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 Message Boards » » OBAMA IS THE ANTI-CHRIST WERE GONNA DIE OMGOMGOMG Page [1] 2 3, Next  
All American
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I just got this email from a friend...guess this means we're all gonna die

Quote :
"The Bible warns us of Barack Obama! Please Read All!

The Bible has warned us that 'A man will come from the East that will be charismatic in nature and have proposed solutions for all our problems and his rhetoric will attract many supporters!'

When will our pathetic Nation quit turning their back on God and understand that this man is 'A Muslim'....First, Last and always....and we are AT WAR with the Muslim Nation, whether our bleeding-heart, secular, Liberal friends believe it or not.

This man fits every description from the Bible of the 'Anti-Christ'!

I'm just glad to know that there are others that are frightened by this man!

Who is Barack Obama? Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice.

If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it. snopes. com ..' confirms this is factual. Check for yourself.

Who is Barack Obama? Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was b orn in Honolulu , Hawaii , to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel , Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita , Kansas .

Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii .When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya . His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia .

When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia . Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta . He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.

Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical.

Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta .

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States , Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches.

Do you want someone like this as your PRESIDENT?

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.

The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!

Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!"

5/5/2008 9:59:07 PM

All American
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5/5/2008 10:00:20 PM

All American
21574 Posts
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Quote :
"A man will come from the East"

Hawaii is West

5/5/2008 10:00:42 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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5/5/2008 10:00:49 PM

70298 Posts
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ignorance is piss

5/5/2008 10:01:56 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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Africa is west of Israel.

5/5/2008 10:02:38 PM

All American
1319 Posts
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you need new friends, I'm accepting applications...

5/5/2008 10:02:52 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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fucking cheap shot republicans.... make ignorant folk think they're gay or the world is going to end if they vote dem.....

5/5/2008 10:03:37 PM

All American
4428 Posts
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Quote :
"you need new friends"

why yes, yes I do

5/5/2008 10:05:12 PM

All American
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5/5/2008 10:05:39 PM

70298 Posts
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ummm, how about beds? They can be comfy, fun, and a good place to sleep all in one teehee

5/5/2008 10:07:07 PM

All American
27023 Posts
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Quote :
"fucking cheap shot republicans.... make ignorant folk think they're gay or the world is going to end if they vote dem....."

umm no...just don't vote for the obvious bad choice of Osama...err i mean Obama.

5/5/2008 10:08:59 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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mccain will win regardless.

5/5/2008 10:09:39 PM

All American
9877 Posts
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5/5/2008 10:09:44 PM

Sup, B
53284 Posts
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wait. Obama is a "muslim" but he has a Christian preacher that there is all this controversy about... I am so confused

5/5/2008 10:10:45 PM

All American
34475 Posts
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Quote :
""A man will come from the East"

Hawaii is West


Which is west from the middle-east (where the bible was written).

5/5/2008 10:20:04 PM

no u
103356 Posts
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everything is west of everything

omg roundness

5/5/2008 10:33:26 PM

All American
1319 Posts
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north is south.....east is west......dogs and cats sleeping together....yeah obama is gonna win NC....or will he?

5/5/2008 10:35:20 PM

All American
12212 Posts
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Quote :
"obligatory "

5/5/2008 10:38:53 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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A man will come from the east?

that makes me think mohammed is the antichrist

5/5/2008 10:52:39 PM

All American
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5/5/2008 10:54:25 PM

All American
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this sounds like something my boyfriend's (tschudi) mom would get and believe that it was true.

no offense

5/5/2008 11:40:14 PM

All American
1635 Posts
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and my faith in humanity continues to dwindle...

5/5/2008 11:49:38 PM

wear sumthin tight
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5/5/2008 11:50:16 PM

All American
3942 Posts
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have you read any of those forwarded emails? I think they're all written by some stay at home uneducated soccer mom who really hates facts

5/5/2008 11:52:35 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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they're probably written by the type of people that are in jesus camp. those people are in super denial

5/6/2008 12:01:51 AM

All American
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I saw a website a while back that was trying to say that said the Obama symbol proves he is a Muslim

Basically, the point was that the top of the symbol is an Islamic crescent, and then the 5 stripes under it represent the 5 pillars of Islam. I am by no means of agreeing with that, I am just putting it out there. i cant remember the website where i read that.

5/6/2008 12:02:46 AM

All American
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no one else has heard this theory?

5/6/2008 2:05:38 PM

148864 Posts
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i dunno who is dumber...the people who believe about the bible's warning of obama like in the first post's quote...or the people who think obama is going to magically be a great president because he talks about change...i mean which group of sheep are more ignorant to buy into all this bullshit?

5/6/2008 2:13:57 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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good point

5/6/2008 2:14:43 PM

All American
22489 Posts
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haha, life must be great to walk around thinking you're so much better than everyone else huh?

everyone's a sheep, i'm my own person, i'm so cool, everyone should be like me!

