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All American
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nah, wasn't me; but I am waiting for the person who did ask it to make the thread.

3/31/2008 6:52:46 PM

All American
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They're probably shopping pals

3/31/2008 7:00:39 PM

All American
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3/31/2008 7:01:41 PM

All American
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oh jesus, did yet another person do that? i bet she went the fuck off.

3/31/2008 7:15:32 PM

All American
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haha, yeah

nc state: we may not do it first, and we may not do it best, but we do it


. . . later?

3/31/2008 7:18:35 PM

All American
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on tdub?

3/31/2008 10:45:54 PM

63151 Posts
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on weeeeeed?

3/31/2008 10:46:33 PM

All American
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ok, i saw the video. i think her reaction to this one is even better than her reaction the last time it happened. cause she was just like "yeah, fuck you, douchebag. next question"


3/31/2008 10:48:54 PM

The Judge
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3/31/2008 10:50:19 PM

All American
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lets see if that works. if not, its from here

3/31/2008 10:54:51 PM

The Judge
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what dicks

3/31/2008 10:59:35 PM

All American
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3/31/2008 11:01:52 PM

All American
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here's a better one

3/31/2008 11:07:59 PM

3 of 11
All American
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Nice way to make NCSU look like a bunch of redneck hicks on national news.

[Edited on March 31, 2008 at 11:22 PM. Reason : ]

3/31/2008 11:22:25 PM

The Judge
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3/31/2008 11:31:25 PM

All American
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but ncsu is a bunch of rednecks.

3/31/2008 11:31:59 PM

The Judge
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3/31/2008 11:32:46 PM

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i fail to see how that makes state look like a bunch of rednecks

3/31/2008 11:35:51 PM

The Judge
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3/31/2008 11:36:20 PM

All American
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because when people think north carolina, they think "redneck"

and rednecks are notoriously tactless and disrespectful. the question was very disrespectful and tactless.

so it's not so much that only a redneck would ask that, it's more that rednecks exhibit this type of behavior.... so when people go in thinking we are rednecks, the behavior validates what they already think.

3/31/2008 11:41:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nice way to make NCSU look like a bunch of redneck hicks on national news.

Quote :
"i fail to see how that makes state look like a bunch of rednecks"

rednecks, maybe not. but it definitely makes ncsu look stupid. in the youtube msnbc (i believe) video they were just kindof trying to discuss how a question regarding monica may be relevant in terms of like, accountability. but in the video of the student asking the question, he asks it and then leaves. maybe he tried to argue something more than what is shown on the video, but with only that clip and then him walking out (to "get to class") it just seems like he was just asking it to be a dick. or even worse, because he didn't know she'd already been asked about it like 2.5 seconds ago.

3/31/2008 11:45:27 PM

15126 Posts
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not everybody thinks that, too many northerners here now.

and i don't know if that many people will make that connection

3/31/2008 11:46:04 PM

37709 Posts
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what video shows the student? i haven't seen any

3/31/2008 11:58:51 PM

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the CNN one

3/31/2008 11:59:10 PM

All American
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the CNN one does:

4/1/2008 12:00:41 AM

All American
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Immature? Absolutely. Embarassing as hell? You bet. But redneck? I wouldn't say that.

4/1/2008 12:01:42 AM

All American
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lmao, "Chelsea Clinton was asked about Monica Lewinsky again today as she visited a North Carolina college"

anyone wanna bet that if she had gone to UNC that they would have said, "UNC"??

4/1/2008 12:09:53 AM

The Judge
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UNC Raleigh

4/1/2008 12:10:27 AM

New Recruit
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anybody see if we made the daily show?

4/1/2008 12:11:58 AM

All American
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lmao, the one guy thinks it could be a "Plant from the other campaigns" or "A student-republican group"

Does he not know that college students are just looking for attention and will ask the most awkward questions

4/1/2008 12:13:32 AM

All American
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say what you will, but it's well known that the stereotypical redneck is perceived as ignorant, rude, offensive, lacking tact, etc.

it's also well known that people from other parts of the country see north carolinians (and southerners in general) as rednecks/hicks/hillbillies/etc.

i agree that the act in itself doesn't make someone a redneck, but you can't say that it doesn't lend credence to the stereotype. it's not like he was in there deer hunting, but it's definitely one of the types of behavior associated with/expected from a hillbilly.

4/1/2008 12:15:21 AM

All American
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yeah, well in this case the guy wasn't a redneck, just your every day run-of-the-mill douche. It was more of a "I can't wait to tell my friends I did this" kind of thing.

and I believe that that only reason he asked it was to just get his 15 seconds.

I think it collectively makes NC State look immature and insensitive, but I wouldn't argue that it perpetuates any redneck stereotypes.

4/1/2008 12:23:26 AM


15145 Posts
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It makes "a North Carolina College" look stupid.

Fucking CNN and Fox News douchebags.

4/1/2008 12:31:34 AM


15145 Posts
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it also made our Tay-ley student center look bad

4/1/2008 12:33:29 AM

The Judge
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At least it wasnt in the LGBT center, I think that place was made to pass out anal lube

4/1/2008 12:34:23 AM


15145 Posts
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At least it wasn't held in The Wolf Web, I think that place was made for... gay people.

