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All American
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as a waiter if you've had no experience in the food industry

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 8:58 PM. Reason : oops]

5/16/2008 8:57:34 PM

All American
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At a place like 42nd oyster bar or Sullivans, impossible. At like Tripps, Applebees or some other place where you get shitty tips, not hard at all.

5/16/2008 8:58:06 PM

All American
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depends on how much $texas you wanna make. Best bet is to start out somewhere like Chilis or a no name family restaurant and work your way up.

5/16/2008 8:59:38 PM

All American
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just need a summer job where i can work nights since i class during the day

5/16/2008 9:00:34 PM

All American
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work at UPS...seriously, better pay and possibility for advancement rather quickly.

5/16/2008 9:02:35 PM

All American
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where is the UPS by NCSU? I've heard of it but I don't really know where it is, and whats the work like as a part timer working nights?

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 9:15 PM. Reason : .]

5/16/2008 9:13:59 PM

All American
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its not by ncsu...its up in nawth raleigh

5/16/2008 9:16:24 PM

All American
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my experience at ups was pretty bad. i worked there one summer as an unloader. for what i was getting paid it was way to hot in the back of that truck, felt like slave labor.

5/16/2008 9:17:05 PM

All American
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how much does ups pay to make more than a server?

then again, some servers make lots more than others...

5/16/2008 9:18:45 PM

All American
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ive done both, ups was like 9 an hour or so, i have made double that an hour waiting tables even when slow while waiting tables

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 9:21 PM. Reason : ,]

5/16/2008 9:20:23 PM

All American
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problem with the ups job is because of my back and hips i shouldn't do a lot of heavy lifting

5/16/2008 9:20:59 PM

All American
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definatly dont work at ups then

5/16/2008 9:21:33 PM

All American
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i mean any job where i stand and walk a lot is going to be not good on me

but thats pretty much any job i get and i'd rather not be a cashier or work in fast food

so i figured i'd try for a waiter gig

5/16/2008 9:23:31 PM

All American
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being a cashier and standing in one spot for 4-8 hours is probably tougher on your feet/back than moving around constantly as you would while waiting tables

5/16/2008 9:30:45 PM

147487 Posts
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i've cashiered at 2 grocery stores and that shit sucks really really bad...favorite cashiering job ever was bath and body works/white barn candle co. cause of the women and plus no one ever bought over like 2 things so i didnt have to bag and also the registers were touchscreen

5/16/2008 9:32:53 PM

All American
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applebees hires anyone.

no, seriously.

5/16/2008 9:35:05 PM

balls deep
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hahaha, until someone has been a waiter/waitress, it's hard to take them seriously when they're bitching about their job

waiting tables can be fun, but if you're doing your job right, you're going to go home tired as shit at the end of the night....and very frustrated with your customers

5/16/2008 9:37:54 PM

All American
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i really think that all depends on where you wait tables, obviously some places will be higher stress/ more work than others

5/16/2008 9:39:48 PM

balls deep
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well yeah, that's a given.
I guess I was getting at the amount of sidework and cleaning that goes along with waiting tables....mainly the shit that people don't really think about

5/16/2008 9:41:23 PM

All American
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do not work at UPS. I have been there and done that and I dont rememeber the classes I took in 2003.

5/16/2008 9:43:23 PM

147487 Posts
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everyone i've known to work there said its hard as shit and have quit within a month...told my stepdad i was thinking of it and he was like dont even waste your time(like 3 years ago)...he quit after 2 weeks...a former worker of ups told me its a poor uneducated black mans job

[Edited on May 16, 2008 at 9:45 PM. Reason : i]]

5/16/2008 9:45:09 PM

now with sarcasm
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5/16/2008 9:45:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"a former worker of ups told me its a poor uneducated black mans job"

thats about the best way i can describe it

5/16/2008 9:46:30 PM

All American
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right now i'm living off of old leadmine road

anybody know of any good restaurants to work at in the area (i know of some restaurants but i'm wondering if anyone has any experience in this area)

5/16/2008 9:51:56 PM

All American
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sawmill taproom, very good company to work for i work part time at falls taproom and would recommend it

5/16/2008 10:03:33 PM

123 Posts
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most places will also let you become a server in a few months with no previous experience if you start off as a host there

5/16/2008 10:33:58 PM

All American
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i was a busser at carabbas in cary and the reasons i quit werent b/c the job was terrible. its a great way to work your way up. i mean, i would get there when they open at 4, and would seriously just sit there for 2 hours until the tables around 6ish were leaving, work at a pretty steady pace for 2 hours, and with tip share make around 10 an hour. i only quit b/c on sundays when i would get there at like 9:30 and suppose to leave at 5, the other bussers wouldnt show up and they would keep me there til close. but good money and not as bad as it may seem.

5/16/2008 10:56:55 PM

All American
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my husband got promoted within 6 months at ups to supervisor and was making $1400/month working part time. ActOfGod's husband was promoted to supervisor and then to something bigger (can't remember what) and as far as I know, he still works for UPS in VA. Guess if you can't do repetitive heavy lifting, it's not the job for you, but its definitely not a shitty job once you get promoted (which is a real possibility if you are a good worker and know what you're doing).

