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 Message Boards » » I can see the ocean from my bedroom window Page [1] 2, Next  
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...and you fuckers cant.

Being me FTW!!

5/29/2008 1:15:15 AM

All American
18902 Posts
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I can see mountains out my bedroom window in Montana... and you can't!

5/29/2008 1:17:01 AM

All American
8483 Posts
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[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 1:17 AM. Reason : ha]

5/29/2008 1:17:26 AM

All American
12212 Posts
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i can see construction from my window
jealous? should be.

5/29/2008 1:17:29 AM

All American
8522 Posts
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hey jealousy

5/29/2008 1:17:39 AM

1029 Posts
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Quote :
"I can see mountains out my bedroom window in Montana... and you can't!


Wow, you actually made it out there? You were freaking out over ever single minor small minute detail of flying, I just assumed you would have gotten scared and pussed out and not gone.

GG on being an adult and flying.

5/29/2008 1:19:19 AM

All American
18941 Posts
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Quote :
"Being me FTW!!"

except for the whole "huge homophobe" thing

5/29/2008 1:21:09 AM

All American
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5/29/2008 1:22:28 AM

1029 Posts
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^^I'm out the door and my feet are in the sand in under 1min. If that makes me gay, then I guess I am gay. Have fun in the blistering Raleigh heat this summer. I won't be feeling it, the ocean breeze will keep me cooler.

5/29/2008 1:25:49 AM

All American
4270 Posts
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what beach?

5/29/2008 1:43:23 AM

All American
18902 Posts
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Quote :
"Wow, you actually made it out there? You were freaking out over ever single minor small minute detail of flying, I just assumed you would have gotten scared and pussed out and not gone"

You confused 'freaking out' with 'making sure all my ducks are in a row before I leave'. Nice job on the assumptions and the redundancy.

5/29/2008 1:43:52 AM

All American
14880 Posts
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im in summer school, me ftl

5/29/2008 1:44:48 AM

All American
6256 Posts
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at least we dont see this when we look in our mirrors

5/29/2008 1:46:36 AM

1029 Posts
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Quote :
"Nice job on the assumptions and the redundancy."

The redundancy was on purpose to stress just how much you overreacted to flying. I mean fuck, you are in college and you made a thread on how to fly. Get over yourself.

^So I am living withing spitting distance of the ocean and that makes me a troll? Stop being a sheltered fuck and venture out in the world for once.

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 1:48 AM. Reason : .]

5/29/2008 1:47:50 AM

All American
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it was actually a jew

5/29/2008 1:51:05 AM

All American
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lol i think the yamika insinuates a jew, but i can see where you get troll too

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 1:52 AM. Reason : lolz]

5/29/2008 1:51:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Stop being a sheltered fuck and venture out in the world for once."


5/29/2008 1:53:49 AM

All American
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i guess a lot of jews turn their giant noses up at others who dont "venture out" as much

5/29/2008 1:56:06 AM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"Stop being a sheltered fuck and venture out in the world for once."

My guess is it is probably some NC beach like Topsail or Pine Knoll Shores... and he's passing it off as trying to be worldly...

5/29/2008 1:57:06 AM

All American
45943 Posts
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You can see the beach, yet you're posting on TWW.

Are you planning on going out on your dead dad's boat?

5/29/2008 1:59:50 AM

All American
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Relax guys this is MacGyver again.

5/29/2008 2:00:11 AM

All American
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5/29/2008 2:10:29 AM

1029 Posts
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Quote :

There was also a recent thread asking if you could live anywhere, where would it be, and some of you people had the nerve to list Raleigh and places in NC. It has nothing to do with my situation, the real question is your situation and the lack of motivation to get out of your current surroundings.

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 2:12 AM. Reason : .]

5/29/2008 2:11:52 AM

All American
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When you say "beach" do you mean like Thailand or Monaco or do you mean something more along the lines of Myrtle or Atlantic beach, Mr. Worldly Man?

Also, you never answered my question about your dead father.

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 2:22 AM. Reason : ]

5/29/2008 2:17:47 AM

All American
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could it be normandy?

5/29/2008 2:21:46 AM

1029 Posts
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So much jealousy, I am shocked. I expected better from you people. Well I am off to bed, and I am going to leave my windows open so I can fall asleep the the sound of the waves....have fun slumming it up in Raleigh guys, keep it real!

5/29/2008 2:36:40 AM

All American
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So, you've been transfered to an oceanside Chili's? Sweet deal, man.

5/29/2008 2:46:01 AM

All American
4427 Posts
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my DAD owns a dealership!

5/29/2008 3:34:12 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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i think this guy needs to change his name to deuce bigalow

Quote :
"Deuce: I'm on the beach. I mean, I open up my window, I got sand blowin' in my face. It's that crazy. I'd love to show it to you sometime.

Pet store girl: No.

Deuce: You really owe it to yourself to see..

Pet store girl: No.

Old lady in line: Hey! Try to get laid on your own time, pal."

5/29/2008 4:29:25 AM

45912 Posts
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I can see some guy fapping outside my window.

Oh wait, that's just my reflection in the glass

5/29/2008 5:54:39 AM

All American
11084 Posts
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Quote :
"my DAD owns a dealership!"

lol, FINALLY!!

