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All American
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but the right persuasion, sent via PM, of a jpeg like nature, might do it

5/6/2008 12:10:47 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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my vote is most definitely for sale, i want one of the obama supporters to call me so that i can relay this info to them

5/6/2008 12:11:55 PM

All American
63547 Posts
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I wouldn't sell my vote for 200 euros via PayPal

5/6/2008 12:12:00 PM

balls deep
89889 Posts
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if that a fancy way of saying you want a picture of my cock-n-balls?

whether you meant that or not, PM SENT!

5/6/2008 12:12:39 PM

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5/6/2008 12:12:53 PM

balls deep
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^ you're next

5/6/2008 12:13:12 PM

All American
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i'm going to use this logic with a campus crusade chick one day


do you think it will work?

i'll be all like... my eternal soul vs. a little bit of shame for you

jesus WILL appreciate it

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:14 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 12:14:14 PM

All American
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look I definitely wouldn't sell my vote for 100 euros via PayPal

I'm just too patriotic and I can't be bought at the low, low price of 100 euros

5/6/2008 12:14:24 PM

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5/6/2008 12:14:47 PM

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you gonna sell your vote to somebody in europe or something? or just not a fan of USD?

5/6/2008 12:14:59 PM

All American
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seriously though

tits for Obama

lets get to it sluts

5/6/2008 12:15:17 PM

All American
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^^ have you been paying attention lately?

5/6/2008 12:15:38 PM

All American
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I'm not going to sell my vote

the euro is now worth double the US$

5/6/2008 12:15:42 PM

45208 Posts
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Hmmm should I employ this technique today at the polls?

Tits 4 Obama would fit on my right tit....what about the left?

5/6/2008 12:15:54 PM

All American
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5/6/2008 12:16:58 PM

All American
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as someone who is unaffiliated and therefor able to vote for any candidate, I definitely wouldn't sell my vote

5/6/2008 12:17:03 PM

148864 Posts
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Quote :
"the euro is now worth double the US$"

so why not ask for $400 USD? you in europe or somewhere where you can practically spend euros?

5/6/2008 12:18:26 PM

All American
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because 200 euros still sounds like less to a naive and economically shell-shocked nation
and I can definitely spend the money online

also, I'm moving to Manhattan and places there are beginning to accept the euro as well

5/6/2008 12:19:51 PM

All American
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I wonder how surprised people would be of the list of horrible things people would do for a menial sum

how many people would sell their ability to vote forever for $1000

about about full and complete sterilization forever for $1000


5/6/2008 12:20:10 PM

All American
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^where do i sign up?

5/6/2008 12:20:51 PM

All American
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shit I might be willing to PAY $1000 for sterilization

5/6/2008 12:20:59 PM

148864 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm moving to Manhattan"

in that case you might want to sell your vote for $5000 euros

Manhattan cost of living FTL

5/6/2008 12:21:04 PM

37709 Posts
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if one of the obama supporters called me and they sounded young and hot i'd probably ask them out in exchange for my vote on their tab

or to just suck my dick

5/6/2008 12:21:19 PM

All American
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and $1000 is probably a high number for both of those

5/6/2008 12:21:25 PM

All American
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^depends on how the sterilization is done i suppose

5/6/2008 12:22:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"shit I might be willing to PAY $1000 for sterilization"

yeah, but if an organization proposed doing just that

offering $1000 for complete and full sterilization

you would scream bloody murder

wouldn't you, Snewf?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:23 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 12:22:27 PM

45208 Posts
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^^^^? made me LOL

The sterilization question is a good one! I wonder how many people would actually be willing to do it for money! And I mean those that have not had kids yet.

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:24 PM. Reason : ThePeter]

5/6/2008 12:23:38 PM

148864 Posts
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i'd sell my vote this year

except its illegal to do so

5/6/2008 12:23:49 PM

All American
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you do understand that any sterilization programs would almost undoubtablly be done with a racist agenda in mind?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:26 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 12:26:00 PM

All American
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^^where's the capitalism in that?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:26 PM. Reason : ^]

5/6/2008 12:26:04 PM

All American
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depends on what the projected goal of this sterilization program might be

is it privately funded or a government initiative?

clearly such a program targets the poor for sterilization
however, I still think that it is the individual's right to choose what to do with their own person
sovereignty of the person is one of the most important things to me

I think it may also be relevant to mention that I personally hold a very negative view of breeding

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:28 PM. Reason : -]

5/6/2008 12:27:19 PM

148864 Posts
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Quote :
"I personally hold a very negative view of breeding"

breeding in general? thats pretty fucked want there to be zero humans on earth in 100 years?

5/6/2008 12:28:50 PM

All American
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vote weed 420 smoke ron paul everyday

5/6/2008 12:28:53 PM

All American
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oh where do my twisted leftist ideals lead me this time...

who do I support more in this... the gays... the blacks... the poor...the bitches...


[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:30 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 12:29:55 PM

All American
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I think we had better get our shit together or we might as well just stop breeding and save a lot of people a lot of misery

I want to help myself, motherfucker
gotta look out for your own interests
but other people should know to look out for their own too
after the individual comes community

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:32 PM. Reason : -]

5/6/2008 12:30:21 PM

All American
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sounds like some homo propaganda to me

5/6/2008 12:30:37 PM

All American
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my personal agenda is pro-gay, for sure

but individualism and self-determination isn't exclusive to fags

5/6/2008 12:33:11 PM

148864 Posts
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Quote :
"I want to help myself, motherfucker
gotta look out for your own interests"

doesnt sound very liberal

Quote :
"my personal agenda is pro-gay"

what does that mean, that you're gay?

