Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
And in Cary of all places
too bad no camera  5/16/2008 9:34:35 PM
drunknloaded Suspended 147487 Posts user info edit post |
damn i wish u woulda took a pic 5/16/2008 9:42:55 PM
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
photos or the happening did not occur 5/16/2008 9:48:59 PM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |
wasn't even expecting it, was walking by that small lake at the cary amphitheater(sp?) on lunch break and saw it walked up thinking it would fly off and it just stood there, so I kept on my way but I turn back and it snaps into the water and pulls out a crawdad
I didn't even think anything other than birds and turtles was alive in that thing  5/16/2008 10:17:54 PM
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12778 Posts user info edit post |

Looked like this.
5/16/2008 10:24:59 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148890 Posts user info edit post |
i just made this thread like 15x better]
8/12/2008 4:16:11 PM
ZomBCraw Suspended 6999 Posts user info edit post |
nope, im still here 8/12/2008 4:20:37 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
i was sitting in a climbing stand about 30 ft up a tree one day and was watching this little field mouse screwing around at the base of the tree i was in. this big ass hawk swooped down and grabbed his ass like directly underneath me. it was cool as shit. 8/12/2008 4:36:20 PM
benz240 All American 4476 Posts user info edit post |
what the fuck is a crawdad 8/12/2008 4:58:13 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
don't act like you didn't know what he was talking about 8/12/2008 5:00:21 PM
benz240 All American 4476 Posts user info edit post |
oh i knew what he was talking about
but only yanks say "crawdad"...the correct word is crayfish 8/12/2008 6:41:36 PM