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 Message Boards » » i had a very strange dream last night Page [1]  
All American
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for some reason santa's reindeer came to life in my backyard on christmas

so of course i flew them

well the next christmas came around and me and my sister decided to start charging people to ride to the north pole and back

it became a very lucrative business that year

but santa got really pissed

i asked this little girl what happened and she said "santa is pissed so he said he and his reindeer are not fucking waking up next year"

so i had to smooth things over with santa, then me and my sister went back

my sister wanted to do it again next year but i told her that santa would just get pissed again, she didnt care

and i gave her this long speech about how if there were no christmas, there would be no penguin decorations and no snow and no winter break

at this point we are driving in a car and we see a Bed Bath and Beyond on our left and both start singing about Bed Bath and Beyond, also for some reason they have a charter bus that is dropping people off there

so through my musical-style speech i convince her not to charge for rides to the north pole next year

we have christmas

all is well

and then i woke up

what the fuck

5/6/2008 4:12:01 PM

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5/6/2008 4:12:48 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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sometimes this format isn't appropriate.

This is painfull to read.

5/6/2008 4:13:28 PM

Shitter Pilot
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Don't eat the worm at the bottom of the tequila anymore...

5/6/2008 4:13:37 PM

All American
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it wasn't the one where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?

5/6/2008 4:15:30 PM

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when are dreams not strange?

feel free to share them in my thread here in the future!


5/6/2008 4:16:29 PM

All American
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an even stranger dream tonight:

so for some reason i was an employee on Let's Make a Deal with monty hall

he decided to change the show's format to be like... a home shopping channel lol

an announcer went up there and described stuff and sold it to members of the audience who ran up there to buy it if they had the cash

he picked me as one of the 3 announcers, the other two were his wife and this guy who sort of resembled my 8th grade math teacher

we are wearing white pants, white shirt, red blazer, red tie, and a black vest... looks sorta snazzy

im the first person to present an item, i get out there and of course we dont have teleprompters, this is like 1970. so i have a card im reading off of... but i cant see the text on it cause it was written in yellow

so i make up some bullshit and start talking about it and no one buys it

i go backstage and monty's like "WHAT THE FUCK EVAN"

i told him what happened so for my next item they got me a card printed in black

his wife goes out there to sell her stuff, its a bunch of chinese porcelain dolls... to help sell them she brings out a bunch of chinese women, idk. im backstage and talking with monty when this guy in like... a german army uniform comes in the back stage door and monty's like "who are you" and he's like "i'm in jail, i came to buy some china dolls" so he goes and buys some... (wtf?)

she sells like 3 of them, all to the jail dude

then my 8th grade math teacher man goes out, i dont remember what he was selling cause im talking with monty about my car im selling... they have 10 of them, the lowest price i can sell it for is $314 (and you have to be able to pay it within 4 hours). i was like "well can i start at like $499 and go down from there" and he just grinned and said "i like you kid"

so i go out there to start selling the car

and i start off really good, got everyone laughing

and then i woke up


[Edited on May 24, 2008 at 11:16 AM. Reason : r]

5/24/2008 11:15:51 AM

All American
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i had a horrible dream last night that is still ruining my day

it's like all my exes joined into one awesome force of cold hearted bitchiness to date me and make me feel awesome only to get engaged to someone else while we're still together.......OH WAIT, THAT JUST HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE.

son of a bitch

5/24/2008 11:34:30 AM

All American
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5/24/2008 11:35:55 AM

All American
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5/24/2008 11:36:45 AM

mainly potato
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you want me to fuck her up?

5/24/2008 11:37:27 AM

All American
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Hey, if you're bored

It happened like 2 months ago. The dream this morning just sucked balls.

5/24/2008 11:38:38 AM

All American
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i've had dreams like that recently

11 days straight of them

really sucked

5/24/2008 11:39:37 AM

mainly potato
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my dreams recently have had no plot to them. they don't make me feel a certain way or anything. they have been just...random as shit.

my last one was about cupcakes and tigers.

5/24/2008 11:40:47 AM

All American
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of announcing on a monty hall show?

shit man, how could that suck?

5/24/2008 11:41:20 AM

All American
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no relating to similar dreams as that of jazon

5/24/2008 11:42:07 AM

All American
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^ ouch

5/24/2008 11:43:14 AM

All American
45943 Posts
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sometimes this format isn't appropriate.

This is painful to read.

5/24/2008 11:58:51 AM

All American
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another strange dream tonight:

i dreamt that i was trying out to be a gladiator on American Gladiators

to become a gladiator all of the current gladiators had to approve of you

everyone said yes except for siren (what a bitch)

and i started screaming at her, but she couldn't hear me because she's deaf

that's all i remember.

7/21/2008 10:16:12 AM

All American
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i was expecting this to be about sex with a woman

7/21/2008 10:19:09 AM

All American
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i was expecting you to show me your genitals

did that happen?


7/21/2008 10:20:49 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » i had a very strange dream last night Page [1]  
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