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All American
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Quote :
"On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying as part of a 20-plane attack against a thermal power plant in central Hanoi, a heavily defended target area that had previously been off-limits to U.S. raids. McCain's A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile while pulling up after dropping its bombs. McCain fractured both arms and a leg in being hit and ejecting from his plane. He nearly drowned after he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.

After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around him, spat on him, kicked him and stripped him of his clothing. Others crushed his shoulder with the butt of a rifle and bayoneted him in his left foot and abdominal area; he was then transported to Hanoi's main prison. Although badly wounded, his captors refused to put him in the hospital, deciding he would soon die anyway; they beat and interrogated him, but McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth."

political bullshit aside, hes pretty fucking tough.

1/25/2008 9:09:26 AM

All American
9030 Posts
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1/25/2008 9:11:07 AM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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that's pretty badass

1/25/2008 9:12:46 AM

All American
4550 Posts
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John McCain makes Rambo look like Rainbow Bright, let's not fool ourselves.

1/25/2008 9:13:41 AM

All American
2081 Posts
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he still looks a little like a chipmunk

1/25/2008 9:14:56 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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nah, the bad ass part is him refusing to go home before the rest of the POWs

1/25/2008 9:17:45 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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that is very hardcore

1/25/2008 9:23:18 AM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"they beat and interrogated him, but McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth."

that's actually WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO in any hostage situation. God Bless McCain. It's still too early to commit though. and I have questions about McCain fixing the economy.

1/25/2008 9:34:57 AM

All American
2126 Posts
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John McCain is a tough motherfucker

1/25/2008 10:05:58 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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i thought this said John McClane

1/25/2008 10:07:22 AM

All American
7551 Posts
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Quote :
"nah, the bad ass part is him refusing to go home before the rest of the POWs"

this is true. he was offered as a trade for some VC POW's. he declined to go since the rest of his men wouldve left behind. he wanted no special treatment.

he endured a hell that most of us cant even contemplate. regardless of what you think of his politics, you have to respect his actions.

1/25/2008 10:10:48 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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if anyone started torturing me I'd talk right away

I couldn't tolerate that much physical agony

1/25/2008 10:12:49 AM

5724 Posts
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McCain did an honorable thing. but...

Quote :
"I have questions about McCain fixing the economy."

1/25/2008 10:20:15 AM

5724 Posts
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honestly... Romney and McCain should get together (president and vice president) and beat the shit out of hillary or obama.

1/25/2008 10:21:07 AM

All American
4364 Posts
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personally I'd like to see a McCain Lieberman ticket.

1/25/2008 10:24:13 AM

398 Posts
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McCain Paul bitches

1/25/2008 10:31:02 AM

All American
14538 Posts
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Quote :


1/25/2008 10:31:23 AM

63151 Posts
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Quote :
"he endured a hell that most of us cant even contemplate. regardless of what you think of his politics, you have to respect his actions."

1/25/2008 10:40:41 AM

All American
1014 Posts
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A buddy's dad is a 2-star with the Navy. McCain was his first CO. At dinner one night, he leans over and asks me "Do you know why John McCain was shot down?" "" "Because he was a shitty pilot."

He also guaranteed the man will never be elected, too many skeletons...

1/25/2008 11:28:08 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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that's pretty badass, but i dont think i want him running my AMERICA

1/25/2008 11:31:04 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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yeah thats pretty badass

1/25/2008 11:32:41 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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My favorite McCain moment from his first senate run:

Quote :
"McCain was vulnerable on one count. He was not from Arizona and looked like he was shopping for a congressional seat.

In 1982, at a candidates forum, McCain settled the carpetbagger issue for good. After noting that he had been a military brat and moved around his whole life, McCain played his ace in the hole.

"The place I lived the longest in my life was Hanoi," McCain said."

1/25/2008 12:27:27 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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Quote :
"McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.""

hes lucky he didnt have his identity stolen

1/25/2008 12:49:00 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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Quote :
""Because he was a shitty pilot." "

I don't think most SAMs care

1/25/2008 1:44:30 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"Because he was a shitty pilot."

and your friend's dad is apparently a shitty human being...he must be a real hard ass given the fact he spent the majority (if not all of) his flying career during times when we were never engaged in hostilities.

1/25/2008 1:55:53 PM

All American
8118 Posts
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they should make a movie

1/25/2008 1:58:45 PM

Neil Street
All American
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He was beaten so badly that even today, McCain is unable to reach his arms above his head. This is why he only raises his arms about shoulder high to wave to the people in the crowd at events.

