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All American
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5/7/2008 3:23:12 PM

no u
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here's its trophy

5/7/2008 3:25:00 PM

All American
11036 Posts
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Agreed. Highest quality chain sub shop. Doesn't beat real subs in Jersey tho

5/7/2008 3:25:13 PM

All American
2869 Posts
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their meat to bread ratio is off the heezy

5/7/2008 3:26:05 PM

Agent 0
All American
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man i worked at jersey mikes in high school, back before i had to care about what i ate because my metabolism was so high

i remember i spent one summer eating ATLEAST a footlong a day [no homo]

and then, after i left i had the stamp for the sub club cards so i continued to eat for free

then a while later they stopped doing that promotion

5/7/2008 3:32:56 PM

68205 Posts
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they still do the sub one sub away from a free one

5/7/2008 3:34:07 PM

Agent 0
All American
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yeah but they dont stamp it anymore right?

or atleast at certain locations they stopped doing that, with the ones owned by the guy i worked for, he had three or four franchises in the area

sidenote, i was in texas the other week and stopped at this place that looked suspiciously like jersey mikes, but it was called something different, so i think they're probably a lot larger than they appear, even through franchising

but they are ftw

just looked at my expense report, it was called Lenny's subs, but everything about the place was JM

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 3:42 PM. Reason : .]

5/7/2008 3:40:28 PM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"or atleast at certain locations they stopped doing that"

yeah, the one i go to at work has a JM hole puncher
the one by the crib still does the stamps. ive been trying to swipe one

5/7/2008 3:45:57 PM

All American
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oh i'm craving it!

5/7/2008 3:47:34 PM

All American
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My favorite.


Nothing else in this area comes close. At all.

5/7/2008 4:10:12 PM

All American
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They don't have any Jersey Mike's in the NYC Metro area. This boggles my mind since subs are so popular up here, not to mention the whole company was started in a shop at the NJ shore just 50 miles south of the city...

5/7/2008 4:13:33 PM

35780 Posts
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Lenny's are different from Jersey Mikes. We have one around the corner from my office.

They are eerily close to JM but not the same company. They also have this hot relish spread they put on their subs, its amazing!

5/7/2008 4:30:05 PM

All American
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^^I grew up in South Jersey but had never had Jersey Mike's until I got to NC.

(there aren't any, nor is there a need for any - every mom and pop italian place has bomb ass subs for way cheaper - you wouldn't eat pizza hut in NY or chicago would you?)

[Edited on May 7, 2008 at 4:43 PM. Reason : +_+]

5/7/2008 4:40:12 PM

All American
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for those who didnt know, wednesday is college night at the J Mikes on Peace. All regular combos $6.

5/7/2008 4:57:05 PM

Double Entendre
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My favorite sub shop! I used to work there in high school.

5/7/2008 4:57:21 PM

330 Posts
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When I worked there we were always out of ink for the sub club stamp. So we would initial the card. One day some girl came in with a card with my initials all over it, in her handwriting. Then she tried to convince me it was my handwriting.

Oddly enough, she never came back to my store.

5/7/2008 5:29:50 PM

4549 Posts
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when i was in school, i worked at the one on wake forest rd. the lunch rushes were intense. sucked that the owner made us pay like 2.75 for reg subs, but at least it was less than the actual cost. i ate the fuck outta them subs. chicken philly ftw. i always made sure when i cooked the bacon that it was cooked to perfection.

man, i kinda wish i still worked there. it's kinda nice though, cuz whenever i go back to raleigh, i can stop by, and if the owner's son is still workin, he'll hook me up for free.

5/7/2008 5:43:29 PM

All American
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Price/Tasty ratio Jersey Mikes wins. But overall quality and taste has to go to Quiznos. Their subs are freaking delicious. But geeze it is expensive for a sandwich.

5/7/2008 5:57:57 PM

All American
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Quiznos = 5.00 Large deli subs

5/7/2008 6:14:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"(there aren't any, nor is there a need for any - every mom and pop italian place has bomb ass subs for way cheaper - you wouldn't eat pizza hut in NY or chicago would you?)"

Sometimes sure, but not necessarily by a long shot. Surprising as it is, there are plenty of crappy delis in the city. Its beyond me as to how they stay in business. And that wouldn't explain why there are lots of Subways and Quiznos (and a few Blimpies).

Its a real bummer that the original one at Point Pleasant closed down. Used to get subs there when I was a kid at the shore.

5/7/2008 6:49:24 PM

All American
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Quiznos is good for the hot sandwiches. You couldn't pay me to get a turkey sub from Quiznos. Well, maybe you could pay me, but I certainly wouldn't pay for one.

If you want a real, deli sandwich (i.e. cold cuts), and you go anywhere but Jersey Mike's in this area, you're doing it wrong.