5/6/2008 2:20:17 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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listen man... plain and simple republicans are better shit talkers and since a large percentage of our country (including my own frigging mother ) doesn't know any better they believe all these stupid chain mails and propaganda I'm so sick of this shit....

Why doesn't anyone point out the obvious... the bush family is oil money oil companies have money coming out of their ears because of this mess he got us into.... coincidence? i think not

Keep in mind folks it costs about 10000 (exaggeration) times as much money to become president as it pays to be president (salary) the only point in doing it is

A. you feel like you can make a difference
B. you feel like you can pull some strings and make a ton of money while in office (cough Halliburton cough cough oil cough cough cough)

and no i'm not saying the dems are better i'm just kinda pissed at the whole system right now

5/6/2008 2:21:04 PM

All American
1998 Posts
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Quote :
" snopes. com ..' confirms this is factual. Check for yourself."

haha, i guess they're hoping that people just take their word for it.

5/6/2008 2:21:12 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"people who think obama is going to magically be a great president because he talks about change...i mean which group of sheep are more ignorant to buy into all this bullshit?"

i guess the same people that think McCain will not be Bush Jr. (which we all know he will be)

5/6/2008 2:23:06 PM

147487 Posts
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i dunno who is dumber...the people who believe about the bible's warning of obama like in the first post's quote...or the people who think mccain is gonna be a great president...i mean which group of sheep are more ignorant to buy into all this bullshit?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 2:25 PM. Reason : ^yeah really]

5/6/2008 2:24:30 PM

148864 Posts
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i love how defensive you people get when somebody DARES to criticize your favorite candidate

funny get so defensive, its like you actually know these people personally, not that they're simply this 4 year's crop of power hungry rich motherfuckers who are all out of touch with society


5/6/2008 2:25:40 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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^^^ Mccain is a completely different man than he was 2-3 years ago... i would have voted for him then.

I miss ron paul

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 2:26 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 2:25:51 PM

147487 Posts
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lolol i like how repubs get when you tell them they suck

5/6/2008 2:26:27 PM

148864 Posts
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who are you voting for DNL? shitty candidate 1, 2 or 3?

5/6/2008 2:27:28 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"Mccain is a completely different man than he was 2-3 years ago... i would have voted for him then."

i agree with you here. & i hate poLOLitics

5/6/2008 2:27:40 PM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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Quote :
"Keep in mind folks it costs about 10000 times as much money to become president as it pays to be president (salary) the only point in doing it is

A. you feel like you can make a difference
B. you feel like you can pull some strings and make a ton of money while in office (cough Halliburton cough cough oil cough cough cough)"


no one actually pays out of personal wealth to become is that even a viable argument to make?

sure you can put money in, but the FEC allows for debt retirement donations post election for a reason'll get most if not all of it back from your supporters and big time donators just for putting your neck on the line.

5/6/2008 2:27:57 PM

Shitter Pilot
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Quote :



5/6/2008 2:28:09 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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^^^^^ so you really think any of this is true?

Obama is an Islamic terrorist who is going to end the world?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 2:28 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 2:28:11 PM

147487 Posts
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^^both the dems are less shitty than mccain

5/6/2008 2:28:15 PM

5724 Posts
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I am going to go vote for el presidente de los Estados Unidos.

5/6/2008 2:28:39 PM

148864 Posts
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i sure would hate to get a $170,000 / year pension for the rest of my life after i left office!

^^they all suck...prove me wrong, unless you're just a democratic sheep

5/6/2008 2:29:10 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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Quote :
"While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches.

hahahahahahahaha, THAT FUCKING SLOUCHER!!!!

5/6/2008 2:29:29 PM

147487 Posts
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yeah treetwista...they do all kinda suck...its just the dems suck less

5/6/2008 2:30:14 PM

148864 Posts
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based on what? the additional taxes they'll take out of every one of your paychecks?

5/6/2008 2:30:26 PM

All American
27287 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm just kinda pissed at the whole system right now"

As am I. I despise it that each election is a two party election and that if I want to vote, I am forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. And I know it will probably never happen in human history, but I really wish that politicians and campaigning would be more about promoting the leadership capabilities of one candidate rather than degrading the other candidate. I really wish that people would just be able to realize that even if Obama was a Muslim or an Atheist or even believed in the flying spaghetti monster, it wouldn't affect how he runs a country. It kind of reminds me of that picture that was going around during the last election that had a picture of Bush throwing a football normally and another of Kerry trying to catch one and looking really goofy and the caption was "Who would you rather be president?" BECAUSE THE ABILITY TO CATCH A FOOTBALL REALLY DETERMINES WHETHER OR NOT YOU WOULD BE A GOOD PRESIDENT.

5/6/2008 2:30:52 PM

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