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All American
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is the Trash Can Lady still up on Hillsborough St?

what about the Angry At the World Bum on Western Blvd (the dude who always had his shirt off doing push-ups and karate and stuff)?

11/26/2007 1:46:08 AM

Trauma Specialist
15492 Posts
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^His name is Joseph

What about the fiddle player from H-boro?

11/26/2007 1:48:56 AM

147487 Posts
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western bum is still there...if the trash can lady is the white broad with no teeth she is there least she looks like she has no(or few) teeth

interesting side note...was parked in my car waiting for someone to come back from picking up some tape at foodlion like 10 days ago...had doors unlocked, rap playing, and windows down, and western bum comes within like 3 feet of my passenger side window...i promptly locked the doors and put up my windows

11/26/2007 1:49:29 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"is the Trash Can Lady still up on Hillsborough St?"

Of the two bums still around, there's camo girl, and another I dunno what to call. I really do think she was overdosed on thorazine, and has tardive dyskensia in addition to the swollen tongue. ~5'6, baseball cap, sneakers, reddish hair, slurs her words constantly?

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"What about the fiddle player from H-boro?"

Yes. He still plays weekly at Global Village. Seems to be getting more odd as time passes.

11/26/2007 1:50:21 AM

Mr. Joshua
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I remember Albert from Hillsborough.

I rolled with Raleigh EMS for a while and heard stories about the guy. Apparently he called in and was picked up by ambulances 16 times on his birthday. When I finally picked him up he reeked of piss and introduced himself as "Albert the Balbert, protector of Hillsborough Street".

11/26/2007 1:52:12 AM

147487 Posts
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i use to see the fiddler in dh hill like everytime i went in

11/26/2007 1:53:21 AM

All American
7033 Posts
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the fiddler guy isnt a bum

he plays less on hillsborough street because he has gigs

I think I heard that he had a degree from Duke

11/26/2007 1:55:45 AM

Trauma Specialist
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I heard that too.

11/26/2007 1:56:55 AM

All American
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^^i've seen him in durham numerous times and friend of mine talked to him before and apparently he has a job and whatnot, just does the violin stuff for himself.

[Edited on November 26, 2007 at 1:59 AM. Reason : .]

11/26/2007 1:58:49 AM

All American
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yeah, i thought it was common knowledge by now that the Fiddler isn't a bum

Quote :
" I really do think she was overdosed on thorazine, and has tardive dyskensia in addition to the swollen tongue. ~5'6, baseball cap, sneakers, reddish hair, slurs her words constantly?"

yeah, the big fat one who sits on top of the trash cans? she does slur her words even more than your run of the mill drunken bum.

i have a couple of funny stories about her, actually.

so who's this Albert dude? Would I remember him, or is he a new addition?

11/26/2007 2:12:54 AM

Mr. Joshua
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PM me if you want to know about Albert. I don't like posting about government employee shit here.

[Edited on November 26, 2007 at 2:29 AM. Reason : .]

11/26/2007 2:19:25 AM

All American
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Hahaha. I read this thread title and thought "who around here is known for their butts?"

11/26/2007 2:29:18 AM

All American
52895 Posts
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so about the Trash Can Lady...

I lived on Vanderbilt Ave for a couple of years in college...I was driving in my Jeep one day and pulled up to the stoplight where Starbucks used to be (I think it turned into a hookah bar, and I don't know what it is nowadays). As usual, I had the doors removed (and probably the top down). The Trash Can Lady waddled her fat ass over to my Jeep and simply said:

"Gimme some money!"

My blood boiled for about 5 seconds, then I just started laughing.

11/26/2007 2:47:01 AM

All American
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another time, I was leading a group of Marines on a run down to the Capitol and back. It was hotter than balls outside, so we were all running in the little green PT shorts (like something between boxers and track shorts).

As we're hauling ass by her, she tries to stop us and ask for money...haha

i'm thinking:

1. Do we look like we're about to stop for you?
2. Do we look like we'd be carrying any money whatsoever?
3. If we were, you'd be able to see it.

11/26/2007 2:51:28 AM

Mr. Joshua
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About two years ago I was going to meet some friends in Chapel Hill for drinks. I got there but couldn't get a hold of anyone so I ended up just driving through Carrboro for a while. While sitting at a stop light with my window down an old black lady (I'd guess 65) smiled at me, so I smiled back. She asked if she could get a ride. Seeing as she was the most unthreatening old black lady that I've ever seen seen I said sure. She gave me directions to her house, but asked me to stop at the BP on the way there. I did and she ran inside and came back with two bags full of 40s. When I dropped her off she offered me one but I declined.

