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 Message Boards » » NYU poll: Majority of students said they'd give up Page [1]  
All American
8264 Posts
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their right to vote for free tuition

read that today on this link:

un-fucking-believable. what's next? give up your right to assemble for lower taxes?

[Edited on November 19, 2007 at 4:36 PM. Reason : asdf]

11/19/2007 4:35:55 PM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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last week old

11/19/2007 4:36:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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11/19/2007 4:36:59 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
" Can you imagine the now famous Obama Girls generating the same kind of media attention if the "Girls" were over 60?"


11/19/2007 4:37:12 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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welcome to the truth of the commons

throw a parade, pass out a few loaves of bread, and kill a few slaves and you'll be in power forever

or at least until the next summer

[Edited on November 19, 2007 at 4:37 PM. Reason : .]

11/19/2007 4:37:32 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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on principle, stupid

in practice, I bet a lot of them don't even vote anyway

11/19/2007 4:37:56 PM

All American
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your mom doesn't vote

11/19/2007 4:38:13 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Well they could feasibly get their free tuition, graduate, make lots of money, and then pay 5 poor people to vote how they told them to.

11/19/2007 4:39:23 PM

All American
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i'd give up the right to vote while i was in school if i got free tuition.

that's 1, maybe 2 presidential elections and a few more mid-terms. yea it'd suck but so does 20k+ in debt.

11/19/2007 4:40:16 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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^ agreed.

11/19/2007 4:42:14 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i don't vote anyway.

although i also don't bitch and moan about tuition all the time either.

11/19/2007 4:42:23 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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Quote :
"Well they could feasibly get their free tuition, graduate, make lots of money, and then pay 5 poor people to vote how they told them to"

haha, a lobbyist in the making...

11/19/2007 4:42:41 PM

All American
37009 Posts
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I would definitely give up my right to vote for free tuition

voting doesn't get my tuition paid for anyway

btw I'm assuming it's temporary, that I will get to vote again when I'm out of school

11/19/2007 4:46:01 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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more stats from that study:

Quote :
"Two-thirds say they'll do it for a year's tuition. And for a few, even an iPod touch will do.

That's what NYU students said they'd take in exchange for their right to vote in the next presidential election, a recent survey by an NYU journalism class found.

Only 20 percent said they'd exchange their vote for an iPod touch.

But 66 percent said they'd forfeit their vote for a free ride to NYU. And half said they'd give up the right to vote forever for $1 million.

But they also overwhelmingly lauded the importance of voting.

Ninety percent of the students who said they'd give up their vote for the money also said they consider voting "very important" or "somewhat important"; only 10 percent said it was "not important."

Also, 70.5 percent said they believe that one vote can make a difference — including 70 percent of the students who said they'd give up their vote for free tuition.

The class — "Foundations of Journalism," taught by journalism department chairwoman Brooke Kroeger — polled more than 3,000 undergraduates between Oct. 24 and 26 to assess student attitudes toward voting.

"The part that I find amazing is that so many folks think one vote can make a difference," Sociology Department Chairman Dalton Conley said. He added, "If we take them at their word, then perhaps they really think votes matter, and that's why someone might pay a year's tuition to buy theirs."

Sixty percent of the students who said they'd give up their vote for tuition also described their families' income as upper-middle or high.

Their reasons for giving up their votes varied.

"At the moment, no candidate who truly represents my political beliefs has a chance of winning a presidential election," one male junior studying film and television at the Tisch School of the Arts wrote on the survey.

"It is very easy to convince myself that my vote is not essential," wrote a female CAS sophomore. "After all, I'm from New York, which will always be a blue state."

Other students wrote that they were disgusted by the thought.

"I would be reversing history — a lot of people fought so that every citizen could be enfranchised," said a female in her second year at the Stern School of Business.

One CAS junior went even further, writing that "anyone who'd sell his lifelong right to vote should be deported.""

11/19/2007 4:47:36 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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well, these kids do go to NYU.

11/19/2007 4:48:02 PM

148807 Posts
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I'd gladly trade my right to vote for the right to not pay income taxes

11/19/2007 4:49:15 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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i'd renounce my citizenship if it meant i never had to pay taxes

11/19/2007 4:49:28 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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try to take away my right to vote

i'm pretty sure I have an inalienable right to shoot you in the fucking face

11/19/2007 4:52:43 PM

9388 Posts
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joy wouldnt feel as good, if it wazn't fo pain

11/19/2007 4:54:07 PM

Trauma Specialist
15492 Posts
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I wonder what percentage would trade it for dat 190% penis power?

11/19/2007 5:00:50 PM

All American
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btw... remember kids, President for Life of the United States of America is still an open position

11/19/2007 5:03:31 PM

All American
63486 Posts
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hahaha that one girl was really dumb

she said "blue state" and she wasn't making a joke

11/19/2007 5:30:04 PM

21958 Posts
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I would almost give up my right to vote for free tuition. If it weren't for $, I would still be in school working on post-grad.

But then I think about it: It's people who go to college who find free tuition that appealing -- unless they have enough money to not care. Those with no desire for an education wouldn't care about free tuition. So you would end up with essentially the uneducated and the wealthy who would retain their right to vote. . .not the educated or intellectual elite. And that is a scary proposition.

11/19/2007 5:59:49 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"not the educated or intellectual elite"


11/19/2007 6:01:26 PM

All American
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what makes voting so important if no one you could possibly vote for is going to support the issues that matter to you?

11/19/2007 6:25:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So you would end up with essentially the uneducated and the wealthy who would retain their right to vote"

that's the whole premise of the two-party system we currently have.

11/19/2007 6:27:12 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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i would give up my right to vote for free rent.

but i live in nyc and worry about paying rent way more than who I will vote for.

11/19/2007 6:49:06 PM

All American
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i would give up my right to vote to have the money i spent on tuition back. in a fraction of a second.

11/19/2007 7:05:40 PM

All American
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I think politicians need to know that most people dont give a shit and that they are all the same person in a different scary costume. The majority of us are fucked regardless and any change in taxes will affect our yearly income minimal at the most and theres very little we can do to prevent them from banning smoking in bars or (insert lame right white christian law).

so yes, pay my rent/student loans and take away my right to vote because it will save me alot more money than any change in taxes or health insurance policies.

11/20/2007 8:22:48 AM

All American
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a lot of you people disgust me

11/20/2007 11:53:42 AM

All American
2126 Posts
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Quote :
"try to take away my right to vote

i'm pretty sure I have an inalienable right to shoot you in the fucking face"

11/20/2007 12:03:48 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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give up the right to vote for $1 million. did they not even think that after they got that million, the people in charge could tax them at 90% and they couldn't vote against it....fucking RETARDS

11/21/2007 4:11:58 AM

All American
6217 Posts
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i didnt voet this last time cuz i coulndt find out if there was even anything to walk to pullen fore. i felt bad so i asked my eng prof an dhe didnt vote so i didnt.

11/21/2007 4:13:07 AM

All American
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^??? G I joooooooeee

11/21/2007 4:16:51 AM

All American
6217 Posts
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USA #1

11/21/2007 4:17:32 AM

All American
968 Posts
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Quote :
"give up the right to vote for $1 million. did they not even think that after they got that million, the people in charge could tax them at 90% and they couldn't vote against it....fucking RETARDS"

I'm pretty sure that the loss of one vote won't lead to 90% taxes.

11/21/2007 10:16:59 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » NYU poll: Majority of students said they'd give up Page [1]  
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