5/8/2008 9:50:19 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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jersey mikes has the best bread for a chain

however, once you get up north you can get semolina bread
I had a steak sandwich on semolina that was a fucking spiritual experience

5/8/2008 9:53:39 AM

All American
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I fucking hate quiznos. Way too much bread, and it pisses me off that they fucking put the meat on a little scale so that they don't give you too much. Fucking Jew bullshit

5/8/2008 9:58:48 AM

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^^^I agree about the hot sandwhiches. Their primerib cheesesteak sandwhiches are great but there is no way i'd get a deli sub there.

Jersey Mikes makes the best deli sub, Lenny's is a good substitute for JM if you have one nearby.

5/8/2008 10:02:21 AM

All American
1826 Posts
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Exit 312 in Garner, Formano's Deli - bangin'.

That is, if you're willing to drive to 312.

5/8/2008 10:18:38 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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3 footlongs for $11.99 after 4 at subway

5/8/2008 10:23:02 AM

1013 Posts
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anyone been to firehouse subs? one of my favourites

5/8/2008 10:24:43 AM

All American
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firehouse is great too

5/8/2008 10:26:33 AM

19447 Posts
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The datil pepper hot sauce is muy bueno.

5/8/2008 10:27:00 AM

1013 Posts
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at firehouse, i get the turkery/roast beef mushroom sandwich, throw some hot sauce on that shit

hits the spot

5/8/2008 10:28:08 AM

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firehouse ain't too bad. its good to throw in now and again to mix it up.

5/8/2008 10:28:37 AM

All American
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Sandpiper at Carolina Beach

I do love Jersey Mike's though. For a chain, you can't beat it

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 10:33 AM. Reason : .]

5/8/2008 10:28:57 AM

63151 Posts
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the meatball at firehouse is where it's at

5/8/2008 10:29:10 AM

All American
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the "deli" subs at quiznos are still toasted. I agree the prime rib cheesesteak dank, but the honey ham/swiss deal I got yesterday was definitely worth the 5.35 as compared to subway. it's turkey/cheddar, ham/swiss, tuna/cheddar, or roastbeef/cheddar

if I want turkey and provolone then yes, it's mike's way with pickle.

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 10:39 AM. Reason : ,]

5/8/2008 10:38:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the meatball at firehouse is where it's at"




5/8/2008 10:40:03 AM

All American
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^^ Don't get me wrong, just about ANYTHING is better than Subway. I don't understand how people can eat there.

If you like it, more power to you, but for me

5/8/2008 10:52:11 AM

63151 Posts
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hey do ya'lls subways have pizzas now

that's weird

5/8/2008 10:53:05 AM

All American
63547 Posts
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yeah I guess they do

I dunno - don't go in there

5/8/2008 10:54:09 AM

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I went to one in Charlotte on Monday and it did. I thought that was bizarre too.

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 10:56 AM. Reason : and it also had the hottest hot mustard I have ever eaten. It hurt.]

5/8/2008 10:55:45 AM

All American
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Big Ass Taco

5/8/2008 10:56:33 AM

185 Posts
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So nobody really likes Jimmy Johns? Working on campus (NCSU) during the summer makes JJ a very good place to go.....I think its the bread......

5/8/2008 10:57:42 AM

19447 Posts
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I don't like JJ's bread. It seems oddly crispy in a bad way. But I LOVE its avocado spread.

5/8/2008 10:58:36 AM

1013 Posts
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ok, go ahead and make a rank your subs thread:

1. Firehouse
2. Jimmy Johns
3. Publix
4. Quiznos
5. Subway

its a long way from 3 to 4 in that list, probably a ton i'm forgetting about

5/8/2008 11:02:03 AM

All American
6651 Posts
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1. Jersey Mikes
2. Firehouse
3. Quiznos
4. JJ's
5. shit
6. subway

5/8/2008 11:04:18 AM

19447 Posts
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Jersey Mike's/Jimmy John's

[Edited on May 8, 2008 at 11:06 AM. Reason : I got an egg salad sub at Publix once and it was halfway frozen. That ruined egg salad for me]

5/8/2008 11:05:31 AM

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Jason's Deli.


5/8/2008 11:06:01 AM

All American
4809 Posts
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whatever you do, do not look at the nutritional information on Jersey Mike's website

5/8/2008 11:06:55 AM

1013 Posts
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1. Firehouse
2. Jimmy Johns
3. Publix
4. Jason's Deli
5. Jersey Mikes

and you can keep the rest.

5/8/2008 11:08:19 AM

35780 Posts
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1. Jersey Mikes
2. Lennys
3. Quiznos
4. Firehouse

Subconscious is probably my favorite non-chain that i can think of at this moment

and Jimmy Johns doesn't even make my list. That place sucks

5/8/2008 11:09:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"whatever you do, do not look at the nutritional information on Jersey Mike's website"

I just looked. It's not bad at all.

5/8/2008 11:10:54 AM

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