1/25/2008 2:49:52 PM

Agent 0
All American
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"Did I ever tell you about the time McCain took me out to go get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can't find one. Finally McCain takes me to a vacant lot and says, 'Here we are.' We sat there for a year and a half — until sure enough, someone constructs a bar around us. Well, the day they opened we ordered a shot, drank it, and then burned the place to the ground. McCain yelled over the roar of the flames, 'Always leave things the way you found 'em!'"

1/25/2008 2:52:44 PM

41758 Posts
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Well having all this said I have lost all respect for Chuck Norris after Chuck called McCain old.

1/25/2008 3:48:52 PM

All American
10506 Posts
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Quote :
"they should make a movie"

I think they did.

1/25/2008 3:55:08 PM

719 Posts
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Wasnt he held prisoner for 5 years?

1/25/2008 3:58:46 PM

Neil Street
All American
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^ Yes - in fact, I think it was 5 1/2 years.

1/25/2008 4:04:32 PM

41758 Posts
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Quote :
"On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying as part of a 20-plane attack against a thermal power plant in central Hanoi, a heavily defended target area that had previously been off-limits to U.S. raids.[33][34] McCain's A-4 Skyhawk was shot down by a Soviet-made SA-2 anti-aircraft missile[34] while pulling up after dropping its bombs.[35] McCain fractured both arms and a leg in being hit and ejecting from his plane. [36] He nearly drowned after he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi.[33] After he regained consciousness, a mob gathered around him, spat on him, kicked him and stripped him of his clothing.[37] Others crushed his shoulder with the butt of a rifle and bayoneted him in his left foot and abdominal area; he was then transported to Hanoi's main prison.[37] Although badly wounded, his captors refused to put him in the hospital, deciding he would soon die anyway; they beat and interrogated him, but McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date of birth.[37] Only when the North Vietnamese discovered that his father was a top admiral did they give him medical care[37] and announce his capture; at this point, two days after it went down, McCain's plane going missing and his subsequent appearance as a POW made the front page of The New York Times.[30]

McCain spent six weeks in a hospital, receiving marginal care, was interviewed by a French television reporter whose report was carried on CBS, and was observed by a variety of North Vietnamese, including the famous General Vo Nguyen Giap, many of whom assumed that he must be part of America's political-military-economic elite.[37] Now having lost 50 pounds, in a chest cast, and with his hair turned white,[33] McCain was sent to a prisoner-of-war camp in Hanoi in December 1967, into a cell with two other Americans who did not expect him to live a week (one was Bud Day, a future Medal of Honor recipient); they nursed McCain and kept him alive.[38] In March 1968, McCain was put into solitary confinement, where he would be for two years.[37] In July 1968, McCain's father was named Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command (CINCPAC), stationed in Honolulu and commander of all U.S. forces in the Vietnam theater.[3] McCain was immediately offered a chance to return home early:[33] the North Vietnamese wanted a mercy-showing propaganda coup for the outside world, and a message that only privilege mattered that they could use against the other POWs.[37] McCain turned down the offer of repatriation due to the Code of Conduct of "first in, first out": he would only accept the offer if every man taken in before him was released as well.[39] McCain's refusal to be released was even remarked upon by North Vietnamese officials to U.S. envoy Averell Harriman at the ongoing Paris Peace Talks.[33]

In August 1968, a program of vigorous torture methods began on McCain, using rope bindings into painful positions and beatings every two hours, at the same time as he was suffering from dysentery.[37][33] Teeth and bones were broken again as was McCain's spirit; the beginnings of a suicide attempt was stopped by guards.[33] After four days of this, McCain signed an anti-American propaganda "confession" that said he was a "black criminal" and an "air pirate",[33] although he used stilted Communist jargon and ungrammatical language to signal the statement was forced.[40] He would later write, "I had learned what we all learned over there: Every man has his breaking point. I had reached mine."[37] His injuries to this day have left him incapable of raising his arms above his head.[41] His captors tried to force him to sign a second statement, and this time he refused. He received two to three beatings per week because of his continued refusal.[42] Other American POWs were similarly tortured and maltreated in order to extract "confessions".[37] On one occasion when McCain was physically coerced to give the names of members of his squadron, he supplied them the names of the Green Bay Packers' offensive line.[40] On another occasion, a guard surreptitiously loosened McCain's painful rope bindings for a night; when he later saw McCain on Christmas Day, he stood next to McCain and silently drew a cross in the dirt with his foot[43] (decades later, McCain would relate this Good Samaritan story during his presidential campaigns, as a testament to faith and humanity[44][45]). McCain refused to meet with various anti-war peace groups coming to Hanoi, such as those led by David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, and Rennie Davis, not wanting to give either them or the North Vietnamese a propaganda victory based on his connection to his father.[37]

