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All American
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whats he been banned for?

5/16/2008 11:45:49 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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nicklepickle is a better name i'd say

5/16/2008 11:49:12 PM

147487 Posts
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for being more annoying than dnl lawl

5/16/2008 11:49:23 PM

All American
11693 Posts
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Ha is it possible..

im just kidding..

i dont really even know who you are

5/16/2008 11:51:06 PM

All American
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Who cares, he should have been booted out of here years ago.

5/17/2008 12:00:07 AM

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i heard slowback had a dwi and killed someone

5/17/2008 12:01:35 AM

All American
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get rid of his alias nicklepickle too.

5/17/2008 12:05:54 AM

All American
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eh.. i wouldnt care if i wasnt allowed to post... i just read this stuff while im at work.. or bored ... extremely bored.. because i have better things to do

and why on earth would he use this as an alias or care enough to make more than one name on here.

tww.. wow its so important.. some people needs to realize there is way more to life.

^^not. funny and not true. im not getting into it but people make mistakes. not excusing things but its wether they learn from them or not ... and only time can tell

[Edited on May 17, 2008 at 12:16 AM. Reason : its late bite me]

5/17/2008 12:15:04 AM

All American
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Suspend nicklepickle as well

5/17/2008 12:19:24 AM

All American
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ha what did i do ?

i guess its who i know.


5/17/2008 12:22:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"why on earth would he use this as an alias or care enough to make more than one name on here"

oh PLEASE... we are not that dumb. we know that slowblack96=nicklepickle=dave421 maybe not for every post, but a lot of the time. like now.

Quote :
"people make mistakes. not excusing things but its wether they learn from them or not "

uh huh. so, have you learned not to give alcohol to minors yet or what?

[Edited on May 17, 2008 at 12:48 AM. Reason : .]

5/17/2008 12:46:22 AM

All American
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terminate the dumbfuck

5/17/2008 12:56:06 AM

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haha he sold beer to a minor?

5/17/2008 1:53:52 AM

All American
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no, that was nicklepickle, whose name is used as slowblack96's alias. who is supposedly his gf, but a huge slut from what i hear. might be a good one for you dnl.

slowblack96 prefers things like driving with license revoked, dui, careless and wreckless driving, trespassing, destruction of property, scamming people in tww classifieds, committing insurance fraud and i'm sure a whole host of other things. quite the loser. the real shame is that he's the same old kid, hasn't learned shit from nearly killing himself and potentially others.

5/17/2008 5:11:03 AM

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lol u just offended like 10 hot wolfweb chicks

5/17/2008 5:56:45 AM

All American
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okay, well not you specifically... just saying since you were in the thread. she'd be a candidate for any guy looking for a warm hole and a heartbeat. better? i don't know though, that's just the word in the skreetz from people in the know. there were some nekid pics of her on here a while back and some of her givin dome, so it sounds plausible to me.

5/17/2008 8:51:49 AM

All American
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so if you aren't gonna suspend the alias are you gonna free everyone else's alias? mine was suspended for just what this one is doing and it's been 3 fucking months.

5/17/2008 11:19:57 AM

All American
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SUSPEND THE ALIASES PLEASE, this place will be so much better without them

5/17/2008 1:38:53 PM

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i definitely think he should be freed

5/17/2008 5:16:39 PM

35217 Posts
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hah, slowbitch got the boot

5/17/2008 11:31:05 PM

All American
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fuck him.

5/18/2008 2:02:08 AM

All American
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lawl.. im sorry i got caught in a parking lot by the ale with a six pack of wine coolers and three nc state students a year under me in my car.. yea i am really fucking up,

and i know you have a hard time getting around and shit, which makes it harder to get out and have fun so its good theres a place like the wolf web for you to make up shit about people and post it online..

although now i sorta feel bad that that is all your life has been reduced to picking on people over the internet. which its good you have that outlet but it sucks you cant at least have some factual information about people.

but if thats what makes/lets you sleep at night lol i guess since im not an asshole like you. ill let you have that

5/18/2008 9:41:55 AM

All American
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yeah, like i said before i think we all know how well you "get around".actually, i get around just fine and as frequently as i ever have. i don't allow the adversities in my life to take that away. some people have these little things called willpower and character, you/slowblack might look into it.

anyway, i'll bet you a six pack of wine coolers i "get out" more than you and your dumbass boyfriend combined. in just the 18 months since my accident, i've traveled to 28 states (some of them more than once) and 2 other countries. not to mention countless trips within nc. how about you? remember, just because the name of your house includes the word mobile doesn't mean anything.

one day, my leg will be healed. unfortunately for the two of you, stupid can't be fixed. i'll also take being an asshole over a white trash loser any day. i'm sorry the truth hurts.

