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Quote :
"As part of its evolving emergency communications and notification efforts, NC State will install and test an audible warning system in late December and early January.

The audible warning system consists of 11 towers positioned throughout campus. Speakers on these towers have the capability of providing siren and voice alerts within a half-mile of each tower.

Anyone on campus or in nearby neighborhoods during the testing period will hear several pulsed tones as well as "all clear" alerts and testing of the voice capability. These will not be indicators of a real emergency.

Once installed, if the audible warning system is activated for an emergency situation you will hear a pulsed tone lasting for 30 seconds followed by a short message. The sequence will be repeated three times.
When the audible alert tone sounds in a real emergency, NC State students and employees are advised to do the following:

* Seek shelter immediately
* Obtain information from the university home page on any additional
action to be taken
* Stay tuned for further information until an "all clear" signal is
obtained from campus officials. (Any campus emergency initiated by
the alert system will be closed with an "all clear" signal from
the system. This signal will be a "Westminster Chimes" tone
followed by a short "all clear" message, with this sequence
repeated three times.)

Additional guidance on emergency communication and recommended actions such as sheltering in place are available at the NC State Emergency Web site Students and employees are encouraged to visit the site and read the emergency orientation” information.

In addition to the installation tests, a monthly test will be performed at noon on the first Monday of each month. This will be a short functional test using the "all clear" chime. Also, a full-volume test of the entire system will be conducted quarterly, utilizing the emergency pulsed tone.

The addition of the audible alert system is part of NC State's commitment to regular review of its emergency communications and notifications procedures.

The university has recently begun to implement the option of text messaging for campus populations to receive alerts to adverse weather announcements and emergency information. Students, faculty and staff can sign up for text messaging by logging in to MyPack Portal and following the links.

In addition to text messaging and the alert system, NC State advises the campus community of emergency operating conditions through home page messages, e-mail blasts, a campus hotline and a network of building liaisons located in all campus buildings.

Additional questions can be addressed to Ken Kretchman at

* This message was approved in accordance with the NC State *
* University Computer Use Policy Administrative Regulations *
* Section IV D on broadcast e-mail. See URL *
* *

12/18/2007 9:31:37 AM

35217 Posts
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They're going to need an alert if they don't get this MyPack shit fixed shortly.

12/18/2007 9:33:32 AM

All American
7901 Posts
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that sounds pretty gay

12/18/2007 9:33:39 AM

32613 Posts
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that sounds pretty fucking annoying for anybody within about 10ft of the towers

12/18/2007 9:34:56 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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What I want to know, is what exactly a "Westminster Chimes" tone is.

12/18/2007 9:51:00 AM

All American
27142 Posts
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no more vt shootings, at least in theory

12/18/2007 9:52:45 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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think doorbell

12/18/2007 9:52:48 AM

All American
7051 Posts
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that looks very familiar....

Quote :
"Dear Faculty, Staff and Students:

The Universitys Department of Public Safety will test a newly installed
UNC Emergency Alert System Siren on Wednesday (Dec. 19) between noon and
1 p.m.

The Universitys siren system will sound during an immediate
life-threatening situation such as an armed and dangerous person in the
area, a major chemical spill or hazard, or a tornado.

During the test, people on or near campus will briefly hear the siren
sound during full-volume testing. Siren locations are at the Hinton
James Residence Hall off Manning Drive; the Gary R. Tomkins Chilled
Water Operations Center behind the Dogwood Parking Deck; Winston
Residence Hall at the corner of Raleigh Street and South Road; and at
Airport Drive near UNC buildings and support facilities north of main
campus off Martin Luther King Boulevard.

After the siren sounds, a recorded public address announcement will say,
This is a test of the UNC Emergency Alert System. This is only a test.
When the test is over, the siren will sound again along with a public
address announcement saying, All clear. UNC police have issued an all
clear. Resume regular activities.

No action is required for this test, part of a training exercise to
ensure the siren system works properly. The University will also notify
campus neighbors about the test in advance.

Activation of the siren system coincides with the spring 2008 launch of
Alert Carolina, an educational campaign for the University community
covering campus safety issues and what you should do in an emergency.
Details about the campaign launch, including another full-volume siren
test, will be announced later.

In an emergency, the public address announcements made in conjunction
with the siren sounding would provide instructions including:

* Seek shelter inside now.

* Close windows and doors.

* Stay until further notice.

When the danger is over, the siren system and public address
announcement will signal all clear.

To learn more about the UNC Emergency Alert System Siren and see photos,
go to


12/18/2007 10:28:51 AM

All American
18902 Posts
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Is the fucking portal still not working?!

I need to see this shit!

[Edited on December 18, 2007 at 10:32 AM. Reason : ]

12/18/2007 10:30:19 AM

45912 Posts
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^ got it in an email

12/18/2007 10:43:48 AM

3 of 11
All American
6276 Posts
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Theyve been testing them all day...

You can almost hear it from Cameron Village!

3/7/2008 3:18:15 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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3/7/2008 3:19:12 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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I'm a couple hundred yards down avent ferry rd past varsity and can hear the echoes of that system down here.

I'd say it'll work pretty well as an alert system.

Hopefully they'll never need to use it.

3/7/2008 3:20:24 PM

Tom Joad
72861 Posts
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Quote :
"that looks very familiar...."

the emergency alert system is a UNC system-wide program

[Edited on March 7, 2008 at 3:26 PM. Reason : +]

3/7/2008 3:21:51 PM

5724 Posts
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[Edited on March 7, 2008 at 3:23 PM. Reason : ]

3/7/2008 3:23:09 PM

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