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All American
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Q. Why do scientist refuse to believe that God created the earth and that you humans did not come from an animal?

A. ok so first alot of people believe in god but scientist have found clues that people have eveolved from apes or watever and that there is evidence but we dont really have any evidence that god created us right?

well atleast i dont think noone found evidence ...

i believe that they choose not to listen because this modern, wicked, and evil world today wants to have nothing to do with God.

Genesis 1:1 states that "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth."

Why do they think that humans have occupied the earth for less than 1% of earth's history if we were created when the earth was formed only a couple of thousand years ago. none of these evolutionary characters could have come way before we did about 4.6 billion years ago, if the earth was only created in 6, again i say SIX days?

us humans came the 6th day.

no arguments.!!!! these are facts not theory.!!!!!!!!!!

THE ONE AND ONLY TRUTH!!! don't believe me, take it up with GOD!~~!! ~ADIOS~

They believe that because they think that humans came from apes and they do not have any proof on how god existed because they are always wondering how he was created because they think that if he existed from the beggining of times, what is the beggining of times? The world may never know, but we do know that god exists and it will always remain a mystery.

5/16/2008 11:02:08 AM

All American
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The spelling errors. THEY BURN.

5/16/2008 11:03:21 AM

32613 Posts
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evolution, the big bang, blah blah blah..all that shit can be used to explain how we got here today

but where the fuck did all of that material come from to begin with is the real question

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:03 AM. Reason : adf]

5/16/2008 11:03:29 AM

All American
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ive never heard of that site before, but someone needs to edit that.

^ different branes colliding?

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:05 AM. Reason : s]

5/16/2008 11:04:01 AM

All American
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one of my earth science students sent me that link. we were learning about historical geology.

5/16/2008 11:04:16 AM

All American
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I like how only the Christian creationism story is factual.

5/16/2008 11:05:26 AM

All American
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5/16/2008 11:05:37 AM

Shitter Pilot
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^x5 Lulz, theory of expanding and collapsing universe. DURRRRRRRRRRRRR. Oh, and there may have been a higher power that had something to do with it.

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:07 AM. Reason : five]

Also, those answers show just how blind and un-educated a lot of "devout" Christians are. I'm not knocking religion, I'm just knocking the stupid people who only take what they are told for face-value.

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:08 AM. Reason : idiowths]

5/16/2008 11:06:46 AM

All American
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i read Finding Darwin's God, the author was a scientist and professor that taught and believed in evolution, but was also a Christian... the book was his theories of how Christianity and Darwinism are linked together.. it was brilliant, and actually opened my eyes and changed the way i thought about a lot of things.

i highly recommend it.

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:09 AM. Reason : wow, i actually just read the original post, and now my brain hurts..]

5/16/2008 11:07:43 AM

All American
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The answer to that question is not to make shit up. You can't answer a complex question with a complex solution like that. If a god created everything, where did the god come from? It's just as easy for me to say the matter was always there as it is for you to say a god was always there.

And don't get confused on the definition of theory. Theory does not mean guess. Theory means it's backed by a ton of research and reasoning, we just can't proove evolution because we didn't see it. The theory of gravity is just a theory, I certainly hope you believe in it.

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:09 AM. Reason : .]

5/16/2008 11:08:51 AM

All American
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plz to wiki Francis Collins

5/16/2008 11:09:13 AM

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Thinking about this makes my head hurt!!!

5/16/2008 11:09:45 AM

Thots and Prayers
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The Bible speaks nothing of Gravity.

It does not exist.

We stay on the ground because jesus is standing on our feet!

5/16/2008 11:10:59 AM

All American
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^ actually, no. it's the flying spaghetti monster's noodley appendages constantly pulling us down. look it up, the theory of intelligent falling.


See? I can do it too

5/16/2008 11:16:07 AM

All American
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5/16/2008 11:17:32 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Gravity. Doesn't. Exist.
If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is.

5/16/2008 11:18:02 AM

All American
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awesome article,9171,1555132-1,00.html

Two major scientists, one an atheist, one who believes in a divine being, def. worth the read

5/16/2008 11:18:37 AM

Shitter Pilot
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^^ Reading that honestly made me feel sorry for people who are that blind.

5/16/2008 11:20:44 AM

All American
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This website is full of them:

Quote :
"One of the most basic laws in the universe is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that as time goes by, entropy in an environment will increase. Evolution argues differently against a law that is accepted EVERYWHERE BY EVERYONE. Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it. "

5/16/2008 11:22:08 AM

All American
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^ i laughed purdy hard

5/16/2008 11:23:03 AM

All American
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^^lol, that couldn't possibly be the sun

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 11:23 AM. Reason : .]

