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 Message Boards » » any one here been on clonazepam? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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how did it treat you?

3/13/2008 8:41:01 PM

147487 Posts
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like your mother

3/13/2008 8:41:19 PM

All American
26584 Posts
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like a lady

3/13/2008 8:41:23 PM

32613 Posts
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you will sleep

3/13/2008 8:41:24 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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how long does it take to get out ya system?

3/13/2008 8:41:25 PM

All American
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clonazepam is proof that god loves us and wants us to be sedated.

3/13/2008 8:43:44 PM

All American
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doesnt really do anything for me anymore

works if you need it though

3/13/2008 8:45:34 PM

Mr Scrumples
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I was on that shit for like 2-3 months.

Wouldn't recommend it.

3/13/2008 8:46:59 PM

Sup, Brahms
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why not?

3/13/2008 8:47:39 PM

All American
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I was prescribed them as a sleep aid a long time ago. I would much rather take them than any OTC pills.

3/13/2008 8:48:36 PM

Mr Scrumples
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Because you develop a tolerance for it and the "fun" effects of the drug turn into this sustainable level and it fucking sucks to get off of.

3/13/2008 8:48:58 PM

All American
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i have them for anxiety, one last night around 11 incapacitated me until noon today ima damn lightweight

3/13/2008 8:49:50 PM

Mr Scrumples
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Yeah, it's funny how anybody can get benzos but they'd rather you suffer from pain than give you opioids...

3/13/2008 8:49:55 PM

All American
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benzos and opiates taken together ftw.

3/13/2008 8:52:33 PM

Mr. Joshua
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3/13/2008 8:52:58 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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back to my original question...

Quote :
"how long does it take to get out ya system?"

3/13/2008 8:54:32 PM

All American
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don't bring heath ledger in here, it makes me sad

3/13/2008 8:56:03 PM

All American
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I've been on it for years... after a while you just need to take it to balance. It was kinda "fun" at first.

After like 3 years, I still only take an average of .5 mg a day - but 5 days without it will leave me shaking. Only take it if you really have a history of anxiety problems.

3/13/2008 9:02:52 PM

Mr Scrumples
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and the halflife is like 30 hrs i think.

3/13/2008 9:06:06 PM

All American
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d7, honestly, it sounds liek you are just worried about a DT. if so, i would say just do not fucking do it. I have always been fiarly carefl, but when i get tested, i am worried as i cna be if it is even close to the "reccomended" time period. either way, ive got to a point in my lif where i wouldnt fuck with it.

I just take drugs that my company never tests for, like LSD and mushrooms. Oh wait, who stole my name ansd just said tha?

3/13/2008 9:11:20 PM

Mr Scrumples
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3/13/2008 9:13:30 PM

All American
833 Posts
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i've been on lorazepam for anxiety which is similar. made me really drowsy.

3/13/2008 9:15:27 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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2mg a day.

3/13/2008 9:16:49 PM

All American
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jesus christ i'm only on .5 mg and that shit knocked me out

3/13/2008 9:17:33 PM

All American
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it doesn't knock you out if you actually 'need' it. you might want to talk to your doctor about that if half a milligram puts you down....

but i don't take it because i don't want to 'need' it.

3/13/2008 9:19:28 PM

Sup, Brahms
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my girlfriend has just been re-prescribed to it and they've put her on an abnormally large amount so i was curious. mind you, she's not going to give it out, but i'm curious as to how long it's effective and how long it stays in your system.

3/13/2008 9:22:53 PM

All American
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yea, its one of the longer half-lifes, right up there with diazepam, day and a half or so...

3/13/2008 9:23:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I was prescribed them as a sleep aid"

wtf, damn

Quote :
"it doesn't knock you out if you actually 'need' it."


3/13/2008 9:25:42 PM

All American
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the half life can be less than a day, and it can last for over 2 days.

it all depends on a number of factors, the half life isn't the same for any 2 people. you'd also have to take 2 valium @10mg to equal 1 klonopin @1mg

theres a benzo chart somewhere online if you care to research this

3/13/2008 9:27:09 PM

All American
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I like valium's effects way more than clonazepam, but it feels like they last a day longer.

3/13/2008 9:27:56 PM

All American
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^^^my g-ma got xanax as a sleep aid

[Edited on March 13, 2008 at 9:28 PM. Reason : -]

3/13/2008 9:28:12 PM

Sup, Brahms
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i actually had a tab out researching it, but i fail as a googler.

if you take it regularly (once every 2 or so days) will it stick around for those two days and be effective, or just be effective for a few hours and stay in the bloodstream?

