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 Message Boards » » What are my chances of finding someone to sublet? Page [1]  
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I want to move into a townhouse June 1st but my current lease doesn't expire until July 31st. Someone suggested I sublet my apartment for the summer. What are my chances of finding someone to sublet for just the summer? Why would someone want to sublet for that short of time? How does that even work, do they just pay me the rent while I continue to pay my landlord??? I live at UWoods

2/8/2008 1:39:53 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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anyway, it's summer, so people need summer session sublets

2/8/2008 1:40:41 PM

246 Posts
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I'm not trying to find a sublet just yet, I'm just wondering how it works and how likely it would be.

2/8/2008 1:41:50 PM

All American
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1. well you'd probably want to go ahead and post your place as soon as you know that you want to sublet it. i sublet a place last summer but i found it in like feb or march. so put an ad on tww, craigslist, wherever.
2. you might have to check with your landlord to make sure that subletting is allowed and get the proper paperwork, etc. you might have to sign your lease completely over to the other person OR it may stay in your name. when i sublet last summer, the lease got signed over completely in my name for the remaining months, so i paid rent directly to the landlord. just ask the people at Uwoods how it works there.
3. why do people sublease? last year i sublet because i was moving to another city to attend grad school, but i wasn't moving until august. my lease ended in may. i wanted to stay in raleigh at my job for the summer, so i needed a place to live for a few months. also people come home for the summer and don't want to live with their parents, etc. or people need places to live between leases. plently of leases end in may while new ones don't start until august, people need somewhere to live in between.
4. as far as your chances go, people definitely need short term leases (ie a sublease) but i'd say your main setback will be that you live in Uwoods.

2/8/2008 1:49:28 PM

Mr. Joshua
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2/8/2008 2:01:46 PM

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I got some awesome roomates off Facebook this semester.

I would definitely advertise on all of the following, TWW, craigslist, and facebook.

You will get some fucking freaks inquiring from craigslist, but a lot of good ones too. I mean face it people who are moving here for fall or summer semester probably have not stumbled across TWW yet.

2/8/2008 2:17:21 PM

246 Posts
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thanks guys! that helps a lot. I'll definitely do all three places and start soon.

2/8/2008 3:09:00 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » What are my chances of finding someone to sublet? Page [1]  
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