zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
that I dearly love, courtesy of my stupid twat of an ex-wife (something positive that came out of the whole ordeal)...and hopefully, I'll be getting ready to move back to Raleigh in the next 6 months (maybe sooner). But, as it turns out, my Raleigh roommate is very allergic to cats. What to do, what to do...
I don't wanna get rid of these cats because they ROCK, and we have a long history...they're like my chillens. Mayhap I get a place of my own... 11/21/2007 1:00:52 AM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
first 11/21/2007 1:01:03 AM
simonn best gottfriend 28968 Posts user info edit post |
replace them w/ dogs, you won't regret it. 11/21/2007 1:02:10 AM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Shave those pussies. 11/21/2007 1:02:23 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
find another roommate. 11/21/2007 1:03:36 AM
tsavla All American 6787 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Mayhap I get a place of my own..." |
gud idea 11/21/2007 1:04:35 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "replace them w/ dogs, you won't regret it." |
There are obviously people in this world (a LOT of people) that just don't get cats. You are obviously one of them.
A cat ain't a dog, and a dog ain't a cat. I've been around both PLENTY, and I just happen to prefer cats. Not that I don't like dogs, because I do. But owning a dog is inarguably quite like having a child; they just require a lot more attention. After being a stepdad for three years (more like 4), I think I like the arrangement I have right now. 11/21/2007 1:04:58 AM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Cat's are cute little pieces of furniture you barely have to feed and clean up after. Dogs are like kids you don't have to worry about fucking up in the head nearly as much. Both good things to own. 11/21/2007 1:06:01 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Evidently I got a 20 lb orange piece of furniture that walks all over me in the morning, drools in my face, and tries to paw the covers off of my face so he can get me to feed him or scratch his head. Interestingly enough, said piece of furniture knows exactly when I have to get something important done on the computer because it's at that particular moment that he decides to sit down right in front of the keyboard. 11/21/2007 1:08:39 AM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Ahaha, I guess most of the ones I've had have been a little lighter than that. 11/21/2007 1:09:31 AM
ctnz71 All American 7207 Posts user info edit post |
11/21/2007 1:10:17 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Oh, he's a hoss. And he's right smart too. Both of my cats curl up with me every night too... 11/21/2007 1:11:35 AM
Charybdisjim All American 5486 Posts user info edit post |
Ah yeah I forgot to say "heat stealing selfish furniture." 11/21/2007 1:12:24 AM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Mayhap I get a place of my own... " |
only way to fly big man 11/21/2007 1:14:25 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Evidently I got a 20 lb orange piece of furniture that walks all over me in the morning, drools in my face, and tries to paw the covers off of my face so he can get me to feed him or scratch his head. Interestingly enough, said piece of furniture knows exactly when I have to get something important done on the computer because it's at that particular moment that he decides to sit down right in front of the keyboard." |
YES. Today, i'm working on a project I've been putting off. She hasn't been on my desk all week. TODAY she decides she wants attention.
She makes a good alarm clock: bf, to me, ~840am "I'm not gonna feed your cat, so you have to get up" ...I was up AT LEAST an hour earlier than I'd have been if he'd fed her
She also crawls under the covers and lies in a ball RIGHT NEXT to me <3
![](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2257/2027822361_18303ceb8d.jpg?v=0) 11/21/2007 1:18:13 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
She's purty. I love tabbies. Daytona is an orange tabby. Roo is a tortoiseshell cat and one of the prettiest I've seen...and one of the LOVIEST. 11/21/2007 1:19:35 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
I guess she is one, isn't she?
to me, she's "my cat with the freakishly alien-sized eyes" ![](images/beatup.gif)
This is her mom, who belongs to elise:
[Edited on November 21, 2007 at 1:21 AM. Reason : ljgf] 11/21/2007 1:20:30 AM
wolfpackgrrr All American 39759 Posts user info edit post |
find another roommate. 11/21/2007 1:25:27 AM
Walls1441 All American 10000 Posts user info edit post |
ended this thread so long ago. 11/21/2007 1:30:30 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "ctnz71
ended this thread so long ago." |
Proof positive that both of you are shitbags. 11/21/2007 9:41:33 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Dogs are like kids you don't have to worry about fucking up in the head nearly as much" |
but true 11/21/2007 9:48:17 AM
hollister All American 1498 Posts user info edit post |
^ditch the roommate
has said roommate been around your particular cats for any substantial period of time? some cats produce more allergens than others and your roomie may be okay with yours. just a thought. 11/21/2007 9:51:18 AM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Roommate owns the house in Raleigh.
And Daytona is a dander factory. Fucker is a shorthair domestic, but his fur is thick like carpet. Roo? Not so much. 11/21/2007 9:53:37 AM
ncsukat All American 1896 Posts user info edit post |
You all just have to talk about cats, don't you? I just got over the want to get one again.... ambrosia- your kitty is absolutely adorable. I'll have a cat again someday... it's inevitable. 11/21/2007 12:11:08 PM
TroopofEchos All American 12212 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "find another roommate" |
seriously, don't dump the cats. 11/21/2007 12:23:47 PM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
if my roommate were to disappear w/o a trace, you could move in here--i'd be okay with the cats 11/21/2007 12:26:43 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
i really despise cats 11/21/2007 12:29:34 PM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
i really despise my roommate
[Edited on November 21, 2007 at 12:30 PM. Reason : sp] 11/21/2007 12:30:15 PM
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I just got over the want to get one again..." |
Jamie, I've got the cure-all for that want. It's called DAYTONA'S LITTERBOX. Jesus, have mercy...
Quote : | "if my roommate were to disappear w/o a trace, you could move in here--i'd be okay with the cats" |
Interestingly enough, I've met many more people than cats (like eleventy bajillion versus zilch) who I think deserve the burlap sack+rocks+lake treatment. 11/21/2007 12:44:27 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "And he's right smart too" |
alright bonanza 11/21/2007 12:46:24 PM