5/16/2008 11:01:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"definatly dont work at ups then"

UPS is for slaves. That job is fun if you love physical labor like me. You will not believe how you packages are treated until you work at UPS

5/16/2008 11:02:35 PM

All American
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^^yep... if you work hard and are reasonably intelligent, you can do pretty well at UPS

5/17/2008 4:27:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You will not believe how you packages are treated until you work at UPS"

sure you have lots of small packages to fuck up, but until youve spent a few months behind a tow-motor (forklift), working for a major trucking company you dont have a complete understanding of the phrase, "cant see it from my house!" or "the rattle means it was expensive"

5/17/2008 4:37:52 AM

All American
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^whats up. we lift drivers gotta stick together. lets go drink beer

Quote :
"42nd oyster bar or Sullivans, impossible"


[Edited on May 17, 2008 at 5:15 AM. Reason : .]

5/17/2008 5:13:43 AM

2940 Posts
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Angus Barn waiters get shitty tips.

At least when I eat there, RITE?

now I wish I could afford to eat there.

5/17/2008 6:00:36 AM

All American
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get a job as a line cook

fuck dealing with the customers

5/17/2008 9:40:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"its definitely not a shitty job once you get promoted"

no, ups is and will always be a shitty job regardless of what you do and how much you get paid. just because your husband works there, don't pretend to think you know what it's like

[Edited on May 17, 2008 at 9:57 AM. Reason : &]

5/17/2008 9:55:17 AM

All American
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one of the problems working in the service industry over the summer is that its the slowest time of year. People are out of town, grilling, whatever

less money for you

5/17/2008 10:00:00 AM

All American
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the longer you work as a waiter/waitress, the more you hate your customers, I've been doing it for a little more than 2 years now, and it pays well, but everyday there is some new bullshit to deal with

5/17/2008 10:05:34 AM

All American
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^^ not if you live in a tourist town, like me

5/17/2008 10:08:23 AM

All American
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Eh, my brother has worked for UPS for like 10 years now, as driver and a manager, he doesn't seem to hate it.

But unloading would probably suck a lot.

5/17/2008 10:11:24 AM

All American
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well obiously

servers at the beach make bank this time of year

5/17/2008 10:11:54 AM

All American
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Is this not what Mexicans are for?

5/17/2008 10:13:05 AM

All American
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its funny, though
working in the back of the house makes me wish it WASN'T a tourist town

but I never have to do that job again

5/17/2008 10:13:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"no, ups is and will always be a shitty job regardless of what you do and how much you get paid. just because your husband works there, don't pretend to think you know what it's like

Have you actually worked there? Do you know anyone who was reasonably intelligent who worked there/was promoted? Just because I haven't worked there doesn't mean my husband hasn't given me vast details about how things work there. I could probably tell you fairly accurately what every person's job has them doing there every night. I bet you ActOfGod could do the same and she's never worked there either. I'm not "pretending" to know what it's husband as well as several of my friends have worked there, so I'm pretty sure they can give me an accurate account of what goes on. Doing hard work doesn't necessarily negate the fact that UPS is a good job for those who are able to do such work and enjoy it. So how about you stfu about shit you don't know about.

5/17/2008 10:32:21 PM

21958 Posts
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Quote :
"being a cashier and standing in one spot for 4-8 hours is probably tougher on your feet/back than moving around constantly as you would while waiting tables"

I would like to second this. I worked as a cashier at Best Buy in a little 2 x 2 box. It was hellish just standing there for hours. I would feel like I had been hit by a truck when my shift ended. Working in customer service and food service was easier even though I was on my feet the same amount of time because I got to move around.

5/18/2008 12:32:00 AM

All American
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I had two good friends work there one summer - 4 hr shifts @ $9/hr until you know all your zip codes, then a small raise. not enough money to be worth the time and trouble and backache in mine and my friend's opinion.

5/18/2008 12:44:34 AM

All American
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I worked at UPS three years ago and was making $12.50/hr after four months. Sounds like you have some dumbass friends.

[Edited on May 18, 2008 at 12:51 AM. Reason : ]

5/18/2008 12:50:13 AM

All American
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don't forget the benefits included with UPS as a part-time job, and some people just don't like dealing with the public (unless you want to talk about driving for them)

5/18/2008 3:03:35 AM

All American
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Working at UPS is basically totally dependent on how well you handle physical labor. It's gonna suck and it's gonna suck hard, but they do compensate you reasonably well. So if you can handle it, it's a decent job. If you can't, your back is going to be sore the entire time you work there.

5/18/2008 3:05:59 AM

All American
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shit is terrible at the atlantic ave location to be specific, im sure the whole company isnt manned by a bunch of crackheads and meth addicts.

5/18/2008 3:06:58 AM

All American
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I worked at the UPS off Atlantic for a few months a couple summers ago...ended up making over 10/hour with full benefits, and didn't mind the hard work. But let me repeat that: it is HARD WORK. The hours suck (depending on your shift) and it's not exactly a FUN job, I'd only recommend it for a very small percentage of the eligible population.

Waiting tables is fun (on the short-term anyway), you'll easily make well over 10/hour after you get the hang of things, and you can do things like meet people and eat on the cheap. I'd go with this.

5/18/2008 3:43:40 AM

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