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Quote :
"MILLBURY, Ohio - Parents have complained to a northwest Ohio school board that a chaperone sealed students in their hotel rooms with duct tape during a high school choir field trip.


At a heated meeting Monday, Michelle Mata told the Lake Local school board in Millbury that the tactic panicked her son during a recent weekend trip to Chicago.

Sylvia Keeler said she may file charges. Her son, Mark Hummel, said he worried he could be trapped during a fire.

School board president Timothy Krugh (kroo) told parents the tape was meant to keep students safe.

Schools Superintendent Jim Witt said the tape would show if students violated curfew but wouldn't have kept them from escaping in an emergency.

You have got to be fucking kidding me. Why is this even an issue. Its fucking duct tape, if you cant open a door that has duct tape over around the edges, then you don't need to be allowed out of your own house because you are a fucking pussy.

Seems parents will bitch over anything these days. And what the hell kind of charges does she want to file?

5/20/2008 9:22:42 AM

45912 Posts
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5/20/2008 9:24:03 AM

Aging fast
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That teacher was a cock block.

5/20/2008 9:24:48 AM

19447 Posts
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I bet she still wipes his ass.

5/20/2008 9:25:17 AM

All American
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I wonder how much duct tape we're talking here.

5/20/2008 9:27:43 AM

All American
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If you use enough duct tape, then a door you have to pull open very well may be impossible for teenagers to open. The teacher/chaperone was pretty stupid.

5/20/2008 9:28:15 AM

All American
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climb through the window

5/20/2008 9:30:13 AM

1029 Posts
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I seriously doubt he used an entire roll of tape on each door, either way, in a panic, you would still be able to open it. Stop acting like a moron.

5/20/2008 9:31:15 AM

Aging fast
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5/20/2008 9:31:21 AM

All American
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What if the window was on the 4th floor?

^^ You never know. People are fucking crazy.

I wonder what the scenario was. Was it that the chaperone said, "I'm putting duct tape on you little fuckers' door because I don't trust you!" and the students whined about it? Or was it some kid tried to leave the room and found that the door wouldn't open?

[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 9:34 AM. Reason : .]

5/20/2008 9:31:27 AM

All American
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It doesnt matter what the circumstances are. Its not only dangerous, its illegal. Trapping school children in a room is a huge hazard. The chaperone should have had a brain enough to figure this out. If they really wanted to protect the kids and CHAPERONE, they should have sat across the hall (or in the hall) to make sure nothing happened. Not seal them in. For school etiquette, that was a huge mistake.

5/20/2008 9:39:12 AM

45912 Posts
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why don't people use their brains? a little piece of scotch tape is the way to go. the kiddies probably won't see it, thus they don't know their being monitored, it tears easily, and is in no way a hazard

5/20/2008 9:41:13 AM

1029 Posts
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^^I can't tell if you are trolling or if you are just an idiot, or both. I'm thinking both.

[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 9:42 AM. Reason : .]

5/20/2008 9:41:34 AM

All American
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kids today are fucking crybabies

5/20/2008 9:49:05 AM

All American
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It probably doesn't mesh with fire it probably is illegal.

5/20/2008 9:58:14 AM

All American
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If he just wanted to tell if someone left the room, he'd want to use less tape, not more. If the kid opens the door and feels the tape resisting, then breaks it, they'll know they've been busted and come up with a story about why they tried to leave. If there was less tape they wouldn't feel it and it would still be a sign.


5/20/2008 10:03:47 AM

All American
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^^^^ dumbass. something doesn't have to actually be dangerous to LOOK dangerous, or that it could be dangerous with the right applications. when you are a chaperone for school children (HS still counts, they are idiots, no exceptions), people are depending on you to keep their children safe and to use good judgment. duct tape can be used as handcuffs very very easily. You can duct tape someone to a wall very easily also. you can easily lock a door tight with duct tape if you apply it correctly. doing so is also a huge fire code hazard. either way, its bad judgment. you wouldn't tie the children to the bedpost to keep them there, you supervise them. you also don't lock them into a room with no other exit, you supervise them. this chaperone was an idiot for not thinking this through.

edit; i just re-read the last line again, makes more sense what they were doing. but my argument still stands and it is a stupid tactic used when you are too lazy to actually watch your children. if they were really worried about the kids leaving their rooms, they should have taken shifts and had a parent sit in the hall all night. easy enough with 3-5+ chaperones and teachers

[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 10:08 AM. Reason : s]

5/20/2008 10:05:11 AM

All American
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when i went on middle school field trips, our chaperones did this. granted, they didn't seal the door shut with the world's greatest tape, but they did use a small strip of painter's tape to see who broke curfew.

5/20/2008 10:05:41 AM

All American
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5/20/2008 10:08:07 AM

1029 Posts
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^^^My god you are a fucking moron. You are obviously going to grow up to raise one of this pussified kids and bitch over shit like this. Like I said, the more than likely didn't totally enclose the door with an ENTIRE roll of duct tape and seal the kids in the room with no possibility of escape. Stop being a fucking pussy, there are enough of those in the world already.

Quote :
"dumbass. something doesn't have to actually be dangerous to LOOK dangerous"

I bet you grip your man purse a little tighter when yuo pass a rough looking guy on the sidewalk too dont you?

[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 10:12 AM. Reason : v]

5/20/2008 10:09:08 AM

41759 Posts
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Quote :
"That teacher was a cock block."

5/20/2008 10:14:20 AM

All American
11036 Posts
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Calm down dude.

5/20/2008 10:15:41 AM

All American
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Our chaperones did this same thing on band trips. It was just a small strip of tape on the door that would be torn if the door was opened. It's not enough to trap ANYBODY in a room.

