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All American
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i really dont want to sit in a class and study health, even if it is easy and could use the instruction. They ever get out and do anything anyway?


get in the pool and get wet in the morning. Not appealing, however, if i got to go to class i may aswell do something that makes my ass smaller while waking me up. I bet they keep that pool freezing


1/15/2008 1:57:03 PM

All American
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i heard you were easy.

1/15/2008 1:58:11 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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FUCK getting in that school pool

I was in there once and it was fucking cesspool of urine, boogers, toenails, alleles, and all sorts of other disgusting AIDs sauces.

1/15/2008 1:59:01 PM

All American
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1/15/2008 1:59:33 PM

All American
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meh, i took swim conditioning and scuba in the school pool and it was fine...and honestly? i never felt better than those days i got up early for swimming classes...the rest of the day was awesome

1/15/2008 2:00:12 PM

warning: not serious
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I'd pick fitness/wellness only because pools freak me out. It's like bathing with a bunch of strangers.

but it's not just sitting in a class and listening to a lecture - you do running and strength training as well. it's a good all-around-general pe. I took it with Cheek and it was great.

1/15/2008 2:01:44 PM

All American
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for most fitness & wellness classes, you still have to dress out even though you just sit in a goddamned classroom

1/15/2008 2:02:15 PM

All American
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Fitness and wellnes was fun. Only 2 or 3 class days, the rest are on a track or in the weight room. The requirements are easy if you are in any decent shape.

[Edited on January 15, 2008 at 2:59 PM. Reason : we didn't have to dress out those 2 or 3 days]

1/15/2008 2:58:36 PM

New Recruit
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DO NOT take swim conditioning unless you are really into swimming. It is not for the faint of heart. I was a life guard for two years swimming everyday before taking SC and even I thought the requirements for swim conditioning were nuts.

1/15/2008 3:41:01 PM

All American
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Fitness and wellnes was fun. Only 2 or 3 class days, the rest are on a track or in the weight room. The requirements are easy if you are in any decent shape.

1/15/2008 3:42:17 PM

All American
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^^ it wasn't THAT's a workout, without a doubt, but i'm not exactly in spectacular shape and i got an A- just working prof was tom something...dude who runs marathons

[Edited on January 15, 2008 at 3:43 PM. Reason : arrows]

1/15/2008 3:43:02 PM

37709 Posts
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everyone takes PE 101

take something different


for some reason i thought you said water aerobics. yeah, i wouldn't really want to take swim conditioning

1/15/2008 3:44:05 PM

All American
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the pool is actually probably one of the cleanest ones in the state considering how strict wake county is about swimming pools
swim conditioning is a fun class! i suggest that

1/15/2008 3:44:50 PM

All American
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if you want a real workout, take scuba...tons of fun, lots of work

1/15/2008 3:46:50 PM

All American
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scuba is in a seperate set of requirements.

IF we are talking 200 level, take raquetball, rockclimbing, canoeing, whitewater canoeing, sea kayaking, or weightlifting.

1/15/2008 3:49:07 PM

All American
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according to our schedule, most of the time in Fitness and Wellness we'll be doing either cardio or strength training. it looks like we are in the classroom only a handful of times.

take it with Winslow, the guy is funny/corny and super, super nice.

1/15/2008 3:50:48 PM

All American
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yeah, winslow is pretty cool

btw, sea kayaking FTW

1/15/2008 3:52:22 PM

37709 Posts
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problem i see, is that its like an intro class to teach you how to work out. if you already know how to run around, do cardio, and weightlift then you don't really get anything out of the class. i took 105 for aerobics (great view ) and now i'm in social dance, which is fun as hell.

take something you haven't done before, in my opinion

1/15/2008 3:53:01 PM

All American
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I got zero out of it, as far as knowledge. However, I worked this in to my workouts, and got credit. The semester I took it, was rough. I didn't always get to the gym as planned, so this helped me stay on top of it (if i missed a few days, i'd feel it in my next workout (and you couldn't really miss the pe). Plus it was the first class on a VERY long day. It want to get up.

1/15/2008 3:56:40 PM

Art Vandelay
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took swim conditioning here. got a A, easy.

that said, if you aren't a strong swimmer probably not the best choice for you, you are expected to know how to swim freestyle, breaststroke, and backstroke. i dont think you have to do butterfly at all. it's a decent amount of yardage, not nearly as much as I'm doing now though. (2+ miles/day) you're in the upper slightly older pool, it's the competition pool with the diving well, not many people swim in it compared to the Olympic one.

