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 Message Boards » » Joe#'s moves to Paris? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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I don't really know how to feel about this.

I went out to lunch with a few gentlemen from the French nuclear energy company Areva. They are interested in my work, have read through my research, and have attended some of my lectures. They want someone to help lead a new adaptive control systems development group, and based off my work they think I'm a good candidate.

On the 24th, they're flying me to their world headquarters in Paris to show me what all they do there, and maybe take me to a couple of their sites. The job would be held both in Paris and in the USA, about 6 months in each location.

While abroad, all expenses will be paid (food, housing, transportation, expense account), and here in the US my salary would jump nearly 50%.

The only problem is, it's France.

3/11/2008 7:27:49 AM

All American
8027 Posts
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lookin for answers to questions that bother you so?

3/11/2008 7:29:23 AM

All American
6307 Posts
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Do it. It could be the coolest thing that ever happens to you

3/11/2008 7:29:27 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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3/11/2008 7:30:50 AM

All American
4755 Posts
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it would take 7 figures to get me to go to france. no joke.

3/11/2008 7:32:38 AM

All American
3344 Posts
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Dude it would be a *great* experience that you might enjoy, or could easily use to get a better job in the future if you don't enjoy it.

3/11/2008 7:36:06 AM

All American
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It's an opportunity that would be much easier to do now rather than when you're older with a family. I say do it, especially if it's only six months.

3/11/2008 7:36:52 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"Dude it would be a *great* experience that you might enjoy, or could easily use to get a better job in the future if you don't enjoy it."

3/11/2008 7:39:30 AM

All American
1498 Posts
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Oh absolutely do it! International experience looks *really* good on the resume, there's tons to do in your free time in (or within day-tripping distance of) Paris, plus the $$$.

I think you're just trying to make us all jealous.

3/11/2008 7:42:18 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"and here in the US my salary would jump nearly 50%."

but while in france...are you at least earning the same as you earn here? (not including the food, housing, transportation, expense account)

and don't you have a woman?

3/11/2008 7:54:29 AM

63151 Posts
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plus when living abroad entirely on an expense account, you're making bank.

well im jealous.

3/11/2008 7:59:02 AM

All American
773 Posts
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I mean Paris, one of the most awesome cities in the world....


Stay in RDU...

3/11/2008 7:59:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Do it. It could be the coolest thing that ever happens to you "

As much as I dismiss France, all of my friends who studied there over summers loved the place, well not Paris so much, but everything around it. It isn't like the US won't take you back if you hate it after 5 years.

Not to mention you'd be getting paid in Euros, not Dollars.

3/11/2008 7:59:20 AM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"and don't you have a woman?"

He does...and she's from Europe. She's probably telling him to take the position.

3/11/2008 8:00:25 AM

63151 Posts
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i'd let her tell me to "take the position"

3/11/2008 8:02:41 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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do it! and don't forget to blog

3/11/2008 8:04:35 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :

plus when living abroad entirely on an expense account, you're making bank.

well im jealous.


yep... sounds like a hell of an opportunity to me. it's something you'll always wish you had done if you don't do it, imo

3/11/2008 8:05:39 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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Also keep in mind in France it's illegal to work over 35 hours a week, they're very strict about this. You could have a blast. I would be on this in a heartbeat.

3/11/2008 8:10:02 AM

32613 Posts
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I mean they were complete assholes to me when I went there, but I knew basically no French... more importantly however is the food was fucking amazing and the beer was pretty good too

3/11/2008 8:11:12 AM

All American
26447 Posts
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You'd most definitely be helping terrorists, too

3/11/2008 8:12:37 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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^^I'm sure he'll be a little better off when he's got french people walking with him, I hope.

[Edited on March 11, 2008 at 8:17 AM. Reason : ]

3/11/2008 8:16:32 AM

All American
18941 Posts
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they love licking the butthole there

3/11/2008 8:16:53 AM

All American
14538 Posts
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what does the girl think about it, will she travel with you?

3/11/2008 8:20:59 AM

Art Vandelay
45180 Posts
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you mean they are gonna pay for all your expenses for the duration of the project and pay you 50% more? the biggest problem with france is french for me, other than that, go for it, you won't be a tourist there and you can secretly scoff at them for paying you. plus you'd only work 30-35 hours / week mandatory

btw what's your opinion on pyro-reprocessing of initially spent nuclear fuel?

3/11/2008 8:25:47 AM

All American
3888 Posts
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Why would you not go?

3/11/2008 8:29:51 AM

All American
6428 Posts
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[Edited on March 11, 2008 at 8:31 AM. Reason : :]

3/11/2008 8:31:23 AM

All American
8112 Posts
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is this even a question?




3/11/2008 8:35:28 AM

All American
5286 Posts
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what's wrong with France again?

3/11/2008 8:39:03 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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nah, don't do that shit. it's France.

