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 Message Boards » » need some easy 2 or 3 person drinking games Page [1]  
All American
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hey guys....drinking tonight and need a game for 2 or 3 me out guys!

2/22/2008 12:01:57 AM

All American
4550 Posts
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3 man

2/22/2008 12:03:40 AM

All American
27372 Posts
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Watch a Wolfpack bball game when Sendek was coach. Every time they mention "Princeton Offense", take a drink.

Watch any college bball game with Dickie V commentating and every time he mentions Duke or UNC, take a drink.

There's also the card game, "Circle of Death".

Circle of Death

Players: 2 - No limit

All you need is a deck of cards, a cup and a ton of beer (or drink of choice). Lay all the cards out, face down in a circle, with the cup in the middle. Start with one person drawing a card out of the deck, and continue pulling until the fourth king has been pulled or all the cards are gone, your choice. The person must do something corresponding to the card they pulled as follows:

1-6 - If it’s red, you must drink. If it’s black, give out that many drinks times two (ie. a black 4, pass out 8 to whoever you want.)
7 - Ladies drink
8 - Gentlemen drink
9 - Ryhme: pick a word and start going around the circle ryhming with it. The first to pause, repeat a word or say something that doesn't rhyme must drink.
10 - Ahead: the person to your left must drink.
Jack - Back: the person to your right must drink.
Queen - Category: pick something general like beer types or condom types, and start going around the circle, same rules as rhyming. The first to pause, repeat or screw up must drink.
King - The first three people to pull kings may pour as much beer into the cup in the middle as he or she wants. The person to pull the forth king must drink everything in the cup.
Ace - Waterfall: whoever pulls the card designates which way the waterfall is going (to the right or left). Everyone starts drinking at the same time, when the person who pulls the card stops, whichever way the waterfall is going you must stop drinking in that order (i.e. if the waterfall is going to the left, when the person who pulled the card stops, the person on their left may stop and then the person on their left may stop, etc.)

2/22/2008 12:04:42 AM

12937 Posts
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Take a shot every time someone posts here.

2/22/2008 12:04:46 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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"Drink beer like you are an adult and not at an 8 year old's birthday party"

2/22/2008 12:06:58 AM

All American
2298 Posts
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Play fuck the dealer. By the end of the game both of you will be shitty.

2/22/2008 12:07:11 AM

All American
15537 Posts
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Age : 19

2/22/2008 12:10:04 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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ride the bus

2/22/2008 12:10:33 AM

All American
4427 Posts
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fuck the dealer always works

2/22/2008 12:15:40 AM

All American
2732 Posts
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^^ hahahahhaa

2/22/2008 12:16:49 AM

All American
41128 Posts
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my neighbor and I used to play "how many fingers?"

2/22/2008 12:20:44 AM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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me and ncstatetke used to play hide the sausage

2/22/2008 12:28:52 AM

All American
1498 Posts
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Fuck you, Bitch

Take a deck of cards and deal it out face down to everyone (doesn't matter if it isn't even).
Take turns throwing a card into a pile in the middle and performing an action. You start with the following:
2 - 9 = no action initially
Jack = wave, say, "Hi, Jack!" and drink. Last one to set drink back down drinks again.
Queen = flip her off, say, "Fuck you, Bitch!" and drink. Last one to set drink back down drinks again.
King = salute, say nothing, drink, ditto about last drink down.
Ace = tap glasses, say, "Cheers!" drink, last drink down drinks again.
If you mess up any of the above, you drink again.

And where it gets interesting: the person who throws a ten gets to make a new rule for a card 2 - 9. I swear every time I've played this game people have gotten naked or arrested or both. Good times.

2/22/2008 12:41:18 AM

All American
1372 Posts
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Drinking is my favorite drinking game

2/22/2008 4:50:50 AM

All American
10893 Posts
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watch the boondock saints, any jay and silent bob movie, pulp fiction, etc and drink whenever they swear

2/22/2008 5:03:41 AM

All American
6985 Posts
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2/22/2008 5:34:06 AM

All American
1725 Posts
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Me and my old roommate made a scrubs drinking game...great for getting of work at 6:30, passing out at 8-ish and being back at work for 10 hours the next day.

2/22/2008 5:51:28 AM

2940 Posts
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Quote :
"Age : 19"

2/22/2008 5:55:20 AM

45912 Posts
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learn to drink a fucking beer without having to play a fucking game

2/22/2008 6:43:01 AM

19447 Posts
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Jesus, you guys are such haters. Do you never play any games while you are not drinking? Because unless you don't, you shouldn't be jumping all over her. Games are fun. Drinking is fun. What's the problem in combining them every once in a while?

