives more recent history.

My Halloween costume for this year. In looking at trailers on the marvel website, I came across, entered, and will likely lose at this:

Quote :
"why would mutant villains be concerned with the newest mutant, just because of the potential for a new recruit?


Perhaps he can repower mutants by touch or something?

10/21/2007 1:22:21 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Thought about reading some Marvel Comics Page [1]  
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