5/20/2008 10:21:26 AM

All American
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yea, field trip to charleston in 6th grade, teachers placed a small strip to see who left.

luckily a chaperone was one of the kid's mom i was sharing a room with, so we had access to said tape.

just made the rounds, went out, then retaped their doors. . ..

5/20/2008 10:24:52 AM

4074 Posts
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it would be funnier if they boarded them up with 4x4's and then somehow lit a gasoline fire in their rooms..

5/20/2008 10:26:24 AM

21958 Posts
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Teachers have been doing this for YEARS on field trips to ensure that students do not break curfew and catch those who do. It is standard practice for a lot of chaperones and it is not dangerous.

I can understand a parent being upset because their child has some issues and panicked over it, but it really isn't worth making it to the school board or filing charges.

5/20/2008 10:40:27 AM

Duh, Winning
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we used to duct tape dorm room doors all the way, and they still got out

what a wuss if he couldnt get out

5/20/2008 10:43:38 AM

21958 Posts
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The kid is probably claustrophobic or has some kind of panic disorder. There are a fair number of people out there who would understandably be freaked at the idea that they may not be able to get out. But the point is that they *can* get out.

5/20/2008 10:46:35 AM

22518 Posts
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its not like the whole god damn door was taped

its just a single strip across the jam to the door

5/20/2008 10:52:30 AM

All American
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the politically correct, feel-good pussification of this country will be it's downfall

5/20/2008 10:54:32 AM

All American
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We had a Beta club convention meeting in greensboro my 6th grade year. We stayed at the holiday inn, and they put a strip of tape on the outside of our doors.

What they failed to realize though, was that my room (I shared it with 2 other guys) was directly beside a room with 3 girls and there was a door connecting the two rooms.

That was the night I had my first kiss

[Edited on May 20, 2008 at 11:00 AM. Reason : .]

5/20/2008 10:59:48 AM

All American
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if you are dealing with a school board, yuppie parents, and HS children, you must have an image that is clean as possible. using scotch tape, painters tape for this purpose poses no apparent threat. but then you get a teacher who thinks duct tape would be better. they tell kids "we are duct taping your doors to see who leaves". some kid over-analyzes it and freaks out and his parents have a shit fit and takes it to the school board. now its news and the terms "duct taping doors" "fire hazard" "claustraphobic" get thrown around by yuppie parents and lawyers and the shit hits the fan and someone is getting fired. how did the teachers not see this coming? my schools didnt do this shit. and no kid ever "escaped". but anyways, regardless of any actual danger, circumstances, or whatnot, it wasnt a good idea.

5/20/2008 11:05:13 AM

Not an alcoholic
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Why's the mom and son have two different names? Nice family, I'm sure that bitch fucked it up

5/20/2008 11:08:07 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Quote :
"the politically correct, feel-good pussification of this country will be it's downfall"

5/20/2008 11:08:20 AM

Bill Bixby
All American
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give me a break. Anyone could say that tape on the door COULD BE an issue, but in reality this is ridiculous. Its a means to see if the door has been opened NOT to keep the door sealed. There is no way a chaperone would SEAL THE ENTIRE DOOR SHUT (and i rarely give the benefit of the doubt to the general population in situations like this)....

I hope someone sues this mom or family for something just as ridiculous in the future so they can get a taste of what a waste of society they are...greedy people who have this mentality make me sick.

even the person who wrote the article used the word "seal". thats unfair and poor judgement on the writers part IMO.

5/20/2008 11:14:35 AM

All American
14180 Posts
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Quote :
"the politically correct, feel-good pussification of this country will be it's downfall"

5/20/2008 11:20:11 AM

Tom Joad
72866 Posts
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the television and automobile sewed our seeds of destruction long before pc became a catchphrase

5/20/2008 11:22:52 AM

12280 Posts
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Quote :

General Hummel is not a pussy.

5/20/2008 11:23:33 AM

All American
27701 Posts
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lol they always did this on our field trips

we found ways around it however

5/20/2008 11:28:00 AM

All American
4428 Posts
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it'd be interesting to know how much duct tape was put on the door.

5/20/2008 11:29:16 AM


10410 Posts
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Did this on all of my field trips through middle and part of high school.
This is why america is going to shit. Stupid garbage like this where people need to change their dipers and stop crying.

5/20/2008 11:30:21 AM

12280 Posts
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What i find shocking is that you have to even consider doing things like this with kids these days.

5/20/2008 11:31:46 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"if they were really worried about the kids leaving their rooms, they should have taken shifts and had a parent sit in the hall all night. easy enough with 3-5+ chaperones and teachers"

you're a fucking moron

5/20/2008 12:37:35 PM

All American
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Don't know if it was mentioned before, but how did the kid even know there was duct tape on the OUTSIDE of the door?

5/20/2008 12:39:22 PM

All American
5628 Posts
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I've never understood the tape thing anyway.
all it took was one kid to get out and cut the tape on every door.

5/20/2008 12:46:10 PM

All American
2855 Posts
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Quote :
"Our chaperones did this same thing on band trips. It was just a small strip of tape on the door that would be torn if the door was opened. It's not enough to trap ANYBODY in a room."

yeah mine too, it was really just so they knew if people had left the room. You can't be a chaperon and have middle schoolers fucking on your watch. Which they would if you didn't either do this or stay up all night watching them.

5/20/2008 1:02:47 PM

All American
3695 Posts
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our school system never took overnight field trips, band trips, beta trips, etc. we were a poor school system, i suppose. share some of the educational wealth to the eastern side, raleigh, damn!

5/20/2008 1:10:50 PM

All American
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5/20/2008 2:25:53 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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poor ohio has been hit too hard by this economic downturn...its citizens may do anything to get money.

5/20/2008 2:31:36 PM

41759 Posts
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set em up

5/20/2008 2:32:21 PM

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