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 Message Boards » » **Official Try a new beer a week Thread** Page [1]  
All American
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This thread is for all those who enjoy beer and the complexities to it.

call it what you want but I like trying new beers. Especially when foodlion, HT, and places like Total wine in Cary have a lot of imports and local microbrews that you dont see or try often

I have come to appreciate the european beers more and a few locals.

So if you try new stuff every now and then, where i try atleast two or three new ones a month. What do yall like and how would you rate them

Right now I am trying Lowenbrau and Widmer Hefeweizen

I also have tried and like Warsteiner and a few other euorpean wheat beers
such as Becks, Bavaria, and some i dont remember

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 11:39 PM. Reason : .]

4/28/2008 11:38:13 PM

All American
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peacestreet market is perfect for this

4/28/2008 11:39:27 PM

All American
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I likes Bavaria.

4/28/2008 11:40:43 PM

All American
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yea i did too

4/28/2008 11:46:24 PM

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tried this recently and it was decent.

4/28/2008 11:48:10 PM

All American
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I'd be very wary of buying beers that lack bottling dates from Total Wine, as their rotation blows. Every date I saw in there last time was months past. Most imports will be okay as they are pasteurized/preserved, but many (or likely most) American micros are not. Same deal with Peace Street, but to a much lesser extent.

Whole Foods, on the other hand, has great rotation and a nice single selection that changes as new things come in.

If you like wheat beers, hit up Bell's Oberon and Allagash White, or CBC Summer Wheat when it comes out (on tap and at the brewery only)

[Edited on April 28, 2008 at 11:58 PM. Reason : ']

4/28/2008 11:49:54 PM

All American
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i go to flying saucer about every day and try 3 new beers, ill have to get back to you on my favorites. if you are a fan of wheat beers, you will like about anything from leinenkugels

4/28/2008 11:53:50 PM

All American
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my buddy turned me onto the harpoon hefeweizen at flying saucer

4/29/2008 12:06:22 AM

All American
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i had a warsteiner the other night and i really like it

4/29/2008 12:20:45 AM

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Michelob Ultra has come out with some wacky flavors... not trying them right now though...

am trying Sweetwater Hummer, love all their other stuff

4/29/2008 12:23:29 AM

All American
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yea im not going to drink that michelob stuff

they are just trying to get the female drinkers that are with the guys who drink michelob ultra

mainly, the golfers wife because most guys my dad hangs out with from golf all drink MU

4/29/2008 1:28:19 AM

All American
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Join the saucer club (pricey, fun, older crowd most nights)
Peace street market (watch the rotations, we have had some beers dated 2006 from there)
Sam's quick stop (very very large selection, but it's next to duke)
Total wine (decent, but you will run through those fast if you do assorted 6 packs)
Whole foods (best bet for a normal store, especially the one in cary)

If you're really trying to get into trying new/good beers, I would start with the places where you can make your own six pack. That way you can try six beers at once (or in a week) rather then purchasing a six pack of one beer (and risking not liking it).

If your financial situation and current social situation fits going to the saucer on a regular basis then I would join their 200 beer club (you can try as many as you want per day, but only three count towards your 200).

4/29/2008 3:33:40 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Does Downy fabric softener count as a beer?

4/29/2008 3:35:12 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"i go to flying saucer about every day and try 3 new beers, ill have to get back to you on my favorites."


And ^^

Do you have plates on the wall? Do they even still do that?

4/29/2008 4:40:19 AM

All American
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ok...if they start making coors light in those plastic bottles i'll try it

4/29/2008 6:41:01 AM

All American
1914 Posts
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Quote :
"Whole foods (best bet for a normal store, especially the one in cary)"

good list but Raleigh >>>> Cary

4/29/2008 3:24:18 PM

45912 Posts
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tried that duck milk stout or whatever today.

4/29/2008 3:26:52 PM

All American
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4/29/2008 3:27:25 PM

All American
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^^^^ working on the plate still, and yes they still do it.

4/29/2008 3:28:30 PM

All American
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If that Bavaria is the same beer I am thinking of, it is some nasty ass shit. It was like $4.99 for 6 pint-sized cans but I could barely get it down. BTW, I drink dank Vodka and Listerine straight from the bottle, so that's saying a lot.

4/29/2008 3:30:19 PM

play so hard
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Vodka out of a Listerine bottle is one thing
Vodka and Listerine is another

4/29/2008 3:38:01 PM

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What are more good restaurants/bars to try new ones? I'm wary of buying a 6-pack too, and I drink out more than at home anyway. Off the top of my head I can think of Tyler's in Durham and Village Draft house in addition to the Flying Saucer (which I have somehow never been to even though I really want to). But I'm sure there are many more.

4/29/2008 3:48:55 PM

All American
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Widmer and Lowenbrau!!!!!

Homeland security might be on to you if you keep acting so CRAZY!!!!!

4/29/2008 3:53:13 PM

2488 Posts
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well clearly you need to go to the saucer

they've got like, what? 200 beers on tap and over a hundred bottled?

4/29/2008 3:55:06 PM

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I keep telling my bf I want to go there but it looks like I'm going to have to get in the car and drive us there if I want to make it happen.

4/29/2008 3:57:09 PM

All American
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Widmer and Lowenbrau are just what i have now because its something I saw at the store

I will say duck rabbit milk stout was decent but not great
and I did like Bavaria

4/29/2008 5:56:34 PM

All American
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hmm I just discovered DR Milk Stout like 2 weeks ago and have gotten it several times since then. Yum yum yum.

need a really good 'summer' type beer though, milk stout + summer = ycuk

4/29/2008 5:58:56 PM

All American
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i heard bavaria was good. i like Czech beers, Heineken, and Boulevard. Blue Moon is good too.

4/29/2008 6:05:08 PM

All American
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4/29/2008 6:08:17 PM

All American
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I just went to total wine over the weekend and purchased:

(1) Leinenkugel Variety 12 pack (includes all four of their wheats)
(1) 12 oz Widmer Hefe - I like this one
(1) Pint Weihenstephaner Hefe - Never tried
(1) 12 oz Sam Adams Cherry Whear - Never Tried
(1) 12 oz Paulaner Hefe - This stuff is pretty good too
(1) 12 oz Hell's Belle Pilsner - Was pretty good
(1) Rogue Morimoto Uber-Pilsner - Also pretty good, a lot of yeast made for a heady beer though.

I always try to get about 6 or so beers i've never had plus a few tried and true (denoted in bold). If you ever want recommendations for wheats, pilsner, or lagers don't hesitate to ask. I keep track of what I think is good

[Edited on April 29, 2008 at 7:15 PM. Reason : afafd]

4/29/2008 7:14:35 PM

All American
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hey east coast stone brew drinkers, do they sell ruination ipa in virginia?

6/3/2008 7:58:45 PM

21958 Posts
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Someone mentioned Tyler's Taproom in Durham. They now have a location in Apex at Beaver Creek. I went there a couple of weeks ago and really liked it. Definitely have quite the beer selection.

6/3/2008 8:02:30 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » **Official Try a new beer a week Thread** Page [1]  
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