101 is a general pe class with somewhat stringent requirements on pushups pull ups, weights and running or so I'm told.

ps i was a HS swimmer and a club swimmer at state.

[Edited on January 15, 2008 at 4:06 PM. Reason : s]

1/15/2008 4:05:40 PM

New Recruit
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I wasn't exactly saying it was hard as much as the time requiements I thought were a bit much. As far as the swimming goes if you can swim then if you have the time its an easy class. I guess I didnt feel like spending that much time at the pool since I had been at pools so much of the time before.

1/15/2008 4:07:10 PM

Art Vandelay
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oh come on, its the most lax scale ever. if you want a perfect score in the 450 timed swim you have to have a 5:00 or less, but for 24/25 points you just have to come in under 6:15 or something.... basically if you can swim, down and back twice in less than 2:00 you should be able to get a b level grade in that portion.

i didn't do any (well maybe once or twice) swimming outside class that semester either...

(got a 5:15 on the timed swim i think.... meh)

[Edited on January 15, 2008 at 4:11 PM. Reason : s]

1/15/2008 4:09:47 PM

All American
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Pe101 will be an easy a if you are in any form of decent shape.

1/15/2008 4:10:21 PM

Art Vandelay
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you will get into decent shape if you've swam decently before in swim conditioning though.

1/15/2008 4:11:58 PM

All American
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Quote :
"basically if you can swim, down and back twice in less than 2:00 you should be able to get a b level grade in that portion."

wait, that seems like alot. I haven't saw a laps in probably, 9 years. And im not in good shape but i dont want to take general PE. This sounds not so good

1/16/2008 6:42:04 PM

147487 Posts
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what i dont get is this

if you are not a swimmer

and you are in college

why would you take swimming? the point of PE's in college are to get them out of the way so you can graduate, which means taking the easiest fucking thing

so i'd take fitness and wellness

but honestly why the hell wouldnt you just take fitness walking for credit only?

1/16/2008 6:44:36 PM

All American
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Swim conditioning is hard as hell if you don't know the proper technique

1/16/2008 6:45:52 PM

All American
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Water Aerobics was a fun class.

1/16/2008 6:50:10 PM

All American
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I just like to be difficult and i hate easy classes

my dad (who is a swimmer) does not think its for me either, clearly an indication i should do do it anyway


1/16/2008 6:51:37 PM

All American
21537 Posts
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i recommend kevin pollard for swim conditioning

1/16/2008 6:52:03 PM

Mr Grace
All American
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cant remember the guys name that instructed it, but he was a badass

lets his children shoot shit off his head.

no dressing out

1/16/2008 7:00:13 PM

All American
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take run conditioning in the summer

rumor has it that a certain instructor will pass you even if you only show up to the first 4 classes or so

can't remember who my instructor was though, but would likely recognize the name

[Edited on January 16, 2008 at 7:01 PM. Reason : misses a space]

1/16/2008 7:01:37 PM

147487 Posts
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my exroomate took archery and loved it...i am guessing she needs to take one of the 7 core pe classes like fitness walking, fitness and wellness, run conditioning, etc

1/16/2008 7:03:51 PM

All American
11299 Posts
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Quote :
"i recommend kevin pollard for swim conditioning"

Pollard was good, funny, kept me entertained at least.

To get credit in Swim Conditioning, you need to be able to swim a 450 yds and a mile(1500 yds) under 30 minutes or something. I was on the swim team in high school and this class rivaled some of our workouts. What time is your swim conditioning class?

[Edited on January 16, 2008 at 7:07 PM. Reason : ^^^Pollard teaches archery, swim conditioning, weight training, and karate. He has some sons too.]

1/16/2008 7:05:09 PM

All American
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dont most people take pe for credit only? so dont worry about getting an a
you can get a decent work out and pass without a problem

1/16/2008 7:43:36 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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depends on what it is and who it is

I took f&wness, weightlifting, rockclimbing, canoeing, whitewater, and raquetball for grade and made an A

I took sea kayaking and golf for credit only

1/16/2008 8:31:55 PM

All American
11919 Posts
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Swim conditioning is a hard class, if you aren't good at swimming. Make sure to take your PE as credit only.

1/16/2008 9:49:59 PM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"urine, boogers, toenails, alleles"

LOL @ alleles

1/16/2008 9:56:29 PM

458 Posts
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take fitness and wellness with bechtolt... hes a great guy and you do a lot in his class... weights, yoga, running, fitness tests, and sometimes ultimate frisbee

its a lot of fun for a 100 level PE

1/16/2008 10:12:59 PM

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