11/26/2007 2:52:19 AM

All American
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^^she complimented a tshirt i was wearing one time.

[Edited on November 26, 2007 at 2:52 AM. Reason : .]

11/26/2007 2:52:34 AM

All American
52895 Posts
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^^ haha

i would rate that "strong" to "quite strong".

11/26/2007 2:53:26 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"The Trash Can Lady waddled her fat ass over to my Jeep and simply said:

"Gimme some money!""

She's gotten a little more polite: "Got any money?" (replete with ill-placed grunts)

I just don't acknowledge her. I'd say ~3/4 of the time that I go to Global Village, I encounter her. She seems to hang out by the post office a fair bit. I'd attribute it to her route coinciding with my schedule, but GV is not a recurring item in my schedule

This is hazy, and since it's related to Mitch's, I'm going to assume it's on one of my birthdays. Two bums, one right there at GV/Mitch's, and the other by the post for the crossing signal. First bum got told no, and let it go. Second bum got told no, and bellowed a hearty "FUCK YOU MAHN"

Those would be my bum stories

11/26/2007 3:12:24 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"I think I heard that he had a degree from Duke"


The fiddler aside, just because one holds a degree from Duke--or anywhere else, for that matter--does not mean that it is impossible for one to be a "bum." FYI.

11/26/2007 4:13:29 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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A friend of mine who works at a bank in Chapel Hill disclosed to me that at least one of the panhandlers on 501 had enough money to buy a house in his account.

She didn't say which, or exactly how much, just that he had enough for a house.


11/26/2007 7:59:34 AM

All American
5766 Posts
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Quote :
""What about the fiddle player from H-boro?""

He is actually pretty well-off from what I've heard... and he writes essays all the time and sends them to local newspapers...

He was always sending stuff to the Technician...

11/26/2007 8:03:18 AM

35780 Posts
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he won the pigskin pickem in the technician back in 05 i think it was, maybe 06

11/26/2007 8:19:41 AM

All American
4329 Posts
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well how come the fiddler usually looks unkempt and often literally has dirt smudged on his face?

just a hippie thing?

11/26/2007 8:41:58 AM

All American
13047 Posts
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We had a rather aggressive panhandler working Capital Blvd once near Brentwood Rd. He evidentially knew exactly how close he could get to a vehicle without being able to be charged with something. He'd stand real close to a car while it was in the turning lane. He would hold his cardboard sign right at the window of a car and then just stare at the driver, as if he were angry to not be getting anything. Fortunately he wasn't there for long.

11/26/2007 8:44:09 AM

37776 Posts
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Quote :
"I remember Albert from Hillsborough."

HA yea... We picked him up a few times when I was doing my EMT-P clinicals with Wake county EMS. Hell one night when I was riding with Apex EMS we picked him up at a store on 55 in Apex!

Dude loved to sing old country songs and tell stories about how he flew medivac in nam.

11/26/2007 8:51:36 AM

All American
5093 Posts
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I always heard that Albert was a former Duke Sociology professor from like the 60's and chose to be a bum. It started as a sociology experiment or something and he liked the lifestyle enough to continue living the musician/bum life.

11/26/2007 8:59:29 AM

37776 Posts
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^ Dont know about that. But it was pretty well known that he was just making shit up about being a medic in nam. I always figured he had been in the back of the ambulance so many times he had picked up some medical words and was just making shit up lol

11/26/2007 9:08:54 AM

32613 Posts
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I think that's some kind of common story either bums use or people like to tell about bums.. because there's the same story about a bum in Asheboro, blah blah blah he was top of his high school class, had a full ride to duke, then chose to be a bum to piss his parents off

11/26/2007 9:10:19 AM

All American
11299 Posts
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Quote :
"what about the Angry At the World Bum on Western Blvd (the dude who always had his shirt off doing push-ups and karate and stuff)?"

You mean the Western Blvd Street Fighter? Yea, I see him everyone now and then. I heard he's banned from the 76 gas station.

11/26/2007 9:14:55 AM

All American
2425 Posts
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there's an enormous black guy who patrols Maiden Lane and the BT Mart.

He calls himself Roadblock. When you try to walk by him he says, " Roadblock Roadblock, gotta pay duh toll!" Then you have to give him money to pass

11/26/2007 9:15:01 AM

All American
28213 Posts
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Quote :
"He is actually pretty well-off from what I've heard... and he writes essays all the time and sends them to local newspapers...

He was always sending stuff to the Technician..."

Actually this is not true. He is borderline insane and believes that the Government pays people to take his bus pass off of him while he rides the tta bus. He put out an album a few years ago, he coulda been something but took a few wrong turns and now just floats along.

