Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.
 12/13/2007 8:34:55 AM
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
i dont think ive ever tried it
but as soon as i read "bud dry" i said out loud "why ask why" 12/13/2007 8:42:29 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
was that supposed to be a "hoppy" budweiser?
what was it's gimmick? 12/13/2007 8:43:07 AM
spro All American 4329 Posts user info edit post |
pass 12/13/2007 8:53:00 AM
DPK All American 2390 Posts user info edit post |
pass 12/13/2007 9:18:31 AM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
bud dry is the shit.
i'd pay $200 for a keg of it if someone found it.
same calories as bud light, same alcohol content as budweiser. win-win
[Edited on December 13, 2007 at 9:21 AM. Reason : d] 12/13/2007 9:20:25 AM
Slave Famous Become Wrath 34079 Posts user info edit post |
I've had it...tastes like piss
Its the Diet Doctor Pepper of beers 12/13/2007 9:37:46 AM
sawahash All American 35321 Posts user info edit post |
^so you're saying it's not as bad for you health wise but still tastes the same as the original? 12/13/2007 9:39:12 AM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ a BD run is due during the holiday season 12/13/2007 9:59:34 AM
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
it was gross 15 years ago and its still gross 12/13/2007 10:34:30 AM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
If by gross you mean tastes so good when it hits your lips, then yes, you are right sir. 12/13/2007 10:36:02 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
is it even around these days? 12/13/2007 10:38:30 AM
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^so you're saying it's not as bad for you health wise but still tastes the same as the original?
" |
i think its funny when someone mentions the word health with beer/liquor.
yes yes i know i know.
but still. 12/13/2007 10:40:40 AM
Snewf All American 63558 Posts user info edit post |
I'm going to get some real Budweiser over spring break 12/13/2007 10:56:28 AM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
You can pick it up in select locations. We happen to know of a small convenience store near Richmond, VA that stocks it on the regular. 12/13/2007 10:57:46 AM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
sweet 12/13/2007 11:04:01 AM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
dude, i'm down. i want to do like a 4 hour tailgate to a canes game in which i consume 12-14 bud drys and a labatt for good luck 12/13/2007 12:50:11 PM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ don't be giving out trade secrets, sir
^ i'm in, kinda pissed i can't make the calgary game 12/13/2007 12:52:26 PM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Bud Dry is an acceptable cheap, shitty beer. I'd prefer Bud Ice though given the choice between the two. 12/13/2007 12:53:43 PM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
if bud dry is the diet dr. pepper of beers(which it isnt, it is the cristal of beers) then this:

is the cherry vanilla diet dr. pepper of beers. 12/13/2007 1:08:27 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |

