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 Message Boards » » Driving While License Revoked Page [1]  
148853 Posts
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one of my boys who doesnt have the internet got a DWI a couple years ago and about a week ago he got pulled for speeding and got a Driving While License Revoked charge (since he still didnt have his license back from his DWI)...should that add on some time to his standard DWI loss of license time, or since his recent arrest wasnt alcohol related, should it make a difference?

and no this isnt about me i've never been convicted of a DWI myself

3/28/2008 9:59:57 AM

63151 Posts
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so he's a bright one

3/28/2008 10:00:25 AM

148853 Posts
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yeah he's a regular genius

just wondering though if anybody knew about a situation like this from past experience

3/28/2008 10:01:01 AM

play so hard
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so wait. did he get arrested for driving with a revoked license... or was the arrest some other incident?

and do they normally take your license for a few years if you get a dui? i thought u normally get it back sooner than that...

3/28/2008 10:01:20 AM

148853 Posts
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he got a DWI a couple years ago and lost is license for 3 years

within that 3 years (about a week ago) he got pulled for speeding and they found out his license wasnt valid, so thats what he recently got arrested for

i think if you get convicted you can lose it for 3 years...i think it was his 2nd dwi so maybe that factored into it...but whats worth noting is the Driving While License Revoked charge wasnt at all alcohol related...just wondering if that would make a difference...i'll wait on some replies

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 10:03 AM. Reason : .]

3/28/2008 10:02:26 AM

New Recruit
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this is really you isnt it

3/28/2008 10:07:22 AM

All American
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The penalties for driving with a revoked license are pretty stiff. I don't know if its even that different from a DWI.

I hope he has an excellent attorney because in addition to his current 3 year ban, he could face permanent suspension.

3/28/2008 10:07:39 AM

148853 Posts
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^^nah i've never gotten a DWI but i had to go bail my friend out last week for this shit

^i would think driving on a revoked license would be less serious than a DWI but i dont know...i do know that he was doing his alcohol classes and other requirements to try and get his license back early and was maybe 2.5 years into his 3 year deal...hopefully for his sake they dont tack on additional years because at least he wasnt drinking? i duno

3/28/2008 10:21:29 AM

New Recruit
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theyll tack an extra year onto his suspension

3/28/2008 10:27:53 AM

All American
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he should probably move to a city with good public transportation at this point

3/28/2008 10:28:12 AM

148853 Posts
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yeah that sounds about right...according to some law firm in charlotte's website

Quote :
"If you are charged and convicted of a moving violation while driving with a revoked license, your license can be suspended for an additional 12 months."

sounds like it might also royally fuck his 220% increase!

3/28/2008 10:28:37 AM

41759 Posts
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They will drop DWLR if you just have it suspended for missing court or some shit, if its a DWI revocation good luck.

He really might want to invest in a good attorney. Not only is the DWLR a serious charge but the conviction restarts the amount of time you were revoked to begin with. That only furthers the clusterfuck because you still usually need to drive for work etc, but once you get caught driving revoked its gonna be very hard to get any kind of restricted license or anything so you can work.

3/28/2008 10:29:59 AM

All American
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Get him a scooter.

3/28/2008 11:35:04 AM

All American
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there are attorneys that specialize in these DWLR's.

he would be a wise man to hire one. Even if they charge him 2 or 3 grand (which i have no idea how much they charge), it's gonna save him money in the long run from insurance premiums not to mention the inconvenience

3/28/2008 11:46:41 AM

148853 Posts
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word increases looked pretty large so thats obviously something he would want to avoid

his current lawyer is a DWI lawyer so i dont know his expertise in DWLR but i'm sure he could give him some decent advice on what to do...and hopefully convince the DA since he is almost done with his alcohol classes, was not drinking during the DWLR, etc, maybe he can catch a break cause this dude has bad luck

3/28/2008 11:48:39 AM

41759 Posts
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hah I bet if he is a DWI lawyer he has plenty of experience with DWLR.

3/28/2008 11:49:55 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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isn't this why paris hilton went to jail?

3/28/2008 2:38:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"word increases looked pretty large so thats obviously something he would want to avoid"

if he doesn't have a license to use, why does he even have a car? that seems like a waste of money.

Any DWI lawyer has extensive experience in DWLR.

Alcohol related or not, its a serious ass charge.

3/28/2008 4:02:15 PM

148853 Posts
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in regards to him having a car without a license, he did have a limited license for work, etc but it wasnt covered at night when he got pulled at like 9:30pm or whatever time it was

it sounds more serious than i initially thought, i just figured intuitively it wouldnt be as serious as if it was something alcohol related

3/28/2008 4:05:23 PM

All American
3150 Posts
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sounds like a real winner

3/28/2008 4:20:49 PM

All American
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ive seen people get jail time for that. usually ends up being like 18 months on probation with the condition not to get caught again.

3/28/2008 4:21:59 PM

All American
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man, if only he had the internet...I heard they'll drop one DUI for Time Warner Cable customers

3/28/2008 4:23:29 PM

148853 Posts
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^^yeah i'm sure any sentence would be suspended...seems like they'd have better use for their jail space than people driving with revoked licenses...but who knows, bureaucracy is fucked up!

3/28/2008 4:24:50 PM

All American
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3/28/2008 4:24:53 PM

All American
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ive seen people get active sentences, even DOC time. which is pretty much any sentence over 90 days or something.

3/28/2008 4:27:02 PM

148853 Posts
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well i doubt he'll do any time aside from probably getting his revocation period extended another year but like i said, my boy does have some terrible luck so he might get the chair

3/28/2008 4:30:09 PM

All American
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he better start saving for a liquorcycle for when he gets out.

3/28/2008 4:49:24 PM

All American
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As long as your friend is Paris Hilton, he'll be fine.

3/28/2008 4:50:17 PM

41759 Posts
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wantacivic did like 25 days for racking up five DWLR tickets in a two month span (many years ago) two of them got thrown out and he still got the active sentence. He had a lawyer too. I think it was Karl Knudsen or somebody.

They do not fuck around with that.

3/28/2008 9:00:23 PM

148853 Posts
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word...well i'll be sure to pass on to him to make sure its his first AND last DWLR

3/28/2008 9:01:25 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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please tell me this isn't sumfoo1

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 11:59 PM. Reason : ]

3/28/2008 11:59:36 PM

148853 Posts
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haha nope

3/29/2008 12:30:38 AM

All American
34471 Posts
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Quote :
"^i would think driving on a revoked license would be less serious than a DWI but i dont know...i do know that he was doing his alcohol classes and other requirements to try and get his license back early and was maybe 2.5 years into his 3 year deal...hopefully for his sake they dont tack on additional years because at least he wasnt drinking? i duno


I can't see why they WOULDN'T tack time on.

The reason the license was suspended was because the law saw him unfit to be driving, because he might also be drinking. So if he's driving, it doesn't matter whether he was drunk at that time, he's violating the punishment that he got for drinking.

And seriously, what's with you and your friend driving drunk? It's like you are a bunch of illegal immigrants or something Maybe you'd fit in better in Mexico.

3/29/2008 1:09:46 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Driving While License Revoked Page [1]  
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