In October 1969, treatment of McCain and the other POWs suddenly improved, after a badly beaten and weakened POW who had been released that summer disclosed to the world press the conditions to which they were being subjected.[37] In December 1969, McCain was transferred to Hoa Loa Prison, which later became famous via its POW nickname of the "Hanoi Hilton".[37] McCain continued to refuse to see anti-war groups or journalists sympathetic to the North Vietnamese regime;[37] to one visitor who did speak with him, McCain later wrote, "I told him I had no remorse about what I did, and that I would do it over again if the same opportunity presented itself."[37] McCain and other prisoners were moved around to different camps at times, but conditions over the next several years were generally more tolerable than they had been before.[37]

Altogether McCain was held as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five and a half years. The Paris Peace Accords were signed on January 27, 1973, ending direct U.S. involvement in the war, but the Operation Homecoming arrangements for POWs took longer; McCain was finally released from captivity on March 15, 1973,[46] having been a POW for almost an extra five years due to his refusal to accept the out-of-sequence repatriation offer.[47]"

1/25/2008 4:10:28 PM

All American
52896 Posts
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graduated from the Naval Academy and went to flight school

bought a Corvette, starting dating a famous local stripper

ditched her, married a model

became a jet attack pilot, went to Vietnam

got blown up and burned on the deck of the Forrestal by an accidentally launched Zuni rocket that hit his jet

recovered and went back to flying combat missions

got shot down by a SAM, bones broken, generally all fucked up

got beaten, bayonetted, and tortured

Vietnamese found out his dad was a high-ranking Admiral, offered to release him as a political ploy. he refused unless they released all of the other POWs with him

as a result, spent like 5 more years as a POW enduring hellish torture, including a couple of years in solitary confinement.

came home, kept advancing through the ranks, recovered and started flying again, ended up commanding the largest squadron in the Navy

his 1st wife (the model) got in a car wreck while he was a POW and got fat, so he divorced her and remarried young, hot, and rich

he has fathered 7 children over 4 different decades

he has shot off his mouth on 100 different occassions, saying things that would've ended any other politician's career

he is like Bill Brasky

clearly this is the man who should be leader of the free world

1/25/2008 4:26:50 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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haha, well said

1/25/2008 5:25:55 PM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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also, although later exonerated, he was part of the Keating Five

1/25/2008 5:35:02 PM

All American
2042 Posts
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Quote :
"personally I'd like to see a McCain Lieberman ticket."

Hell yeah, that wraps up the economy concerns for me. Plus you got an outcast republican and an outcast democrat working together. What could be better?

1/25/2008 6:29:48 PM

All American
4343 Posts
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it had to be done.

1/25/2008 6:32:41 PM

All American
4843 Posts
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haha, nice one Duke

1/25/2008 7:18:25 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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he is what I would imagine Andrew Jackson was like.

minus all the indian hating.

1/26/2008 11:15:53 AM

All American
3150 Posts
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McCain might be fine on foreign policy, but he's an idiot on immigration and the economy.

1/26/2008 11:39:17 AM

1013 Posts
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i'm a democrat, just based on personal freedom type issues (though the right has its positives). and i wouldn't be terrible disappointed if he ended up winning.

at least not as disapointed as i was when gw. won the last election.

1/26/2008 11:43:28 AM

All American
52896 Posts
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^^ how do you figure?

1/27/2008 3:12:44 AM

All American
170962 Posts
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mccain is actually looking the best to me

but im gonna hold out for ron paul as long as i can.

i'm just not feeling the democrats this year. to hell with the economy, no matter who's in charge it's always gonna be "eat or be eaten"

1/27/2008 3:18:00 AM

All American
15416 Posts
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that nigga won florida.

1/30/2008 12:49:32 PM

All American
3468 Posts
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He sounds like a snake with all his hissing and stuff... and I hate it when he says, "My friends..." I ain't your friend!

1/30/2008 1:24:37 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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wasn't mccain pretty much counted out of the race at one point?

1/30/2008 1:31:49 PM

All American
47925 Posts
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i agree he's as tough as nails.

i dont think that necessarily equates to a good president though.

1/30/2008 1:33:18 PM

All American
3881 Posts
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Quote :
"On one occasion when McCain was physically coerced to give the names of members of his squadron, he supplied them the names of the Green Bay Packers' offensive line."

McCain needs to run with Nader, that'd get my vote

1/30/2008 2:04:38 PM

New Recruit
15 Posts
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mccain will get my vote just for buying a corvette, boning strippers, and generally being a hard ass.

1/30/2008 2:29:50 PM

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