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 Message Boards » » omglol is a scam Page [1]  
All American
170962 Posts
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i put my check in the bank last week and they called me and made me sign 15000 things to convert the currency from canadian to us (bling bling!)

but for real what a crazy thing huh

4/21/2008 8:37:10 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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No shit.

4/21/2008 8:37:40 PM

37709 Posts
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i just shit my pants

a little

4/21/2008 8:38:17 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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canadian princes were real

4/21/2008 8:40:22 PM

All American
2888 Posts
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the wheel is broken and it's pissing me off.

4/21/2008 9:05:15 PM

best gottfriend
28968 Posts
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i'll only accept paychecks in canadian dollars.

4/21/2008 9:06:22 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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Quote :
"No shit."

are you just being a jackoff, or does your comment actually relate to anything that i said?

4/21/2008 9:52:14 PM

All American
10855 Posts
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Quote :
"the wheel is broken and it's pissing me off."

4/21/2008 9:54:08 PM

All American
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if anyone can figure out how to play me, i'll let you take the rest of my money. i just cashed it out once i hit a nice round number and its grown even more since then since i have like 500 referrals

i guess its worth it if you have paypal or something. i just dont trust them so much anymore now that they dont use a "bank" with an ABA number

4/21/2008 9:56:12 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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i havent got a check in a while

I was actually making about $200 a month for a while.

4/21/2008 10:04:46 PM

All American
2888 Posts
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Quote :
"Search & Win Offline Until Further Notice

For those of you familiar with how Moola's 'Search & Win' program works, Moola provides incentives for users to make searches, and in turn generates revenue from clicks on sponsored listings. Since there are never incentives to click on the ads themselves, advertisers (who pay on a cost-per-click basis) are protected from unnatural clicks and illegitimate charges, while the extra searches increase marketshare for our search partner (ie. Google). This has typically been a win-win for everyone, and was permissible under Google's 'Custom Search Engine' and Premium Ad Sense terms of use.

However, according to our Google representative, Google's business objectives are changing and they are becoming less interested in generating new searches, and more interested in increasing their Revenue per Search (ie. the percentage of those searches that result in a sponsored ad being clicked). One way to do that is to reduce all types of searches where the searchers don't naturally click on ads as often. With "incentivized search", it's a given that if users are making searches to primarily get bonuses, they are less likely to click on ads. As a result of these changing business objectives, it looks like Google may no longer be a suitable partner for Moola's "Search & Win". Given that it was hard to get in contact with the right people over the weekend, Moola will continue to get a final word from Google this week. However, Moola is already in discussions with the other search engines towards replacing Google. Please note that "Search & Win" will remain offline while these discussions and negotiations are on-going.

Moola is still in "BETA" and we're still experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. By virtue of you being beta-testers, you get to have an advanced sneak-preview of a site that otherwise wouldn't be available to the public, with the acknowledgment that the program isn't necessarily ready for the public yet.

Moola's "Search & Win" program is just one of the areas that we feel is not ready for prime-time yet. We'll take what we've learned from our testing of it into account and if/when it's relaunched, it'll be a stronger program. We thank each of you for your patience and for providing us such great feedback. We are always listening...

Rest assured, the suspension of "Search & Win" will not have any negative effect on Moola's financial position. It will have quite the opposite effect, since during this beta testing phase it was being financially subsidized. Moola continues to generate revenue from advertising and booster activity and has ample funds for operations and cashouts. We're just getting started over here at Moola -- we're not going anywhere. We want to make Moola into a household name as a rewards program for people who want more fun and excitement in their lives and on the web. We know that we have a long way to go, but we're committed to making that happen.

Candid Thoughts from Admin

This outage comes amid much discussion over here at Moola HQ about the Pros and Cons of offering the "Search & Win" program. It certainly helps many users get an additional daily boost of Moola Points, but it comes with some negative side-effects on other aspects of because it is also prone to abuse. These negatives include:

a) Slower cashouts
Because of the opportunity for S&W abuse, Moola has had to put considerable resources towards auditing users who are using multiple accounts to take advantage of S&W.

b) Only 2 accounts per household
This 2 user per household limit is in place primarily to prevent (or limit) S&W abuses. Without S&W, Moola would likely be able to loosen or eliminate that restriction.

c) Slower Boosters
Again, because our team is small and we've had to put our efforts to preventing S&W abuse, it takes resources away from working with merchants to speed up Boosters.

d) Increased frustration
Getting audited is not fun, and I can only imagine how frustrating it is for both our team members and Moolagans involved in audits. The majority of auditing activity is caused by suspected S&W abuse. Since we need to screen everyone, this can cause non-abusing members to be frustrated;

e) Customer service delays
Again, because we're a small team, preventing S&W abuse takes us away from other important matters.

Upcoming Improvements: Faster Cashouts and faster Boosters

One positive effect of Search & Win being offline, we'll be able to significantly reduce the resources dedicated to auditing needed to deal with S&W abuses and multiple accounts. As a result, we'll be able to redirect more resources to customer service, faster cashouts, and faster Boosters.

So that's what we're going to do -- we are going to make some changes around here to improve customer service, boosters, and cashouts. We know that many members will be inconvenienced by not having the S&W program but we believe that these changes to customer service, and getting members their boosters and cashouts faster will be better for everyone.

New Feature: "Claim Booster" and get paid instantly

We're also planning on releasing a new "Claim Booster" feature that will allow you to turn "pending" boosters into "paid" instantly, instead of having to wait for the sponsors to approve them. We are also in the process of adding a significant number of new sponsors to the Booster Zone. We think that more immediate boosters will do more to increase Moolagan balances more quickly than S&W did.

These are our thoughts, we'd like to hear yours and feedback is always appreciated... "

4/22/2008 6:01:56 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"Ready to Pay: $ 3.84"


4/22/2008 6:07:05 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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good thing i didnt cash that check against my bank account. it wasnt any big amount of money or anything (like 20 usd), but i'd sure hate to get scammed by some canadians

at least this way, i posted a link a few times, gave someone my address, took a check to the bank, and they said if it worked out the money would show up in my account someday.

thats whats up!

4/22/2008 7:52:39 PM

All American
5971 Posts
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I took my only moola check to the credit union, had to sign something. The money showed up in my account sometime that month.

4/22/2008 7:56:00 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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same thing happened to me. i just got the thing in the mail today, the money went through.

i dont do much business with canada

i thought they were on strike, and in return keeping my internet money

4/26/2008 8:58:56 PM

All American
9667 Posts
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Shit, search and win is the only thing I use on that site...

4/26/2008 10:54:46 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » omglol is a scam Page [1]  
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