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All American
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I'm tired of seeing you try to whore out your lame website by posting videos from it in every goddamn game thread in Entertainment.

3/23/2008 6:39:52 PM

All American
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Oh God,

God is pissed.

3/23/2008 7:03:01 PM

The Judge
3405 Posts
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Is this really a problem?

3/23/2008 9:04:11 PM

All American
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why don't yall two just fuck and get it over with

3/23/2008 10:15:35 PM

41758 Posts
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Oh God,

God is pissed.

3/25/2008 8:19:42 AM

Duh, Winning
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Dont you know

aren't you God?

3/25/2008 10:10:42 AM

All American
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And that's only the first page of his Entertainment posts.

3/25/2008 12:11:47 PM

All American
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Oh God,

God is pissed.

3/25/2008 12:13:38 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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Quote :
"Is this really a problem?"

srsly, How dare he post relevant videos!!!!!

I think it is awesome how quickly he put something in the Battlefield: Bad Company thread.

oh and btw, it is now.

3/25/2008 12:41:15 PM

All American
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should i host my relevant game play videos on youtube then, so that you don't get your panties in a wad? If you don't mind the lower video quality that is...


someone terminated God for not posting TWW links in the proper format.

[Edited on March 25, 2008 at 1:42 PM. Reason : .]

3/25/2008 1:38:49 PM

The Judge
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I am completely indifferent about Golovko. I don't fucking know the guy, but everyone on here knows there's some kind of tension between him and God.

By posting threads like this, you make yourself look like a complete idiot God. Your argument has no legs to stand on. You are upset because someone posted video content relevant to the thread ONLY BECAUSE IT IS HOSTED BY THEIR PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT?





3/25/2008 4:45:24 PM

The Stubby
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glove & co just posts vids to games that are the subjects of the threads as far as i can tell. you're allowed to be angry that they have a pretty cool site goin and all, but this is a little childish isn't it?

3/26/2008 1:13:24 AM

All American
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^not to mention they are MY gameplay vids that I recorded and uploaded.

3/26/2008 11:02:11 AM

All American
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Golovko is a douchenozzle but there's nothing wrong with him posting those vids.

You just must be the angry, vindictive, old-testament god.

3/27/2008 11:28:01 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"Golovko is a douchenozzle but there's nothing wrong with him posting those vids."


At least now that they've finally upgraded the bandwidth of that site to something beyond a 56k modem.

3/27/2008 1:17:21 PM

All American
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3/27/2008 1:25:32 PM

El Nachó
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Those videos you posted used to be laggy as shit. You'd have to load them, hit pause, and wait 5 minutes if you wanted to watch them.

3/27/2008 2:12:13 PM

All American
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how the hell do you record console games

3/27/2008 10:11:20 PM

All American
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capture card ftw...

i use the eye tv with my mac.

the one i got came with an HD over-the-air antenna so you can record in HD (for tv at least) but if you record using the RCA obviously its in SD but thats what I use for console.

If you use the component cables for the xbox, you can play on your TV and record on the PC using the standard component cables that come with the xbox. Hook up the RCA end to the computer/eyetv usb dongle and the component to the TV. You cannot play in HD. But on the plus side, since when you record there is a 1-2 second allows you to play on your TV in real-time and record with the delay.

3/27/2008 10:18:25 PM

All American
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ok, take this shit back to nerd talk

and god, stfu

3/28/2008 3:20:50 PM

play so hard
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3/28/2008 3:59:37 PM

All American
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i love all these lame ass youtube knockoffs. so what if the video quality is better? that just means your momma is flushing way too much money down the toilet

3/28/2008 4:35:34 PM

All American
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ok i'll nibble.

1) Quality makes a huge difference especially with watching gameplay videos. Some of us like seeing whats actually happening in the video.

2) the only thing we have in common with youtube is hosting videos. We're a gaming community not a place to dump your home movies.

3) highlight.

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 4:45 PM. Reason : .]

3/28/2008 4:45:28 PM

All American
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the only thing you have in common with youtube is the streaming method that you stole!

3/28/2008 4:49:51 PM

All American
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edit post least put an effort into trolling. Grade D quality.

3/28/2008 4:52:00 PM

All American
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its not trolling. its something that really didnt even need to be said. but good luck when your mom stops banking you

3/28/2008 5:25:06 PM

All American
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The only reason he posts the videos is to promote his site. He wouldn't post in the threads otherwise. He makes single posts in game threads that are videos he has recorded that link to his site.

The posts, prima facie, can appear to be a valid contribution to a thread. However, when one analyzes the meaning behind the posts, it's clear to see that they are simply advertisements for a website. It's the equivalent of TheBrewery posting recorded concert footage that links to his website in every band thread in Entertainment.

3/28/2008 6:06:26 PM

All American
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and any other thread i've posted a video in.

consider yourself owned. and not just by me but pretty much every other post in this thread.

oh and...its not my site. FYI. just like when I post my track videos in the garage from youtube. I'm not advertising for youtube because youtube isn't mine either.

serving people popcorn for a living really makes you an angry little bitch, doesn't it gronke?

oh and consider this a tutorial for you on how to post TWW links.