11/26/2007 9:53:09 AM

63151 Posts
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it was a common question when i used to live around there and was partying hard

what would it be like if you paid off thick turned upside down tongue trash can lady to give you brains.

always lead to a laff

11/26/2007 10:01:16 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"I remember Albert from Hillsborough."

HA yea... We picked him up a few times when I was doing my EMT-P clinicals with Wake county EMS. Hell one night when I was riding with Apex EMS we picked him up at a store on 55 in Apex!

Dude loved to sing old country songs and tell stories about how he flew medivac in nam."

hahahaha yeah i've picked him up a couple of times

11/26/2007 10:09:50 AM

Double Entendre
22300 Posts
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Isn't Albert a shorter dude with a pornstache? He is kind of angry at the world if he is the one that I remember.

There was one guy, I can't remember his name, but he was always wasted passed out on the street. He would get put in jail and then get out, get wasted, fall asleep on the road by the dumpster and go then go back to jail. He had a vicious insane cycle.

11/26/2007 10:16:05 AM

Neil Street
All American
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There was a guy just known as "John the Bum" when I was in school. He practically had Hillsborough St from Brueggers to Gumby's all to himself. Technician did a few articles on him.

11/26/2007 11:02:28 AM

All American
22242 Posts
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Quote :
"This is hazy, and since it's related to Mitch's, I'm going to assume it's on one of my birthdays. Two bums, one right there at GV/Mitch's, and the other by the post for the crossing signal. First bum got told no, and let it go. Second bum got told no, and bellowed a hearty "FUCK YOU MAHN""

That was your birthday last year We snuck out to your car to get my birthday/christmas present.

and I frequently have bums tell me that they like my ass/glasses/shoes and then ask for money.
It's like they know what women want to hear

11/26/2007 11:09:31 AM

All American
7117 Posts
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Quote :
""The Trash Can Lady waddled her fat ass over to my Jeep and simply said:

"Gimme some money!"""


looks like someone put rocks in her corn flakes

11/26/2007 11:16:12 AM

9388 Posts
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11/26/2007 11:17:51 AM

All American
5093 Posts
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Ok, found some evidence on the Hillsborough St. fiddler that proves his connection to Duke. Apparently he is a Duke alumni, and also was involved in politics.

Quote :
"You may know McKnight as a one-time Duke Blue Devil mascot, U.S. Senate candidate — Democrat, 1978, finished fifth out of eight — and newspaper editorial writer."" target="_blank">http://media.

11/26/2007 11:20:58 AM

9388 Posts
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11/26/2007 11:22:04 AM

All American
37009 Posts
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the other night I was downtown and this old black guy came up to me and said it was his birthday, he was turning 63. Then he gave me the usual spiel about how he's stranded and needs eight dollars and thirty cents to get home. He was pretty nice so I gave him a dollar.

11/26/2007 11:26:08 AM

All American
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Cool and unique story. Also mad props for giving him one dollar. I bet you get into heaven now.

11/26/2007 11:30:00 AM

All American
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I better

11/26/2007 11:32:17 AM

21958 Posts
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There was a bum in Jax the other night who was bothering every body. He kept trying to strike up weird conversations and act like he was a part of the table in order to get free beer. He'd go from one table to another table doing just that (unfortunately, it was a slow night so he kept hitting everyone up more than once). When a group would leave, he'd take what was left in their pitcher and drink what was left. He drove us crazy.

11/26/2007 11:34:07 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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I'm definitly going to be buying the fiddler's christmas cd.

11/26/2007 11:37:14 AM

All American
10165 Posts
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Quote :
"I bet you get into heaven now."

I always give money to bums to counteract all the horrible shit I do in regular life

11/26/2007 11:37:52 AM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
"regular life"

[Edited on November 26, 2007 at 11:38 AM. Reason : ]

11/26/2007 11:38:22 AM

All American
37009 Posts
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once I was at the Flying Saucer and these two bums hopped the fence to the outdoor seating area. they started drinking all the half-beers at tables where people had left. the bouncers caught them and kicked them out pretty soon though

11/26/2007 11:39:37 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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Quote :
"introduced himself as "Albert the Balbert, protector of Hillsborough Street"."

This wasn't an older, bald white dude, was it? There was a bum by that description a few years back who came in to Golden Dragon while I was eating lunch there and proceeded to tell each table that he was "going to take care of us" and "make sure nothing bad happened to us".

I saw dreadlock guy, AKA Angry At the World Bum AKA Western Bum just this morning. He was standing in front of what used to be that christian cafe place glaring at passing cars.

11/26/2007 11:40:36 AM

22518 Posts
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11/26/2007 11:41:08 AM

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