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 Message Boards » » Those bubbles when you pee Page [1]  
9388 Posts
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what do they mean?

3/6/2008 11:03:47 PM

All American
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you have aids

3/6/2008 11:04:29 PM

147487 Posts
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you are gay, have aids, and touch yourself at night

[Edited on March 6, 2008 at 11:05 PM. Reason : at least thats what i tell myself...]

3/6/2008 11:04:52 PM

All American
18902 Posts
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You need to be sitting down to pee.

3/6/2008 11:05:33 PM

9388 Posts
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oh.... well then.

3/6/2008 11:05:44 PM

soup du hier
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shoot the side of the bowl for a smoother landing

3/6/2008 11:08:46 PM

All American
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since i drink so much water during the day, my urine is almost always clear and bubble-free

but the funny part is that over years of drinking a half-gallon or more of water each day has given me a large when i go to pee and there's someone else in there, they inevitably look at me strange because i pee hard and for a very long time

it amuses me

3/6/2008 11:14:21 PM

9388 Posts
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i always tell my self that i'm going to drink alot of water to make my pee clear.

the thing is, it usually only lasts like 3 days, then i go back to not caring.

3/6/2008 11:16:39 PM

All American
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haha i remember way back when, going to take a drug test and giving them a bottle back that looked like a shot of bourbon. i suppose oxycontin makes it colorful too!

3/6/2008 11:19:50 PM

Sup, Brahms
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i had to take a random drug test at work and gave the guy a full cup of pee.

i'm talking dripping over the side, all on my hands shit. i lol'd. he did not.

3/6/2008 11:20:57 PM

soup du hier
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3/6/2008 11:21:17 PM

9388 Posts
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Quote :
"i'm talking dripping over the side, all on my hands shit. i lol'd. he did not."

ahahha, i lolled at that.

3/6/2008 11:21:39 PM

All American
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also, i rarely flush after i pee, which earns me stares or dirty looks...but i'm betting i could pee 10 times in the same toilet before it's even close to being as "dirty" as the average pee session

3/6/2008 11:23:34 PM

Sup, Brahms
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hahaha. i really had to go. the timing was quite fortunate.

3/6/2008 11:24:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but the funny part is that over years of drinking a half-gallon or more of water each day has given me a large when i go to pee and there's someone else in there, they inevitably look at me strange because i pee hard and for a very long time

funny, alcohol did the same for me

3/6/2008 11:27:08 PM

9388 Posts
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those professional hot dog eating contestants grow their stomachs by drinking huge amounts of water.

fyi, but you probably already knew that.


3/6/2008 11:29:02 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"also, i rarely flush after i pee, which earns me stares or dirty looks"

do what you want at your home, but thats kinda impolite in the bathroom at work, and pretty fucking gross as well. even if it's clear, it's still piss and i don't want it anywhere near me. maybe i'm brainwashed, but i doubt it cause pee is gross. we actually have signs on our urinals talking about how fucking nasty it is when you dont flush, or when you pee on the floor (even a dribble) and the next person steps in it and tracks it through the whole office on their shoe. it also states that by the time you reach your current age, you should know how to take a piss without getting it on the floor. its a quality read, every time.

also, the story about the overflowing cup is awesome. i still take occasional drug tests as i am nearing the end of my rehab stuff, but at the peak i had to take like 3 a week. and you get pretty used to how much is in your bladder and you can pretty much piss in the toilet for a sec and then stop the flow and hit the cup with a centimeter or so (thats all they need) and then go back at the toilet. shame im so good at that, but im all about the golden rule (pun intended lolol)

3/6/2008 11:31:21 PM

9388 Posts
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i don't flush the toilet unless i know my pee will be sitting there a long time, or if i take a dump.

drought ftl.

3/6/2008 11:33:34 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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phosphates in urine cause bubbles, if I remember correctly.

3/6/2008 11:48:43 PM

All American
16674 Posts
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Quote :
"pee is gross"
it's also sterile. you can drink it. open wide, i'll give you a sample.

3/6/2008 11:52:14 PM

All American
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i flush mine every time. if they'd like me to conserve water, they should raise the price of water service.

but i don't water flowers or anything so i do my part.

^ yeah ive seen that fake survival dude on tv drinking his own piss. thought he said it was only sterile if it was your own brand. but i guess its all the same. either way, piss is gross, piss stinks, piss is not something i would ever drink.

3/6/2008 11:52:20 PM

All American
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^ya boil it first, numbnuts. those survival guys are shit.

3/7/2008 12:06:19 AM

All American
4812 Posts
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"you cant pee into a and get taster's choice"

3/7/2008 12:12:29 AM

All American
6092 Posts
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Quote :
"phosphates in urine cause bubbles, if I remember correctly."

its proteins, and its makes it foamy. bubbles are different than foamy. foamy is bad and bubbles are all natural. I only know this because i had it posted as my gchat message a few days ago, so their being a thread about all this sort of weirds me out.

but also makes me happy.

like unicorns.

3/7/2008 8:54:26 AM

All American
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3/7/2008 8:56:53 AM


15145 Posts
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[Edited on March 7, 2008 at 9:33 AM. Reason : ]

3/7/2008 9:33:20 AM

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