2/22/2008 7:53:14 AM

11094 Posts
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electricity - the fewer the people the more you drink

2/22/2008 7:56:18 AM

37709 Posts
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2/22/2008 8:09:45 AM

All American
2081 Posts
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Brent Musburger Drinking Game
For those "folks" about to enjoy the "dandy" Texas-Ohio State game, Brent Musburger is calling the game for ABC, "pard-ner". The good folks at the Tigernet Forums revive this well-traveled, oft-posted web gem:

The Brent Musburger Drinking Game


Play at your own risk. It is conceivable your whole party will be passed out with 8 mins remaining in the 1st quarter.

*Note: Partner is spelled "Pardner," because that's the way Brent says it.

Rule #1: "The Pardner" A person is picked to be the Pardner at the beginning of the game. The first time Brent says "Pardner," the Pardner has to take 1 drink, and then picks someone else to be the Pardner. The next time Brent says it, the new Pardner has to take 2 drinks, and then pick a new Pardner, and so on and so on. The Pardner must wear a special "Pardner" hat.

Rule #2: "Folks" Everyone drinks 1 when Brent says "Folks." However, if Brent says "Hold on Folks", everyone must drink once but the first person to drink has to finish their drink for not holding on.

Rule #3: "It's a foot race!". Whenever Brent says "It's a foot race" everyone has to finish their drink. The first one done becomes "That Man" and gets to punch the Pardner in the arm.

Rule #4: "There's that man again". After someone becomes "That Man," they get to give away 3 drinks to someone of their choosing the next time Brent says "That Man." That person then becomes "That Man." If Brent says "That Man" before "It's a footrace," The Pardner becomes That Man. If The Pardner becomes That Man first, he gets to punch the new That Man in the arm twice after giving away the 3 drinks. There must also be a special hat for "That Man."

Rule #5: "Dr. Pepper". Every time Brent says "Dr. Pepper" everyone has to yell out "I'M A PEPPER!" and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must give out a satisfied "AAAAAAAHHHHH!", as if in a Dr. Pepper commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again.

Rule #6: "Jack Arute". Whenever Brent says "Our ol' buddy Jack Arute" everyone has to say "AROOOOOOT!" Last one to do it has to do a shot. If everyone does it simultaneously, the Pardner must do a shot.

Rule #7: "In the college game". Whenever Brent says this little gem, everyone must say "Shut the **** up Brent", drink 2, and punch the Pardner in the arm.

Rule #8: Mentioning a Big 10 school during a Big 12 game. Whenever Brent does this, the first person who names the Big 10 school's mascot gets to make somebody drink for 11 seconds, since there's 11 schools in the Big 10.

Rule #9: Calling a touchdown before the player actually scores. For example, during an interception return, Brent says "It's a touchdown!" before the player actually scores. In this case, everyone must start drinking and continue to drink until the player actually does score. If by some odd event, the player does NOT score, everyone must finish their drink.

Rule #10: "Gary, my man". Whenever Brent says "Gary, my man", the Pardner gets to choose someone to be Gary. From that point on, that person must be referred to as "Gary, my man" until the game is over. "Gary, my man" gets to give away 5 drinks the rest of the game any time Brent says "Gary, my man". If someone talks to "Gary, my man" without calling him that, they have to do a shot. If there is someone playing the game actually named Gary, that person is automatically "Gary, my man".

Rule #11: "The Major". If Brent has a pet nickname for one of the players during the game, for example calling Major Applewhite "The Major", everyone must drink 5 anytime Brent uses this nickname. However, "Gary, my man" does not drink but gets to give away 5 drinks since this person already has a nickname of their own.

Rule #12: "John Saunders". The first time Brent quips with John Saunders, everyone must drink 1. The next time, everyone must drink 2, and so on and so on.

Rule #13: In the booth. Whenever there's a camera shot of Brent in the booth, the Pardner must make a toast to Brent. After the toast, everyone must drink 1.

Rule #14: "My Friend" Every Pardner gets to choose a "Friend." The friend must always get up to get the Pardner another drink (since the Pardner will be doing quite a bit of that). However, when Brent utters "My Friend" the friend gets to punch the Pardner in the arm for making him get up so much.

2/22/2008 8:24:55 AM

All American
18286 Posts
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Get a deck of cards.

One person calls red or black.

If it is the correct call then give out drinks in the value of the card. If it is wrong you drink it.

2/22/2008 10:03:31 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » need some easy 2 or 3 person drinking games Page [1]  
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