LetsTAILGATE All American 2331 Posts user info edit post |
We are one of only like 3 schools on spring break next year from the last week in February until first week in March. Every other school that used to be with us finally smartened up and has the second week. How in the world are we stuck with a spring break with just ourselves? I thought the point in it was to relax and be able to meet up with all your friends from around the country. Any idea who you email about this etc? Sorry if you give me crap about worrying about next spring break but I just think it is weird... 3/11/2008 8:34:48 PM
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
im old and only get 2 weeks of vacation. MEET THOSE FRIENDS. 3/11/2008 8:41:47 PM
budman97420 All American 4126 Posts user info edit post |
ncsu hates their students to have fun in anyway, this is yet another step in suceeding at there overall mission... 3/11/2008 8:45:49 PM
Spontaneous All American 27372 Posts user info edit post |
Good gosh. 3/11/2008 8:46:48 PM
BigMan157 no u 103356 Posts user info edit post |
how dare things be less crowded and less expensive 3/11/2008 8:47:21 PM
NCSUStinger Duh, Winning 62538 Posts user info edit post |
they dont want students to go to the ACC tournament 3/11/2008 8:47:38 PM
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "im old and only get 2 weeks of vacation. MEET THOSE FRIENDS." |
3/11/2008 8:48:10 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "im old and only get 2 weeks of vacation. MEET THOSE FRIENDS." |
hahaha big time reality check, coming soon! and another crazy thing about the real world, if you bitch and moan about stuff thats not fair, they just find someone to replace you and fire you.
it would be hilarious if they did that in college 3/11/2008 8:54:17 PM
RawWulf All American 9126 Posts user info edit post |
I can't just skip class anymore, either; now I have five sick days for the entire year  3/11/2008 8:56:08 PM
DROD900 All American 24674 Posts user info edit post |
I love how spring break is in late february/early march 3/11/2008 8:56:27 PM
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit post |
well the weather this week is pretty much spring. it's been great so far 3/11/2008 9:08:27 PM
LetsTAILGATE All American 2331 Posts user info edit post |
except for the rest of the country is the next week and everything is still the same darn price  3/13/2008 10:00:03 PM
BadPokerPlyr All American 2081 Posts user info edit post |
get crunk like a motor 3/13/2008 10:00:43 PM
LetsTAILGATE All American 2331 Posts user info edit post |
I still heard we can make a massive email/petition and it can get moved. check out wikipedia for the worlds largest cocktail party. their students did one and they moved their fall break dates for them and the event. 5/1/2008 8:56:50 PM
khcadwal All American 35165 Posts user info edit post |
damn spring break at ncsu gets earlier and earlier every year. last week in FEB? how long will you have been back in school for. don't you start back probably around jan 10th. so you go to school for like a month and then have another break?? 5/1/2008 8:58:46 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
yea its retarded, why would they do that?? 5/1/2008 8:59:16 PM
myerlyn All American 1319 Posts user info edit post |
it'll have to be a pretty big campaign, try to get the SG involved maybe have another referendum. See what happens you ask for reading days and they mess with your spring break. 5/1/2008 9:01:27 PM
LetsTAILGATE All American 2331 Posts user info edit post |
so anyone still angry that we are like the only school on SB this week coming up next year? 6/22/2008 12:43:39 AM
pttyndal WINGS!!!!! 35217 Posts user info edit post |
nope. spring break is overrated. 6/22/2008 12:53:35 AM
TaterSalad All American 6256 Posts user info edit post |
i like how the old graduate, "real world" people tried to hijack this thread but failed 6/22/2008 3:56:35 AM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
well the thread itself failed for the most part... so i wouldn't say that the "old graduate" crowd really succeeded or failed more than the "waaah my spring break got moved" crowd.
I always thought Spring Break was about going somewhere completely random and getting into some new pussy for a week. 6/22/2008 4:08:41 AM
ComputerGuy (IN)Sensitive 5052 Posts user info edit post |
I declare this next week to be mine...
cause I want to go some place and get into some new pussy..YUM 6/22/2008 4:36:33 AM
LetsTAILGATE All American 2331 Posts user info edit post |
well I am in graduate school too and I am still whining haha. 6/23/2008 1:24:50 AM
Airbag Suspended 12921 Posts user info edit post |
ReceiveDeath and jwdeesnuts MVP attempt exposed??
<font color="#00BF00"><b> 6/23/2008 1:46:31 AM