fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
Is my ankle broken or sprained severely
swelling has not gone down, bruising has spread to my lower shin and top of the foot (and toes)
bad pain in one central region instead of spread throughout.
what do you think? pic from 3 days ago .... bruising is worse now
if it is broken is it even worth getting xrayed... they really wouldn't do anything would they?] 2/15/2008 11:56:30 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
not broken 2/15/2008 11:58:31 PM
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
You haven't been to a Dr? 2/15/2008 11:59:04 PM
JTMONEYNCSU All American 24529 Posts user info edit post |
just saw it off 2/15/2008 11:59:36 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
nah haven't had it xrayed
had plenty of sprains, this one is just odd 2/16/2008 12:00:03 AM
Yoshiemaster Suspended 9388 Posts user info edit post |
looks like ur juts a fatty from that pic 2/16/2008 12:00:27 AM
d7freestyler Sup, Brahms 23935 Posts user info edit post |
broke my shit last march... looked verrrry similar. i actually tore ligaments off that round bone on the outside of my ankle. pulled bone off there... i was on crutches for 2 or 3 weeks..
 2/16/2008 12:01:05 AM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
it's lupus 2/16/2008 12:01:06 AM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
it's definitely not massive swelling
^yea yours looks a little worse, and its on the inside... mine is on the outside, near the normal sprained area... just wondering if it strikes a cord with any tdub dr.s
by broken i meant fractured... even if it is just a fracture, they wouldnt really do anything i guess
[Edited on February 16, 2008 at 12:02 AM. Reason : nil] 2/16/2008 12:01:20 AM
JTMONEYNCSU All American 24529 Posts user info edit post |
its not broken 2/16/2008 12:01:47 AM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
fjjackso is a pretty healthy dude no homo...i bet its not broken 2/16/2008 12:02:29 AM
d7freestyler Sup, Brahms 23935 Posts user info edit post |
my shit was on the outside. same thing. landed on someone else's foot playing basketball and rolled it hardcore. 2/16/2008 12:04:21 AM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
i was drunk running down tripled4u's stairs and it gave out, took quite a tumble ha
^i've done that too... like i said i've had a lot of sprains with basketball and football.. probably 10+, but this takes the cake as far as swelling and bruising
[Edited on February 16, 2008 at 12:07 AM. Reason : n] 2/16/2008 12:06:14 AM
Yoshiemaster Suspended 9388 Posts user info edit post |
did his dog chase you? 2/16/2008 12:07:22 AM
breakneck4 All American 1020 Posts user info edit post |
go get it x-rayed. really the only way to be sure whether it is a fracture or not. 2/16/2008 12:07:37 AM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
haha, harley loves me man, it was his other house, not his girls house
and im just wondering if it's worth getting xrayed... is there anythign they'd do other than put it in a boot?... that's my main question 2/16/2008 12:09:27 AM
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit post |
Last Tuesday I was walking out of the house and right when I got my first foot on concret block below the door I slipped and busted pretty bad. I didnt really notice anything at first, but the next day my right foot was sore...and putting on a sock was not fun. I can walk on it and put pressure on it. I noticed today that there is a pretty descent size bruise on the side and slight swelling on the side also, a couple spots I would say penny size and it is kinda on the side of the foot above the bruise. I figured if it was something serious I wouldnt be able to put pressure on it or still be able to run(though it takes a bit to get the limp out of the stride). Oh well, someone told me to soak it in epson salt. Only time it really bothers me is when i put on a soak and then put on the shoe, probably because of the swelling. 2/16/2008 12:10:50 AM
brainysmurf All American 4762 Posts user info edit post |
speaking as someone who has sprained and/or broken both ankles i have a pretty good idea of what yours is..............
however a doctor will not even diagnose your ankle without getting an xray
you need to have that shit examined, if it is a class III sprain, there are tears involved, and it may be bad enough to require an MRI for diagnosis and surgery for treatment.
you could also have a torn achilles tendon, if that is the case and its possible considering the swelling is extending up the leg, you could be seriously injured.
if that shit heals will require surgery to fix it
a proper exam and splinting now could save you from having to have an achilles tendon "release" plus weeks in a cast and many more weeks of PT to regain any decent range of motion.
i had a class III sprain a few years ago and ive only now returned to about 95% range of motion from (my achilles tendon shortened)
you only have one set of legs, dont fuck them up
ice and an ace bandage wont quite work to fix this 2/16/2008 12:17:29 AM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
i actually had achilles tendinitis a few months ago and have sprained my ankles many times... the thing is i have a 2k deductible on my new insurance right now
my achilles tendon is not tight or tender in any way so i think i'm clear of that 2/16/2008 12:20:11 AM
brainysmurf All American 4762 Posts user info edit post |
well i cant legally, responsibly, or ethically tell you you will be ok
when feet turn black there at the bottom of the foot.........its from pooled blood. This means there is torn soft tissue. the doc can tell how bad things are torn by manipulating it. an xray will rule out a break.
if you self treat and things are badly torn..... you are setting yourself up for an extended and complicated recovery that will cost you way more than a set of x-rays and office visit at the urgent care.
since you've had sprains before i am guessing you are already an established client at an ortho?
i mean, you can call his office.........thats free........but i know what he/his nurse will say.
its not because he wants money..........they will work out a payment plan that is easy for you.
they are going to say to come in........because it protects them from liability in the event that your ankle is really fucked and you end up with a permanent disability.
[Edited on February 16, 2008 at 12:32 AM. Reason : damn touchpad] 2/16/2008 12:31:22 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
If you have insurance, or can reasonably afford medical care, you should get that checked out. 2/16/2008 12:38:55 AM
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
^ Ditto!
You do not want to fuck around with ankle injuries. 2/16/2008 12:40:17 AM
Troop All American 849 Posts user info edit post |
 Dr. TWW says:
2/16/2008 9:36:57 AM
skip All American 603 Posts user info edit post |
you definately want to get it xrayed. if it is broken the things such as a boot can sometimes heal the fracture without surgery. it would be bad if it is broken and didn't heal properly. that could definately require surgery and could lead to pain for the rest of your life in that foot/ankle. while it is likely a bad sprain i would still get it checked out. 2/16/2008 6:00:13 PM
colter All American 8027 Posts user info edit post |
just walk it off. j/k nah i'd go get it x-rayed Jeff 2/16/2008 7:40:36 PM
DPK All American 2390 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "the thing is i have a 2k deductible on my new insurance right now" |
wth? 2/16/2008 8:02:46 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
what don't you understand ^ 2/16/2008 9:29:40 PM
Yoshiemaster Suspended 9388 Posts user info edit post |
what does the "k" mean? 2/16/2008 9:56:00 PM
fjjackso All American 14538 Posts user info edit post |
you have over 8k posts 2/16/2008 9:58:56 PM
DiamondAce Suspended 12937 Posts user info edit post |
lmao Yoshiemaster = 
[Edited on February 16, 2008 at 10:01 PM. Reason : .] 2/16/2008 10:00:03 PM
Yoshiemaster Suspended 9388 Posts user info edit post |
wtf is that thing? 2/16/2008 10:00:04 PM