3/13/2008 9:28:53 PM

All American
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also, i was prescribed ativan when i went to the hospital in opiate withdrawals. i was pretty surprised. they only prescribed a total of 4mg, though. but still, i was amazed they'd do such a thing.

3/13/2008 9:28:57 PM

All American
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id advise only taking it as needed. just because its been known to give some funky effects when you get on it for a while everyday and then quit. its nothing like an opiate, but its still a c4 so it does have some tolerance/addiction potential.

its a lot more mental than physical, though, so its managable. i'd really just do what it says on the bottle. although i don't listen to my doctor, because i haven't even filled my last prescriptions

3/13/2008 9:32:25 PM

Mr Scrumples
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some people are more sensitive to it than others.

they also say klonopin works better when it's steady in your bloodstream.

3/13/2008 9:33:41 PM

Sup, Brahms
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^, ^^ thanks for the info.

3/13/2008 9:34:36 PM

All American
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lemme get those^^

3/13/2008 9:34:43 PM

All American
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if you're just starting it, it could make you drowsy. i think its not a stretch to say that you get tolerance to the tiredness. i know that when i was taking it, i could take one at lunch and be fine for the rest of the day. no one could tell or anything.

also, alcohol and benzos are bad bad bad. like amnesia and respiratory death and all that good stuff.

3/13/2008 9:39:26 PM

All American
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makes for a good time if you do it in moderation though

3/13/2008 9:41:24 PM

Mr Scrumples
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the quality of sleep you get on them will not help matters if you're going through anxiety or other mental health-related insomnia.

Here's another question:

Has anybody had any experience with antipsychotics for GAD/Insomnia?

3/13/2008 9:42:10 PM

All American
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i never was good at moderation, i couldnt tell ya.

i can say that ive heard enough bad stories about it that i wouldnt risk it, though

3/13/2008 9:42:47 PM

All American
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if you have severe anxiety i guess you should take it everyday... but normally I wouldn't take it routinely... Personally, I take one when I feel anxiety coming on. Before it actually comes on.

I might take 1-2 mg a week and i usually can tell a difference for the better part of two days... i took it everyday for a while and began feeling weird when I wasn't on it.

quit that real quick

i can take a lot and not feel fucked up at all, other than being very relaxed

Another topic: Do you take them, or let them dissolve?

I do both, dissolve if I think i need it to work quickly

3/13/2008 9:45:35 PM

All American
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Sublingual ftw.

3/13/2008 9:49:07 PM

All American
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they make dissolvable/chewable klonopin, i think that if they intendid for you to take it that way, they would prescribe it in that format

3/13/2008 9:49:55 PM

All American
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A guy I worked with took it for his OCD...he would freak out about getting diseases like herpes all the time...he wouldn't use anyone else's cups or eat out of anyone's plates. He had a meltdown one time at work and was out for a couple days. This all happened b/c he thought he could last w/o taking his Klonopin (clonazepam). Once he decided to take it he was fine again.

3/13/2008 9:53:31 PM

76471 Posts
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it's aight

3/13/2008 9:54:38 PM

Mr Scrumples
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If you have other methods in dealing with your anxiety that doesn't involve narcotics, I would highly recommend it. I really can't see the benefits of getting hooked on any drug for a potential lifetime. If you're taking them for anxiety and so forth you're gonna start depending on them and that's how it starts. You can ask jackleg or anybody else how bad it is to get off of narcotics and benzos are completely no exception.

I wish we could move this to the lounge kinda, to save all these posts about you stupid kids saying how fun it is to do drugs like you're inventive or something. Go to fucking class and do your goddamned homework.

3/13/2008 9:55:32 PM

All American
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it seems to be given to guys a lot more than girls

its like girls get valium, guys get klonopin, and total wackjobs get xanax

Quote :
"You can ask jackleg or anybody else how bad it is to get off of narcotics and benzos are completely no exception."

getting off narcotics was the hardest thing i've ever done. it involved lots of pain and vomit and other terrible things, and i wouldn't wish it on anyone.

benzos are nothing compared to narcotics, sorry dude. nothing.

3/13/2008 9:55:54 PM

Mr Scrumples
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ambrosia, could you answer my question above at all?

3/13/2008 9:56:16 PM

All American
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i used to take .5mg occassionally, but now i don't feel that at all.

i take 1mg if i'm having a bad day or if i have to present in front of a large enough audience to require a microphone, or if it's a customer or consultant that will likely be harassing me. i don't feel weird at that amount at all, just a little relaxed.

i take 1.5mg if i can't sleep... and it's the best sleep i ever get.

3/13/2008 9:56:23 PM

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