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 Message Boards » » Yahoo is trying to turn everyone gay Page [1]  
All American
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Maybe just David Wygant. Either way, I'm not listening to this.

Quote :
"8. Offer to iron one of her shirts or take her clothes to the dry cleaner."

Quote :
"15 Simple Ways to Keep Your Partner Happy

By David Wygant Updated: May 27, 2008
David Wygant
Average (2550 votes) stars Rate it: Sign in to rate!

So you're in a relationship and your partner starts nagging. She tells you that you just don't understand her, and that she really wishes that you would just do more "little things."
It's not the big things that make her happy; it's paying attention to the little details and showing you care that is really meaningful. She doesn't necessarily need lavish gifts -- she needs to know you're thinking about her.
Here are some ideas to get you started doing these "little things" she really wants:
1. Rub her feet instead of asking her if she wants you to rub her feet. Make it look like you want to do it.
2. Make her dinner one night. Don't ask her if she wants you to make dinner. Make her dinner before she gets home.
3. Light a candle so that she arrives home to a nice environment instead of coming home to the glaring lights of the television and other things.
4. Send her a text in the middle of the day telling her "I miss your smile from this morning" or "Last night was amazing!" or "The conversation we had last night was great."
“Send an eCard in the middle of the day... something cute to remind her how much you really care about her.”
Send an eCard in the middle of the day... something cute to remind her how much you really care about her.
6. If she's going on a business trip, offer to drive her to the airport or pick her up to make her life that much easier.
7. Let her have control of the remote control. Don't monopolize it for a change. Just give it to her and let her actually sit there and enjoying watching one of her shows. Then you can share one of her interests by watching it with her.
8. Offer to iron one of her shirts or take her clothes to the dry cleaner.
9. Clean up the bathroom without being asked. Don't just sit there and ignore the mess around the toilet. If you know it drives her crazy to see water splashed all around the sink, dry that area after you use it.
10. If you work out together, enjoy it with her instead of rushing through your own workout and then not letting her workout at the same time.
11. Take a shower together, then wash her hair, scrub her back, and give her a spa treatment. Do this and enjoy it!
12. The next time she gives you a massage, give her a massage the next day. Offer it! Don't just say you'll give her a it!
13. Surprise her by making plans. Tell her, "We're going out tonight honey." You can even just go out for a drink or dinner somewhere. It's taking the initiative that's important.
14. Decide on and set aside one night a week as date night. Have a date like when you first started dating.
15. Call her in the middle of the day and just say hello. Don't wait for her to call you.
It can be simple to keep her satisfied. It's not necessarily about what you give her financially or what gifts you give her. That's a cop out. It's the little things. The guy who makes the biggest mistake is the one who ignores their significant other then all of a sudden give them an expensive gift to make up for it. That doesn't make up for it at all."

5/28/2008 1:39:44 AM

147487 Posts
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seriously...what educated person would even click that article

5/28/2008 1:40:29 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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I don't like he commands you to enjoy doing all these things. What if you just don't like to do some of that stuff?

5/28/2008 1:41:46 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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whats gay about men ironing?

5/28/2008 1:42:27 AM

All American
10855 Posts
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Quote :
"Light a candle so that she arrives home to a nice environment instead of coming home to the glaring lights of the television and other things."

wtf does that even mean?

[Edited on May 28, 2008 at 1:44 AM. Reason : I also like how pretty much every step he includes "don't ask her or tell her, JUST DO IT!"]

5/28/2008 1:43:03 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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What isn't gay about men ironing?

5/28/2008 1:43:11 AM

All American
11662 Posts
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whats gay about men ironing?

5/28/2008 1:43:25 AM

147487 Posts
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what man doesnt iron is my question

5/28/2008 1:44:23 AM

All American
35165 Posts
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ok i get the candle thing. that is retarded. but geez if you can't iron your own shirts OR someone elses then i don't know what you or straight i guess you're just really wrinkly.

5/28/2008 1:45:15 AM

All American
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Is having the remote control really that big of a deal among guys? I think its really played out, not funny, and really just a bunch of crap.

I've noticed this trend around Father's Day a lot while searcing for a card as well.

[Edited on May 28, 2008 at 1:47 AM. Reason : ]

5/28/2008 1:45:50 AM

All American
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I always try to find something both people want to watch. There's rarely something on tv that I absolutely have to see and if there is I'll give up the remote later on.

5/28/2008 1:47:05 AM

2019 Egg Champ
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You know what makes a man gay? Being attracted to other men.

Everything else? Not gay.

5/28/2008 1:47:43 AM

All American
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I'll wager there are some things that make a man gay other than being attracted to other men.

5/28/2008 1:50:55 AM

All American
11662 Posts
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Quote :
"i don't know what you or straight i guess you're just really wrinkly"


5/28/2008 1:55:50 AM

All American
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I prefer to let my clothes unwrinkle naturally throughout the day.

5/28/2008 1:56:51 AM

147487 Posts
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only television show i have to watch is situation room...and i'd like to catch hannity and combs(sp?) but sit room is a must

5/28/2008 1:57:21 AM

All American
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^ That reminds me. Wearing bowties on a regular basis makes you gay.

5/28/2008 1:58:34 AM

21958 Posts
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Quote :
"Take a shower together, then wash her hair, scrub her back, and give her a spa treatment. Do this and enjoy it!"

Is good.

Been showering together like this for 6 years now.

5/28/2008 2:11:04 AM

All American
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at least when you take a shower together you can get rid of the cooties fairly quickly.

5/28/2008 2:11:54 AM

All American
2855 Posts
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so this guy gets paid for pearls of wisdom like that if you do stuff for your girlfriend or wife, and pay attention to her, that she'll like it.

5/28/2008 9:15:44 AM

All American
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So basically this idiot is used to pampering women and then watching them get snatched up by the guy who treats them like shit. Find the happy medium, fag boy

5/28/2008 9:58:09 AM

All American
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My guy irons all his dress shirts.

I don't own one. Oh well.

5/28/2008 11:06:10 AM

19447 Posts
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Quote :
"Take a shower together, then wash her hair, scrub her back, and give her a spa treatment. Do this and enjoy it!"

5/28/2008 11:14:16 AM

All American
47007 Posts
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Quote :
“Send an eCard in the middle of the day... something cute to remind her how much you really care about her.”"

nothing turns people on like being tricked into thinking the person they're fucking is possibly someone's 65yr old aunt

5/28/2008 11:19:14 AM

All American
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5/28/2008 11:21:00 AM

All American
3892 Posts
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Quote :
"15. Call her in the middle of the day and just breathe heavily. Don't wait for her to call you. Call her at least 10 times a day. Do it!!!"

5/28/2008 11:24:24 AM

All American
1635 Posts
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^ hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

5/28/2008 11:25:20 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Yahoo is trying to turn everyone gay Page [1]  
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