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 Message Boards » » There are still good people in the world Page [1]  
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Quote :
"ORLANDO, Fla. -- Walt Disney World seems to have worked its magic on a Massachusetts couple who accidentally threw away three platinum and diamond wedding rings.

While tidying up their villa as they prepared to leave the park late last week, Paul Campanale dumped a cardboard bowl, not knowing the container inside it held his wife Karen's engagement, wedding and five-year-anniversary rings.

Park employees warned the couple from Worcester, Mass., that recovering the jewelry was all but impossible. So on Friday, the Campanales and their two young children loaded onto a Magical Express bus and headed to the airport.

Back at the Wilderness Lodge resort, executive housekeeper Drew Weaver realized that trash from the Campanales' villa hadn't reached the industrial-size compactor yet. He and seven other volunteers donned protective clothing, emptied a parking lot bin and waded through bag after bag of rubbish to find the rings. And they did.

Paul Campanale, 37, a chemist, received the good news on his cell phone and Weaver met the family at the bus' next stop to deliver the rings. Karen Campanale, 35, a teacher, said she was shocked by the find.

"That's not the first time we've gone through trash - oh, no," Weaver later said. "We don't always find things. Many times we come up empty. But we didn't this time.""

4/22/2008 9:19:08 AM

40974 Posts
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Disney goes all out for money. My parents go to Disney ~8 times a year and it's insane how much they get pampered

edit: that wilderness lodge is awesome. they have a restaurant where the servers yell at new customers and give them wooden nickels

[Edited on April 22, 2008 at 9:26 AM. Reason : and like a 5 story fireplace]

oh yeah, if you ask for ketchup, they make a big deal about it and take every ketchup bottle from every table and bring it to your table

[Edited on April 22, 2008 at 9:27 AM. Reason : good times]

4/22/2008 9:24:22 AM

40974 Posts
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i sent this to my dad and he had already seen it this morning.

[Edited on April 22, 2008 at 10:11 AM. Reason : me]

4/22/2008 10:11:08 AM

23634 Posts
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i just thought it was nice, that all the shit that disney gets for being a massive corporation and whatnot, some of its employees take the time to actually give a shit

4/22/2008 10:12:05 AM

2488 Posts
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Quote :
"dumped a cardboard bowl,"


4/22/2008 10:15:28 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » There are still good people in the world Page [1]  
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