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All American
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Is it ok if I were to take on a second apprenticeship if my first one isn't providing me with enough work? She's just not doing weddings because she's out of season during the winter months, while another one has got some bookings that she'll need me for.

Downside - the one I can get more work with at the moment is a great boss who has taken on some asshole hires and needs me to bring in the artistic touches they miss. So it's hard to work with her employees but the pay is twice as much as the first apprenticeship. I just don't feel like putting up with their snide comments when I'm trying to focus. She took me on for a reason, and I don't particularly care if they're better than I am - I'm there to serve her even though she's not in the field. They're just getting territorial on my ass every now and then, which I can stomach.

Upside - she's got a shop that's making a lot of money and booming, but she wants to keep the photography half of the business alive, she just doesn't have enough time to manage it. If I were to keep working for her there's a small chance I might help manage/take over that side of things.

Just plain ole awkward - my first apprenticeship boss has communicated to me (last time she emailed/called was several months ago, she's pretty much dropped off the map) that she did intend to use me this upcoming spring because she's booked a lot and she'll be pregnant. So I want to keep that one alive, I just need to be doing weddings wherever I can, which she would understand I think. She's also ten times more informative than the coworker at the other job, and willing to cooperate in the field.
Main issue in point is that I want to showcase some recent photos from apprenticeship possibility #2 on my website, and I know my first boss visits because she's taken ideas from me before only a few days after I had them up on the site.

I can give examples of being cooperative and territorial, but I don't think it would be as important to answering my question (but I can defend myself if you guys feel like challenging my judgement/talent, of course).

1/12/2008 10:11:12 AM

All American
11299 Posts
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Is your sister still pissed at you?

1/12/2008 10:21:05 AM

All American
22242 Posts
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I'd let the first lady know that you're doing an apprenticeship during her off season, but I don't see any problem with taking on another one if the first isn't providing enough.

1/12/2008 10:29:44 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » multiple apprenticeships Page [1]  
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