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 7:30 PM. Reason : fda]

3/28/2008 7:28:18 PM

El Nachó
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Alright, I wasn't annoyed with this until the GTA IV thread.

This kid really in insistent on posting his videos. Even to the point of posting 2 gamevee videos that are, at the best, mildly related to technologies that are included in the game.

I have no problem with him trying to pimp out his youtube wannabe. But lets try and keep the videos on topic, at least.

4/28/2008 9:50:43 AM

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adblock it if you don't like it

4/28/2008 9:52:32 AM

El Nachó
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So just for the record, your stance is that it's ok to post a qbert video in a thread about GTA IV?


4/28/2008 10:00:29 AM

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i think a reasonable amount of off-topic material is natural in a conversation as long as it doesn't complete overwhelm the conversation and i think you should not take it so seriously. especially when it is easy to either ignore it, or block it.

4/28/2008 10:03:00 AM

All American
27023 Posts
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edit post whine so fucking much. I posted a video about the character engine in GTA IV IN the GTA IV thread and thats off topic? ITs not even MY video. Just happened to be a video I came across while surfing a gaming video website...

I'm sure I could find the same video on youtube but i figured someone would appreciate the higher quality and actually being able to see whats going on in the video instead of a bunch of moving pixels

and the Q*Bert video was relevant to the discussion about the SIXAXIS controller and how much it sucks.

and again, I don't know where you get your really bad intel but is NOT my website.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 10:13 AM. Reason : cry me a river...]

4/28/2008 10:11:44 AM

El Nachó
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please tell us again about how much better the video quality is on your site.

Because I'm sure everyone cares.

4/28/2008 10:12:56 AM

All American
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you do care. Thats why you are always up in my business and whining, bitching, complaining non stop in feedback and every thread i post in. You go completely out of your way to find out everything you possibly can about me. Yet, other than having a stupid username on TWW, i know absolutely nothing about you because you don't exist to me outside of your annoying post stalking. I couldn't give a shit to know anything about you.

not to mention the PM's you send me because you take this internet shit way too seriously. Stein has a very valid point about you.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 10:17 AM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 10:15:58 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"You go completely out of your way to find out everything you possibly can about me."

Thats where you flatter yourself entirely too much.

If anything I go out of my way to avoid having to deal with your stupidity. Not the other way around. I don't know anything about your personal life except for the things that people say. And not once have I tried to use anything I've heard against you. I don't care if you live in your mommy's basement and your uncle buys you cars and houses. What does shit like that matter on an internet board. The things I do care about are you shitting on every thread you touch with your stupidity. That's why I don't like you.

And the only reason I've ever sent you PMs is to try and keep the bitching out of legitimate threads. But you always like to take it back public. Cause you're a winner like that.

4/28/2008 10:20:57 AM

All American
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not to be devil's advocate but although Golvoko posts a lot of videos, I've been active in the entertainment chat quite a bit and I never realized he even had his own site.

I don't think I've ever read him post about that in particular. So I'm not so sure about this one.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 10:24 AM. Reason : 9]

4/28/2008 10:23:41 AM

All American
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as I said, you care way too much and you don't ever stop whining and bitching. I think your short comings in life really reflect in your posts.

^thats because its not my site. Just like how a few people on here thought i lived in my parents

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 10:26 AM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 10:24:16 AM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"^it may take a while for him to come up with a witty retort because he's too busy whining and bitching in feedback forum."

I like how you have to continue to shit on the GTA thread by trying to stir the pot by posting about this thread over there.

Classy. And useful.

4/28/2008 10:28:13 AM

All American
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you just can't control yourself. you just HAVE to post and whine.

4/28/2008 10:29:22 AM

El Nachó
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I'd much rather be the one whining about the stupid kid than actually BE the stupid kid. But maybe that's just me.

4/28/2008 10:31:40 AM

All American
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haha. got whine?

4/28/2008 10:33:12 AM

El Nachó
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Uhh...seeing as how I just admitted to whining, I'd say I do.

Got stupid?

4/28/2008 10:34:33 AM

All American
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I think you have plenty of 'stupid' to go around.

we both know you are going to go ahead and post something that demonstrates how little intelligence you really have.

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 10:36 AM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 10:35:09 AM

El Nachó
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Oh God! You must have contaminated me.


4/28/2008 10:36:06 AM

All American
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4/28/2008 10:40:41 AM

play so hard
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you two are adorable

4/28/2008 11:18:06 AM

El Nachó
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I really do hate that I let myself be bothered by such an obviously inferior person.

But oh well, we do have our flaws. One of mine is I can't turn a blind eye to stupidity.

4/28/2008 11:23:44 AM

37709 Posts
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i actually like the geevee videos

4/28/2008 12:07:01 PM

All American
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^^ cute. You're too easy to bait. And I like how you are so 'bothered' by me. You should give real life a shot and not worry so much about your e-friends/foes. I know its a big scary world out there but even you can do it. You are obviously so superior to us all.

^thanks, I can't wait to get GTAIV so i can record some footage. I want to recreate the tunnel scene from Die Hard 4 where he takes out the sniper from the chopper with a fire hydrant lol

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 12:15 PM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 12:08:17 PM

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