4/1/2008 12:40:41 AM

All American
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whos that guy!!1

4/1/2008 1:29:19 AM

All American
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Not a redneck.

4/1/2008 1:29:36 AM

The Judge
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what a bitch

you wanna try to call someone out you look em in the eye, you don't run off

4/1/2008 1:30:50 AM

All American
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He had to go to class.

4/1/2008 1:34:39 AM

All American
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he had to go to class, yeah right. he got laughed out of the room

4/1/2008 1:44:12 AM

The Judge
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he thinks he's cool, but his friends he meets up with later think it was a lame move.

doing lame shit

to try to impress other lame people

is lame

4/1/2008 1:55:41 AM

All American
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the guys name is

Bryce Davis

he's the one that asked

for some reason you cant search him on facebook but i found it thru a friends profile

when you search bryce the real one doesnt come up, just a different one

[Edited on April 1, 2008 at 2:20 AM. Reason : g]

4/1/2008 2:18:16 AM

All American
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he looks kind of like esgargs to me

4/1/2008 2:27:06 AM

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is he the black one? doesn't look like the same guy to me

4/1/2008 2:38:56 AM

All American
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4/1/2008 2:48:13 AM

All American
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maybe his motivation for asking wasn't in the right place, but i don't see why it's not a fair question. she's chosen to put herself out in public to campaign for her mother, family issues are an obvious part of the process. everyone else gets skeletons drug out of the closet and has to explain them. if for nothing else, but for the fact that bill will be back living in the white house. i for one want some confirmation that he's not going to be using our nation's capital as his personal playground again. even on the very slight chance you could say such antics wouldn't affect her job as president, it most certainly affects the american public and the perceptions from other countries.

also, her response is just retarded. of course no one wants their family matters in public. that guy's family also isn't running for president though. this whole "we shouldn't have to be better than the average american" crap that the clintons have apparently adopted across the board is unacceptable to me.

next, since we're perpetuating stereotypes that being asked in that fashion screams yankee to me more than anything. they're the infamous group of loud, obnoxious, tactless, mannerless people. yankees are the kind of people that get a real kick out of shit like that. crackin someone down in a crowd of their homies by bringin up some sensetive shit is what they live for. take someone from johnston county, nash, or wherever and take someone from the bronx, long island, or the oranges, etc. 5 bucks the yankee asks that question 10 times before the joco idiot even thinks about it. rednecks are known for being ignorant, lazy, racist, etc. but they're usually not up on calling people out in a crowd unless it's a jeff gordon fan. in fact, i'd be damned surprised to find one redneck there. they're all like "heeell naw bo i ain't goin nowhere near that hippie liberal lesbo, lets go drink some beer". now MAYBE you'd get one in there hollering about something after he was 10 beers deep, but not before. rednecks are just too secular to even want to be around those people. the entertainment isn't worth the discomofort they'd have to endure. that's still giving them the huge benefit of the doubt that they're think of the question and understand it's comedic value.

personally, i'm proud to be an ncsu alumni today. the question needs to be asked, and someone from ncsu had the balls to do it, even if it was a joke. her responses to the question so far have been just as immature. i can't fathom why any of you, even if you don't agree with this, wouldn't be fighting to make ncsu look as good as possible. not condemn the people or group that did this. THAT's what makes us look like a piece of shit school, when our own students/faculty/alumni bash eachother. while you might think you're seperating yourself from them, you're not. all your efforts to make them look dumb are coming on you also ultimately being a member of the group. if you're going to go as far as to say bullshit like we look dumb/stupid/ignorant you could at least reverse that effort into something like ncsu prides itself in encouraging and stimulating speakers to give students the answers they want (we ALL want the monica answer, don't bullshit). that way you still look good, and the retards haven't embarassed us half as much as they would have if we'd cut them out to fry.

i think this is just another chance for attack by people who don't like the typical southern, hard working, from a small town, conservative, majoring in ag business guy. we'll just pin things like this on him, associate it with a negative stereotype like redneck. when, in reality if you cared anything about the school you'd be doing the opposite, trying to show just how much those people actually contribute and that the YANKEE like people are the ones that should be gone! they're just so blinded by their hate for this alternative "throwback" student if you will, that they'll grasp at anything to bring him down.

[Edited on April 1, 2008 at 3:54 AM. Reason : .]

4/1/2008 3:48:47 AM

All American
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either's kind of embarrassing to have this kind of rep...

and Bryce, if you are going to try to insult someone (which it was pretty much obvious), don't be a bitch and run afterwards

4/1/2008 4:31:59 AM

All American
1998 Posts
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Quote :
"personally, i'm proud to be an ncsu alumni today. the question needs to be asked, and someone from ncsu had the balls to do it, even if it was a joke."

The question, "How did it effect you?" doesn't need to be asked. I mean, seriously. Everyone with half a brain should know that it must have sucked. Case closed. Move on.

and I'm unsure of what you're trying to get at, BBR. You're talking about how Yankees, being tactless, would bring this kind of shit up and then saying that the question needs to be asked.

[Edited on April 1, 2008 at 8:33 AM. Reason : .]

[Edited on April 1, 2008 at 8:38 AM. Reason : .]

4/1/2008 8:29:52 AM

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Quote :
"i think everyone can agree that overall, NCSU has the worse student body of the colleges in NC"

4/1/2008 8:34:34 AM

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