5/6/2008 12:33:22 PM

Shitter Pilot
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A fair warning if we don't limit breeding:

5/6/2008 12:33:23 PM

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^before the image showed up, i didnt know if it was going to be a picture of Idiocracy, or a picture of China

5/6/2008 12:34:19 PM

All American
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I'm not gay, personally

but I more than tolerate other people that are gay
that's their choice and I'm happy that they have made one

and I don't quite claim to be a liberal - though i am

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:35 PM. Reason : -]

5/6/2008 12:35:22 PM

best gottfriend
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i'd sell my vote in a heartbeat.

5/6/2008 12:36:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"my personal agenda is pro-gay, for sure

but individualism and self-determination isn't exclusive to fags


you're not pro-gay, nor are your friends

you're anti-establishment, which is just annoying, that's why I pick on you

I'M PRO GAY... i truly believe they should have full and equal protection under the law and not be treated as 2nd class citizens (yes they should be able to marry, what is wrong with people?)

but I don't have to suckle at some fat ugly lesbos teat to be so

5/6/2008 12:36:05 PM

All American
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oh snap!

5/6/2008 12:37:15 PM

148864 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not gay, personally

but I more than tolerate other people that are gay"

i tolerate pretty much anybody...does that make me Pro-Everything?

5/6/2008 12:37:30 PM

68205 Posts
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selling votes is so last month

N.C. State Student Tries To Sell Vote On EBay

fter placing her vote for the democratic party for sale on eBay, Sara Yasin, senior in textiles and apparel management, received a mandate from the North Carolina State Board of Elections instructing her to remove it.

According to Yasin, a former Student Centers President and a former Student Senator, the idea originally began as a joke.

"[A friend and I] were just talking about how the Democratic race has gotten pretty ridiculous," Yasin said. "I mean it's good healthy competition, but I just feel like it has become a bidding war."

The conversation sparked Yasin to put her vote for sale on eBbay, and while she said she only laughed about it at first, the vote was up for anyone to buy on April 4.

Ben Mazur, senior in religious studies, said he remembers the moment Yasin put the vote online.

"She called me before she set it all up and said, 'Check your e-mail in about half an hour. I'm about to do something really funny,'" Mazur said.

Shortly after her call, Mazur said he received an invitation to Yasin's Facebook group entitled, "Selling My Vote in the Democratic Primary."

"My immediate reaction was that has got to be illegal," Mazur said. "But it was such a funny concept that I wanted it to happen."

Yasin also said she thought her action may have been illegal, but she decided to go through with it. She said she decided she did not want to keep the money from the sold vote.

"I decided that the most important thing to me on this campus is SATELLITE, a camp for students who come from rural areas in North Carolina who historically don't get to go to college in that area," Yasin said.

Yasin decided she would give the profit from her online sale to the charity because "it would do more for North Carolina than the primary race could."

She started the bids at 15 cents for her vote, she said, and had planned to continue the bidding until April 11.

However, Yasin receied an eBbay message yesterday from an NCSBOE member stating that she must take her item down from E-bay because it was a violation of North Carolina General Statute 163-275 (2) and a Class I felony.

Statute 163-275 (2) states that for any person to give or promise or request or accept at any time, before or after any such primary or election, any money, property or other thing of value whatsoever in return for the vote of any elector shall be guilty of a Class I felony.

Upon receiving her message to end the bid, Yasin said the first thing she did was call to make sure it wasn't a joke. After calling, Yasin confirmed that the NCSBOE was indeed the organization that had contacted her.

"They were actually really nice about it and just told me to end the bidding," she said. "I didn't put up a fight or anything -- I just ended it."

Mazur said that while he knew it was illegal to bribe someone for a vote, he had never heard of anyone selling their vote for the primary election.

"It doesn't surprise me that it was shut down, though," he said.

One of the online bidders for Yasin's vote, Brian Mathis, junior in business management, said he had a feeling when he bid that it might be illegal, but he wasn't thinking about the ramifications of his action.

"I wasn't serious about bidding for her," Mathis said. "My main thing was to contribute to charity."

Yasin said now that she cannot sell her vote online, she does not know who she will vote for.

"I feel kind of dumb because I usually consider myself pretty informed and I was keeping up with the race," she said, "but I just couldn't make a decision."

She said that although he will not win the North Carolina Primary Election, Mike Gravel will receive her vote beore Clinton or Obama.

"I'm sick of people making me feel like, because I'm a woman, I should vote for Hillary, and because I'm a minority, I should be voting for Obama," Yasin said.

5/6/2008 12:38:29 PM

All American
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yeah, I know you because of the words you type over the interweb...

but seriously, you do still live in asheville, right?

[Edited on May 6, 2008 at 12:38 PM. Reason : .]

5/6/2008 12:38:32 PM

All American
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^^ people are retarded

5/6/2008 12:39:00 PM

All American
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yes it does

tolerance is a form of moral relativism

I tolerate some things because I'm alright with ambiguity
but there are certain things that I either approve or disapprove of
and on those points is where you have to take a stand if you're going to have any kind of backbone whatsoever

5/6/2008 12:39:02 PM

All American
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yeah I live in asheville until the end of the month or so

then its to manhattan for grad school

5/6/2008 12:40:33 PM

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