5/19/2008 12:46:13 AM

All American
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alright .... i dont even know where to start with you... so i'm going to keep it brief

you dont know me at all clearly by your post.. and yea i felt bad for the shit that happened to you until i realized what an ass you were and how you judge people without knowing them...

i dont know you either clearly but from what i see you post i wouldnt ever want to
at least my "insults" to you are factual...

only thing i own with the word mobile in it is a cell phone... so if your going to insult me ... learn something true about me first.

until then just keep trying to make yourself look cool by saying random cruel things about people you dont know anything about... see where it gets you cause it wont be far.

5/19/2008 1:49:12 AM

All American
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i don't need or want your sympathy about anything, don't act like you're doing me any favors. i don't see your point of talking about it in the first place, other than you're grasping at straws. how does an accident injury compare here at all? did getting hit by a car become a moral issue and i don't realize it? am i supposed to be hurt or embarrassed about facing a challenge and prevailing?

i don't have to know slowblack personally to know what kind of person he is. he's proven it over and over with real life actions in addition to his posts here. the fact that you defend him says a lot about you. not to mention what people that do personally know the two of you say.

Quote :
"i dont know you either clearly but from what i see you post i wouldnt ever want to
at least my "insults" to you are factual..."

wow, go figure one of you to have this kind of logic. let me get this straight... it's okay for you to judge me without knowing me, but i can't judge you? it's also okay for you to insult me since you think it's factual (they're clearly not as i proved in my last post), but it's not nice for me to post insults (facts) about you two? come on.

slowblack is the only person on this site i have any real issue with. he's proven over and over with his actions in real life that he's a drain on society. scamming people, lying, fighting, driving drunk, and the list goes on. his posts on tww don't infer anything different. it's one thing to post something dumb every once in a while, but nine times out of ten is an open and shut case. i guess all the other people on here and other automotive boards that agree and say the same thing are just insensitive assholes too, right?

really, what did you expect from this thread knowing his reputation on here? resounding positive support? riiiight... for someone that's "too cool" for the internet, you sure are putting out a lot of care and effort in here. maybe, as you say, looking cool and being cruel won't get me far. i'll bet it gets me farther than this would though.

[Edited on May 19, 2008 at 4:07 AM. Reason : .]

5/19/2008 4:05:28 AM

All American
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suspend nicklepickle for alias abuse or free my alias zenlindur immediately.

5/19/2008 9:37:09 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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i hear demands are always the most effective way to ensure a desirable outcome.

5/19/2008 9:53:19 AM

All American
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saying please hasn't gotten anywhere for almost 3 months


this thread is exactly like mine so it stands to reason to expect uniform treatment in this situation
suspend nicklepickle for being an alias or unsuspend zenlindur because you condone alias'
just don't be a hypocrite please

5/19/2008 10:07:30 AM

play so hard
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i didn't suspend the name. i have no idea why it was suspended, and i have no idea who did it. and given your tone and namecalling i don't feel that inclined to do you a solid and look into it.

best of luck to you though, truly.

5/19/2008 10:25:31 AM

All American
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i didnt call you any names, and there isn't a 'tone' in my typing.

5/19/2008 10:48:03 AM

All American
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lol not too cool for the internet .. i just dont have as much time as you do to try and make people i know nothing about feel bad about themselves. hopefully noone takes anything you say to heart.. good or bad..

alright ive got lots of work to do, at work so im done now

5/19/2008 12:00:36 PM

1227 Posts
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three pics sum this up

5/20/2008 1:18:33 PM

All American
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5/20/2008 2:31:09 PM

32613 Posts
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did anybody save those pics? he made them private

5/20/2008 5:13:11 PM

1227 Posts
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ahahahahahahahahahahaha, the bitch got skurrred

[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 9:21 PM. Reason : his photobucket name is donkykong89 ahahahahahahaha, should be shortdong89]

5/20/2008 9:17:48 PM

All American
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5/20/2008 11:22:26 PM

All American
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the fire man was so strong he kicked my car into the tree. damn!!!!

5/21/2008 3:51:56 PM

All American
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5/21/2008 8:06:21 PM

All American
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what gives. is this WILLs 5000th post anniversery or somthing


7/18/2008 3:19:18 AM

All American
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um..he isn't suspended

7/18/2008 5:44:57 AM

All American
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eh well he cant log in

7/18/2008 12:50:45 PM

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7/18/2008 1:06:12 PM

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what did he do?

7/18/2008 5:38:58 PM

All American
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He just needed a break. It was a general consensus among users.

7/18/2008 6:01:48 PM

balls deep
89883 Posts
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he's not suspended

tell that dumbass to clear his cache and then he'll be able to log in

7/18/2008 6:19:00 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"um..he isn't suspended"

7/18/2008 7:16:42 PM

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7/18/2008 8:49:44 PM

41758 Posts
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Quote :
"he's not suspended

tell that dumbass to clear his cache and then he'll be able to log in"


7/18/2008 10:29:04 PM

All American
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so typical

7/18/2008 11:42:31 PM

All American
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^^ thanks but lets think about it, if that was the problem, why would i be able to sign on.

and as thoughtful and helpful as you wanted to be. thats done daily

7/19/2008 9:39:34 AM

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