GGMon All American 6462 Posts user info edit post |
Offensive Posts, Links or Images: No NSFW content. NSFW ("Not Safe For Work") is defined as anything that most people would not want seen by their bosses, parents or teachers. Try to keep the profanity to a minimum. Do not use racial, ethnic, religious, or other slurs and stereotypes (including sexual preference/orientation), demean the mentally or physically challenged, or post sexually-oriented material, masturbatory and excretory references, or any other offensive material. This includes "Victim Pictures" of people and animals after they have been through some form of bodily trauma, "Goatse" - Photographic picture featuring the rear end of anatomy, "Tubgirl" - Photographic picture featuring creative uses of anatomy and liquids, and pedophiliac jokes (ones about having sex with children). Nude and semi-nude images are not to be posted here. That includes your avatar. These are not "Babe" forums for displaying content that belongs in swimsuit calendars or lingerie catalogues. 5/31/2008 12:50:29 PM