3/11/2008 8:39:34 AM

22518 Posts
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great way to brag lol

however you would be the biggest idiot that i know if you didnt seriously consider taking the job

im not going to say that you should just get up and go, because my dad had an offer a couple years ago to work in england but the money wasnt there to keep a base here in the us and he and my mom already had established themselves in their community

3/11/2008 8:43:23 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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my girlfriend's sister and brother-in-law live in Paris.

he's the biggest douchebag I've ever met, and I swore the next time I ever saw him I'd punch him in the throat. (refer to blog about their visit to the US back in 2006)

and honestly, the girlfriend isn't too happy. she agrees it would be great, but she's not in a position to where she can come and live with me for the 6months out of a year that I would be over there (it isn't just a 1-time 6months rotation over there).

3/11/2008 8:55:20 AM

All American
3049 Posts
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Then if you're rotating the time between here and there, that should make it easier on you. I say do it.

3/11/2008 8:56:57 AM

22518 Posts
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that was a hilarious blog post

especially the part where you put him on the marta to go back to the airport

well if it isnt a job that she can just up and leave and you want to have a long term thing with her that could be enough to make it a bad idea

3/11/2008 8:57:57 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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I think the only real question here is how important is your relationship? Is this potential job more important? cause if she's not coming with you for 6 months at a time its gonna be tough...go ask anyone in the military who deploys, and they don't even do the 6 out 6 back thing, that's hard core.

3/11/2008 9:00:59 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
34079 Posts
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Paris is cool

I actually know where you can get good coke there

lemme know if you go

3/11/2008 9:05:26 AM

1013 Posts
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Quote :
"it would take 7 figures to get me to go to france. no joke."

well hey man, at least they don't have those black people that you 'just plain don't like.'

3/11/2008 9:08:48 AM

35780 Posts
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fuck yeah Joe#s. I know its France, but this is a great opportunity and gaining that international experience is awesome.

^^^i think their relationship is pretty serious. I mean, he lets her wash his eye

[Edited on March 11, 2008 at 9:12 AM. Reason : add]

3/11/2008 9:11:24 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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Leave it to Smath74 to give the wrong advice.

3/11/2008 9:26:23 AM

All American
22435 Posts
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Oh God


Are you nuts? This is the best possible deal ever. 1/2 of the year spent in a european country with bomb ass beaches and hot chick to fat chick ration of 100000:1 and then the other half of the year spent in Freedomland so you can remember why Football is the best sport in the world and what real hamburgers tasted like.

Jump on this immediately.

3/11/2008 9:29:14 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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^when he's in France he'll remember that "Football" is the best sport in the world and why American football blows.

but seriously now, WTF is wrong with France? Are you a redneck or something?

3/11/2008 9:32:28 AM

All American
6249 Posts
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its not always about the money joe##'s

3/11/2008 9:33:31 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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no but's it nice

3/11/2008 9:34:17 AM

All American
27283 Posts
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Do you speak French? Because after living there for six months, you'll probably be fluent in it. And there's a chance that you'll at least be proficient in another language too. And being able to speak/understand other languages will be pretty good for your career.

3/11/2008 9:35:07 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"its not always about the money joe##'s


Well.. being at the beginning of his career, experience like this is key in my opinion. How many other people will be able to say they worked in Paris 6 months out of the year and made $$$ to their next employer. It's going to look impressive and probably make you a lot more money over here when you decide to get a new job in the US full time

3/11/2008 9:37:46 AM

All American
1583 Posts
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WTF is with the music...

As long as the job and the job description is paying in Euro's the equivalent of what you would make in dollars here you would be fine... But if it's something like $100k(USD) here... thats only 65k(ish) euro's so that big jump in salary would need to look like $80k-$100k(Euro)

also cost of living considerations and standard of living...

I'm very much a person for experience>>>$$$ but you need to make sure you aren't getting shafted by what sounds like a great deal... and then find out that your not making jack equivalent.

3/11/2008 11:01:06 AM

All American
7051 Posts
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I'm sure your gf could take some time off once in a while for you to fly her out there....

or you could "pop the question" and convince her to drop her school/job and be your stay at home woman...

3/11/2008 11:15:33 AM

All American
5093 Posts
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I'm convinced that he isn't actually debating this and instead she wanted to brag.

Like 90% of all joe#'s blogs.

3/11/2008 11:16:26 AM

All American
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3/11/2008 11:19:22 AM

All American
4812 Posts
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you need to get a girl or if you have one. just say, quit your job for 6 months and come to paris with me

3/11/2008 11:33:21 AM

All American
26690 Posts
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I say go for it.

Will you be given the month off that europeans get?

The only issue I see is the girl. I'm not sure if this makes it even feasible.

Out of curiosity, would they sponsor you for citizenship, or would that be possible through the girl (general EU citizenship (she's itlalian, right?))? I'd move to europe in a heartbeat.

3/11/2008 12:43:04 PM

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