6/3/2008 1:52:27 PM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
I wish this product was more readily available in the Raleigh area so that everyone here could enjoy this sweet nectar of life. 6/3/2008 2:03:27 PM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
I will offer some sort of reward to anyone who can find this in something other than a can around the NC Raleigh area 6/3/2008 2:05:09 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
Never tried it. What was suppose to be the difference between Bud Dry and the rest of the Bud products??
Nevermind...kind of found something on it:
Quote : | "Bud Dry was introduced nationally in the U.S. in April of 1990[12] with the slogan of "Why ask why? Try Bud Dry." It was originally successful in test markets and was expected to be a popular beer with the rise in light lager popularity. However, with the introduction of Bud Ice in 1994, Bud Dry was bumped from the top three beers in terms of marketing. It has declined in mainstream popularity and no longer receives commercial attention. Bud Dry is now rarely seen in stores and bars where it was once well-known." |
[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 2:07 PM. Reason : .] 6/3/2008 2:06:04 PM
jbrick83 All American 23447 Posts user info edit post |
This has to be from someone in this thread:
Quote : | "I drink this beer whenever I can. We know of only one magic location that has this within 200 miles of Raleigh, where I live. It is definitely worth the drive to obtain this refreshing beverage. We usually buy the store out whenever we visit it. This beer is excellent for tailgating, and has mojo'd the Carolina Hurricanes to several wins this year. This beer pours wonderfully(straight down your throat), and has a nice aroma, not unlike the most awesome thing you have ever smelled(whatever that may be, it varies from person to person). Mouthfeel got a 4 because it tastes so great that I can't help but swallow it down, much like when you are eating lobster or filet mignon. I have never seen the color of Bud Dry as I am compelled to transfer it straight from the container to my mouth, but I imagine the color to be much like a rainbow, encompassing the best of each part of the spectrum. If you are looking for a good time, add Bud Dry to your party. Also, if you see it anywhere in the state of NC, please send me a note. Thanks! " |
http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/29/2825 6/3/2008 2:08:59 PM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
no comment...
However, it has less calories than Bud, all the taste, and the same ABV%. Win win win, and it tastes miles better than Bud Light 6/3/2008 2:11:10 PM
bmdurham All American 2668 Posts user info edit post |
my head hurts when i think about bud ice... 6/3/2008 2:11:57 PM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
Shit is getting real, we are up to 15 locations having Bud Dry, 4 of which have been confirmed so far. 6/3/2008 2:56:41 PM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
We started this week off 1 store in Richmond, VA. This has been an epic Bud Dry week. 6/3/2008 2:58:40 PM
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
So wait, it tastes like Budweiser?
And that's supposed to be a good thing?
I think I'll stick with High Life and Steel Reserve. 6/3/2008 3:11:07 PM
poopface All American 29367 Posts user info edit post |
it always makes me piss out of my asshole the next day
-the penguin-ass
[Edited on June 3, 2008 at 3:19 PM. Reason : dfgdfg] 6/3/2008 3:18:50 PM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
just picked up 2 6 pack bottles of the dry in norfolk today, first time i've seen bottles of dry in at least 5 years. also managed to pick up a 12 pack of bud ice light bottles, probably been longer since i saw those.

] 6/3/2008 7:44:37 PM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
This sweet nectar of life has a good chance of following me to Raleigh this weekend. 8/6/2008 10:03:54 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
i remember trying it when i was in middle school
i haven't seen it in years though 8/6/2008 10:05:01 AM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
Only those who are valiant enough to seek it may drink it. And the reward for the quest is grand. 8/6/2008 10:24:16 AM
Biofreak70 All American 33197 Posts user info edit post |
where might one find this beer 8/6/2008 10:37:25 AM
aea All Amurican 5269 Posts user info edit post |
this thread reminds me that I haven't had bud ice in a long time. I need to be less picky about my beer, and save some damn money. 8/6/2008 10:41:09 AM
steviewonder All American 6194 Posts user info edit post |
Bud Dry + Panthers tonight. I feel a strong performance by me on the la-z-boy 8/14/2008 1:30:32 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
so where can i get some?
i feel i am worthy 8/14/2008 1:31:03 PM
NyM410 J-E-T-S 50085 Posts user info edit post |
Oh, snap...
The summer between my sophomore and junior years was the "Summer of Bud Dry." It was always $4.99 or $5.99 for a 12 pack of bottles at Food Lion on Western.. we went through like 10 - 12 packs a week the entire summer each...
Fun times...
[Edited on August 14, 2008 at 1:34 PM. Reason : i thought they discontinued it that summer which is why it was cheap as shit] 8/14/2008 1:34:15 PM
hkrock All American 1014 Posts user info edit post |
They still sell them as a dollar beer at a bar on the outskirts of Fayettenam. 8/14/2008 1:57:11 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
^in cans? 8/14/2008 1:58:10 PM
Sweden All American 12297 Posts user info edit post |
Cans and bottles are available in the Hampton Roads, VA area. It pleases me greatly. 8/14/2008 1:59:11 PM
aaronian All American 3299 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I have never seen the color of Bud Dry as I am compelled to transfer it straight from the container to my mouth, but I imagine the color to be much like a rainbow, encompassing the best of each part of the spectrum." |
ahahah 8/14/2008 2:03:29 PM