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 Message Boards » » Official Snack Machine Thread-snacks tht get stuck Page [1]  
All American
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Today i picked up

1-microwave popcorn
1-ToastChee peanut butter cracker
$1.55-$1.85 (dont remember how much the popcorn was, crackers were $.55)

there was also a Reese peanut package, the Large kind, $1.25 that i couldnt get rocked out. too much noise. maybe ill re-try before i go home

3/28/2008 12:44:07 PM

All American
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flip the fucker on its side if you have to

3/28/2008 12:55:16 PM

All American
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ill be going back down if i can in a bit.. so we'll see what happens

3/28/2008 12:56:36 PM

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a vending machine, that sells vending machines

3/28/2008 1:05:32 PM

All American
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it would need to be quite large.

3/28/2008 1:08:00 PM

All American
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So I was chillin down at the water fountain today, just re-filling my bottle of water and minding my own, when I look over at the snack machine and see a bag of M&Ms in distress. The $.80 had been paid in full, but the poor bag had been pinched between the next bag and the wall separating the snacks. It was stuck.

Keeping my cool, I finished filling my water bottle. I casually peeked my head out into the hallway to see one person about 40 yards away. Setting my bottle of water on the window sill, I eyed the prize. I've learned that the key to freeing snacks is that you just nail the machine with all your might the first time. If you start with a casual shaking and build up it makes a whole lot more noise than if you just handle your business with the quickness.


I nailed that machine. The M&Ms dropped and it was glorious. Thx machine for all the tasty snacks you have provided at no charge over the years.

3/4/2008...I always meant to update this blog as I get free food, but I have not done so. Anyway, guess who just scored some Sun Chips?

3/7/2008...This week has been good to me. I showed up at 7:15 a.m. to find a pack of peanut M&M's just stuck there. It took two hits to make them drop.

3/20/2008...I'm embarassed. I have met my match. There is a pack of M&M's stuck in the machine. It was stuck yesterday and it's still there today. I hit the machine a few times during the day yesterday and it didn't budge. Today I was here late and nobody was around. I thought I could surely dislodge the M&M's, but I had no luck. I rocked the hell out of that machine at least 10 times. They're stuck. I'll have to leave them as a 2-for-1 deal for whomever buys the next pack. Mood = Sad.

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 1:19 PM. Reason : l]

3/28/2008 1:08:11 PM

warning: not serious
19581 Posts
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the machine in the campus rec building has a "NO SMOKING IN THE BATHROOM" sign... on the inside

3/28/2008 1:14:13 PM

All American
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ok, im about to head down to see if i can get that reeses pack

3/28/2008 1:47:24 PM

All American
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3/28/2008 1:55:03 PM

All American
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in soviet russia vending machine rocks you!!1!

3/28/2008 1:56:26 PM

begonias is my boo
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haha i like this thread

3/28/2008 1:56:32 PM

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[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 1:59 PM. Reason : ]

3/28/2008 1:58:16 PM

All American
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dang b0, no go
so there is a lady in her office, clear view of the machine. im gonna have to hit this hard. this is something that needs to be done after hours. its stuck pretty good.

you can see the missing popcorn on the bottom row, and that trail mix on the far right looks like a good target, but i need to be fair and only take out ones that are stuck. the popcorn wasnt stuck, but while i was hitting the machine for the crackers the popcorn fell.

its anchored on the top and bottom. hmmmm

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:00 PM. Reason : ]

[Edited on March 28, 2008 at 2:01 PM. Reason : ]

3/28/2008 1:59:30 PM

All American
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in the prison, our shit is bolted down--all your money are belong to us

3/28/2008 2:00:57 PM

All American
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That thing is stuck good. If there's any good news it's that if you get it out you'll be rewarded with a King Size product instead of the normal pansy sized product that they usually put in there.

You could go pretend you're putting money in and then act all angry like "MACHINE TOOK MY MONEY." Nobody can fault you for knocking it around a little if they think it actually took your money.

Otherwise, just wait for after hours.

3/28/2008 2:02:41 PM

All American
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dang. so now im in a bind.

i can leave early, like within the next 20 mins or so.

but everything shuts down at 5, or close to it.

do i stay for the reeses? or go home early?

this may have to wait til monday morning.

3/28/2008 2:04:32 PM

All American
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3/28/2008 2:13:21 PM

All American
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As a last resort you could buy one of the reese's, and then you'd have 2. Not free, but i just don't see that junk dropping on its own.

3/28/2008 2:24:11 PM

All American
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Just let it go. It's not worth it. Expecially since traffic is about to get real bad.

3/28/2008 2:34:09 PM

All American
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3/28/2008 3:16:15 PM

All American
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I can has free M&M's? YES I CAN.

3/31/2008 11:05:22 AM

All American
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dang, totally forgot to update.

so i went down, apparently someone came to work on the machine. the reeses were gone and the popcorn was back on track.

defeated. but its ok

3/31/2008 11:06:43 AM

All American
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It's fun to get something that is right above the stuck snack, then the top one falls and knocks the other one down.

[Edited on March 31, 2008 at 11:11 AM. Reason : ]

3/31/2008 11:11:05 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Official Snack Machine Thread-snacks tht get stuck Page [1]  
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