5/16/2008 11:23:13 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"The answer to that question is not to make shit up. You can't answer a complex question with a complex solution like that. If a god created everything, where did the god come from? It's just as easy for me to say the matter was always there as it is for you to say a god was always there."

i dont believe in a god.. i was just seeing what everybody would say back to that

i guess that could be called trolling

5/16/2008 11:23:25 AM

All American
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^I kinda figured, but it wasn't necessarily directed at you.. just anybody who honestly doesn't believe in evolution.

5/16/2008 11:24:09 AM

All American
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you humans

5/16/2008 11:29:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"we just can't proove evolution because we didn't see it."

actually we HAVE seen evolution, both in current species as well as the fossil record which records the evolution of many species, not to mention genetic evidence.

5/16/2008 11:33:28 AM

All American
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^I know, but i'm saying nobody has lived a million years to actually watch it happen.

5/16/2008 11:39:28 AM

All American
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but people are alive today and have documented evolution happening in some species today. (granted people will call it "microevolution" vs "macroevolution" but it is the same thing.)

5/16/2008 11:44:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The spelling errors. THEY BURN"

5/16/2008 11:44:26 AM

Art Vandelay
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all im going to do is laugh...

its the intarnet

but this shit really hurts me down the my soul, the fact that there are so many... simpltons....

oh well, more to rule!

5/16/2008 11:47:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but people are alive today and have documented evolution happening in some species today. "


5/16/2008 11:49:11 AM

All American
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5/16/2008 11:49:41 AM

New Recruit
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most intelligent people dont see things black and white and realize that these two things arent mutually exclusive

of course most people arent intelligent

5/16/2008 11:51:17 AM

All American
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5/16/2008 11:59:48 AM

All American
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I think that he's saying that humans certainly could have evolved from something. But there is a chance that "God" put that something on Earth.

5/16/2008 12:01:49 PM

All American
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5/16/2008 12:02:51 PM

begonias is my boo
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adding to my topics

5/16/2008 12:03:14 PM

All American
30102 Posts
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there is no such thing as gravity

its called Intelligent Falling

[/the onion]

5/16/2008 12:05:36 PM

All American
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There is a chance a god created the earth, but it is small. "Intelligent Design" is unnecessary and unlikely.

5/16/2008 12:09:51 PM


15145 Posts
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this is how it works, if you use religion to explain

lightning - you're gona be wrong
the stars - you're gona be wrong
physics - you're gona be wrong
cosmology - you're gona be wrong

this is what I don't get about religion, why the hell would you bother yourself creating a framework for something that all rational trends point to science explaining eventually. It doesn't matter if it's next year or a 100 years later - the point is that there is some rational explanation, and you don't know it. Trying to warp a religion created 2000 years ago to explain one of these things will also be wrong.

You want society to accept religion? STOP BEING WRONG.

5/16/2008 12:16:55 PM

Thots and Prayers
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I'm a fan of

God started the Big Bang, and everything else went from there.

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 12:18 PM. Reason : Big Bang = God's flatulence?]

5/16/2008 12:17:58 PM

All American
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I'm a fan of the world being balanced on a stack of turtles.

5/16/2008 12:22:40 PM

All American
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but where did god come from?

5/16/2008 12:23:07 PM

All American
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Ockham's razor says that there is no God.

It is necessary to believe that there was something to create the universe. You can either believe that the universe began from exploding matter and energy that has always existed or you can believe that the universe was created by a omnipotent being. To me, the first one seems much simpler. The second one interjects something unnecessarily complex.

5/16/2008 12:26:41 PM

All American
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You do have to accept the idea of a primary source. Either matter has always existed or God has always existed. That's what it all comes down to.

5/16/2008 12:27:56 PM

All American
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Both are unnatural, lol.

5/16/2008 12:27:58 PM

All American
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5/16/2008 12:28:39 PM

All American
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Atleast without a god you're going from something simple to something complex, which is the way the universe works. If you say a god created it you're beginning the universe with something incredibly complex, which isn't logical.

5/16/2008 12:31:37 PM

All American
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And the big bang is perfectly logical.

5/16/2008 12:41:03 PM

All American
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Yeah, that's my point. Interjecting an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being into the conversations seems illogical given the lack of evidence to support it. It doesn't disprove the existence of god, but it also doesn't in anyway help prove it.

The default status for something is non-existence until evidence is shown to prove it. Not to be crass, but just as with the Loch Ness monster no one has ever shown any evidence to support the existence of God.

5/16/2008 12:41:05 PM

All American
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I don't know if you're being facetious but yes, the big bang is completely, 100% logical and follows every law of physics we've come up with. We even have evidence of the big bang in not only red shift in the color of galaxies but in the static noise you see on televisions. If you understand exactly how the big bang works, it makes sense. If all you know about it is some shit blew up and made everything.. then no, it doesn't make sense.

5/16/2008 12:47:31 PM

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