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DJ Lauren
All American
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I think intimidating may be a poor choice of words, but either way- i think i make my friend's girlfriend extremely jealous. I hang out with her bf somewhat often and sometimes it's when she's around and sometimes it's not.

...out of respect for the chick, I'm thinking about telling my friend that he shouldn't hang out with this gem of fun (that's me) anymore because it's ultimately going to erode at their relationship.

...out of respect for myself, I'm thinking about ignoring the situation and pretending like I don't notice.

....................but then, out of spite, I could just be really cruel. just to keep things interesting.

anybody have any experience with a situation similar to this?? Have you ever been the dude in this situation where you had a gf but were friends with another girl? Have you ever been the gf in this situation? i'd really like to hear from that- can you justify your jealousy if you have no legitimate grounds to? What about people that have been in my position? Were you respectful? Were you spiteful? What's up?

6/1/2008 11:45:59 AM

All American
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fuck him

6/1/2008 11:47:28 AM

All American
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bwn him and be done with it

6/1/2008 11:47:59 AM

DJ Lauren
All American
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don't want to bwn him. not going to happen. i dont bwn fatties. they smush me.

6/1/2008 11:51:19 AM

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6/1/2008 11:52:11 AM

All American
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get on top and ride that fatass

6/1/2008 11:52:23 AM

All American
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btw, when i read this thread title i thought mcdonalds had a new menu item or something

6/1/2008 11:54:31 AM

All American
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damn, what an awkward situation. That's her cornbread and she is not sharin. I meani understand how she would be upset on the matter, but she needs to trust him....but honestly, the guy prolly likes you and she can sense it!!! ....i mean...maybe

[Edited on June 1, 2008 at 12:09 PM. Reason : d]

6/1/2008 12:06:08 PM

All American
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I'm in a situation similar to this. My girlfriend has a guy friend that she's known since middle school. I don't really care, but his girlfriend does. He's not actually gay, but that's what their relationship is sort of like, he's more one of her "girlfriends" than he is a guy friend. I think it probably bothers her because it takes away from the attention she thinks she deserves while I look at it more as time that I get to be left alone for a while.
I think in my situation, and probably yours, it just comes down to girls being innately possessive and jealous and guys just aren't.

6/1/2008 12:18:10 PM

All American
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If you and the guy were friends before they started dating I don't see any reason for her to be jealous.

If y'all weren't friends before they started dating and it's obvious that y'all are just friends I still don't see any reason for her to be jealous.

If he is spending more time with you than her then they should probably break up anyway.

Don't end the friendship.

6/1/2008 12:42:25 PM

Double Entendre
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there is always some kind of attraction to someone that you befriend, no matter physical, personality or emotional...true story. With that said I think anytime a guy has a girl that is a friend around while dating someone keeps that extra girl around just in case. Women are jealous idiots. The said woman friend might then try to get what she cannot have. It happens and women know this about themselves.

What would a guy benefit from hanging out with two women? That makes no sense. Women need to hang out with their own kind bc they are crazy. What is the reason for this? I thought men want to be more manly. I think a guy that hangs out with two women at once is insane. He is shooting himself in the foot. A guy having a girl that is a friend makes it so he gets advice from this girl than talking to his girlfriend. How does that benefit him and his so. And hell no people don't need a venting buddy. Venting makes immature people feel better about their immaturity.

Wingman syndrome! Third wheel syndrome! These do not make sense to me. Why would anyone want to hang around a dating couple anyway especially when they make a third wheel?

Why do people date people? Because they hope this person is the one or they are too insecure to be by themselves.

At the end of my bitchy response it might help your and his friendship if you try to become friends with her. Hang out with her alone and talk on the phone/im/email/however you communicate with her. Show there is an effort there and then that trust will be built. If you were friends with him before she came along his girlfriend knows there is a lot she lacks in their relationship that you have in spades. I vote that you help the situation instead of making it spiteful.

6/1/2008 12:46:36 PM

2019 Egg Champ
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My guy friends pretty much stop talking to me once they get girlfriends.

6/1/2008 12:46:40 PM

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