5/29/2008 10:47:32 AM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"Are you planning on going out on your dead dad's boat?"

Quote :
"So, you've been transfered to an oceanside Chili's? Sweet deal, man."

Quote :
"Relax guys this is MacGyver again."

did your stripper get transferred to Crazy Horse?

5/29/2008 10:51:43 AM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"There was also a recent thread asking if you could live anywhere, where would it be, and some of you people had the nerve to list Raleigh and places in NC. It has nothing to do with my situation, the real question is your situation and the lack of motivation to get out of your current surroundings."

I know you're probably MacGyver and just trolling anyway, but that is quite a blanket statement. I've lived near New York City, in Raleigh and now in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am planning, after graduate school, to move back to Raleigh to start my career. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I like the physical area, the cost of living is quite low and the job market is growing... I'd hardly consider myself "uncultured" as I've lived in three very distinctly different regions of this country and have traveled pretty extensively abroad...

5/29/2008 11:35:01 AM

All American
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haha this is funny

so the only beaches good enough for tdubbers are now beaches that are far away on other continents?

so just go ahead and say most of you will never go to a god damned beach at all, unless of course it's on another continent, which is then good enough for you to leave your computer and go get some sunlight

god damn, this website is retarded sometimes

hold on

Quote :





[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 12:55 PM. Reason : and yeah, if this is macgyver he sucks no matter where he is]

5/29/2008 12:54:08 PM

50085 Posts
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Quote :
"so the only beaches good enough for tdubbers are now beaches that are far away on other continents?"

Yeah, what I said probably came out bad, but I didn't really mean THAT. What I meant is that he is bragging about this when chances are it's some beach that a good deal of us have stayed at and likely some of us have had houses on in the past. It's not like he is some in exotic location that we have never seen...

Honestly, I like the east coast beaches (like in NC) far more than the cold ass California ones...

5/29/2008 1:06:01 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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I live a street over from the although I can't see it from my porch, I can still hear it.

But then add to it that I live 10 minutes from downtown Charleston and I think I win. Although I think it would be pretty sweet to be able to wake up and see the mountains too. And at the same time, I do miss Raleigh a lot too.

As long as I don't work at Chili's I'll be happy though.

5/29/2008 1:50:31 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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i just took a picture of my beach house, hope you like it.

5/29/2008 2:04:38 PM

All American
27287 Posts
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I can see NASA outside my cube entrance... and you can't!

5/29/2008 2:16:40 PM

1029 Posts
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Too bad you live in the armpit of Alabama known as Huntsville.

5/29/2008 5:45:09 PM

All American
24387 Posts
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more like cuntsville

5/29/2008 5:46:13 PM

All American
27287 Posts
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Dude obviously you haven't been to the rest of Alabama if you think Huntsville is the armpit. There are places in Alabama that are a lot worse than Huntsville.

5/29/2008 5:51:29 PM

All American
1450 Posts
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yall think yall know....

i can see the ocean out of the front of my house and the mountains out of the back

so ha

5/29/2008 5:56:41 PM

All American
14208 Posts
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Quote :
"There was also a recent thread asking if you could live anywhere, where would it be, and some of you people had the nerve to list Raleigh and places in NC. It has nothing to do with my situation, the real question is your situation and the lack of motivation to get out of your current surroundings.

i don't think i'd choose raleigh of all places in the world.

but i can certainly understand it. i've made a life here. and i've been to lots of places across the US, raleigh is a pretty good place. it's not everyone's cup of tea. but it's better than 95% of the places i have been to.

that all being said, i'll likely not live here past a year or two because i'll have to find a job and my gf really wants to live somewhere else for a while.

5/29/2008 6:02:11 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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My house is on top of a mountain overlooking the ocean and a glacier runs through my backyard. I'm am going salmon fishing off my patio now, I'll bring my .22 in case the mountain lion or bighorn sheep decide to stroll by.

Sorry I had to edit, my maid was asking if she could leave early to catch a ride with my nanny.

[Edited on May 29, 2008 at 6:04 PM. Reason : d]

5/29/2008 6:02:12 PM

All American
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im interviewing for a job at the beach and i have a house down there thats been in my family since 1970.

im not that cultured, never been out of the country. id just love to be there. nothing worth bragging about on tdub tho, im sure hundreds of users on here work/live/or grew up at the beach

5/29/2008 6:03:05 PM

All American
2732 Posts
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i see a creek filled with trash.

pollution makes me

5/29/2008 6:16:10 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"cube entrance"

i see skyscrapers when i look out my bedroom window

5/29/2008 6:42:38 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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I actually have pics of views from my home office window and my backyard in my gallery

Oh wait........4/4/2008 Never Forget

5/29/2008 6:46:00 PM

All American
8029 Posts
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I have a nice view of the turning basin at morehead city and beaufort inlet on the weekends

right out the bedroom window

5/29/2008 6:54:44 PM

1029 Posts
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Quote :
"im not that cultured, never been out of the country. id just love to be there. nothing worth bragging about on tdub tho, im sure hundreds of users on here work/live/or grew up at the beach

You just did.

Hell I am just renting, and you roll up on here saying how you own a place at the beach. You don't have to brag about it guy.

[Edited on May 30, 2008 at 2:02 AM. Reason : .]

5/30/2008 2:01:17 AM

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