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 Message Boards » » Can you shut off a Cingular prepaid cell phone? Page [1]  
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I had an old cell phone that I turned into a prepaid for someone a few months ago. Its under my account. Is it possible to get it shut off at this point? I don't want said person using it anymore and I don't have the option of getting the phone back from them. I am sure they can just get it reactivated, but I wan't to cause them as many problems as possible as far as having to get it set back up in order to use it again.

10/17/2007 12:11:45 AM

All American
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grow up.

10/17/2007 12:12:58 AM

83" of class
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10/17/2007 12:13:24 AM

All American
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shut up

10/17/2007 12:13:25 AM

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10/17/2007 12:38:37 AM

391 Posts
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Well I considered that, obviously. I just thought maybe since its a prepaid cell phone they might not be able to turn it off since you basically would only be losing what was loaded on the phone.

10/17/2007 2:39:38 PM

37709 Posts
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this about your boy at abercrombie again?

just go to the cell phone company's website

10/17/2007 2:45:36 PM

All American
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why cant you call the person and explain that they need to get it into their name by whatever [reasonable] date?

not saying yours is a girl problem. sounds like some kinda friend problem though ... think of all the people with like ex wives and stuff, theres gotta be a standard way to do this

10/17/2007 2:45:41 PM

41758 Posts
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A few years ago my ex kept calling me from a cell phone that was still on my account and bitching.

Me: dials 1-800-639-6111, 0 key 50 times
Nextel: blah blah thanks for calling nextel......
Me: ummm I lost my phone and need to switch the service to another handset
Nextel: read serial/sim numbers and crap off different handset
Me: so the other phone is cut off
Nextel: yes
Me: can you reset the voicemail password and change my account password
Nextel: yes
Me: Powers phone back off

Went online and blocked incoming calls to that handset, she could never call me from/on it again. I also think this got the picture across to her that we were not getting back together.

I had a spare phone for a few months until the contract was up then it was cut off.

10/17/2007 3:02:20 PM

All American
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i guess thats a little different

but assuming there werent rude incoming calls from her, wouldnt you have just told her something like "i already have the contract (etc etc), but that runs out in 2 months - so you're gonna need to have something set up for december 15, because as of that time, your phone on my line will be disconnected"

it just sounds to me like normal thinking among most people our age is to fuck the other person over as much as they can/ cause as many problems as possible.

i dunno, i guess i'd hate to have a falling out with someone and all my shit starts cutting off just cause they're "mad"

10/17/2007 3:07:43 PM

140 Posts
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your post makes you sound like a conspiring, grudge-holding ass-hole

10/17/2007 3:26:01 PM

37709 Posts
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my sister and exboyfriend a while back got into a phone contract together and had a pretty bad falling out (ridiculous shit happened, i haven't heard anything better in a long time) but i think they basically paid their half of the bill until the contract expired

10/17/2007 3:26:27 PM

45912 Posts
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Jesus Christ

please tell me there's a joke coming sometime....

10/17/2007 6:21:05 PM

391 Posts
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The person I gave it to, fucked me over. I gave them the cell phone and even set it up as a prepaid for them along with $100 in minutes to start out. I also lent them some money. They were going through a rough time, and I was trying to help them out. The person was a friend at the time. Since then, they have not paid me back a dime, and have wasted a lot of my money and time. Therefore, even if they have the money to get it turned back on etc, I want them to have to go through the hastle of getting that phone turned back on and activated, spend the money to do it, then have to spend the time updating their new # with all their contacts. Am I being childish about this? Probably, but thats not the point.

10/17/2007 7:03:45 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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Yo, that's why I don't hang out with people that don't have their own money.

10/17/2007 8:52:06 PM

All American
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^ thats the sign of a true friend

10/17/2007 9:05:35 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Can you shut off a Cingular prepaid cell phone? Page [1]  
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