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All American
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good fucking god. if you are that insecure with people talking shit about your religion, you should go blow yourself up.

oh, wait...

6/4/2008 3:26:54 PM

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They've got a point. There is no reason to disrespect another religion especially at a time like now. Whats the benefit to drawing cartoons that mock someone that believes in something different than you? All they will manage to do is cause more disturbances and outrage.

6/4/2008 3:30:20 PM

All American
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well if they want to be fair about, I guess the Israeli Attorney General's office is going to have to subpoena the entire country of Iran

6/4/2008 3:33:17 PM

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no they dont have a point

6/4/2008 3:33:25 PM

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They've got a point.

6/4/2008 3:34:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"no they dont have a point"

exactly...laws within their own country are fine, but outside? they should go fuck themselves

6/4/2008 3:34:52 PM

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no they dont have a point

their sovereignty stops at their border

6/4/2008 3:35:10 PM

All American
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6/4/2008 3:35:56 PM

All American
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Hooray for religious fundamentalists

6/4/2008 3:35:57 PM

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and both of you have missed the point entirely. But Im sure you will be singing a different tune when shit hits the fan closer to home because of immature things like this.

6/4/2008 3:36:39 PM

All American
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like what?

6/4/2008 3:37:10 PM

All American
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freedom of speech should be protected, as should human lives. Its a thin line between hate speech, making a point, and offending an entire religion.

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"their sovereignty stops at their border"

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:38 PM. Reason : ]

6/4/2008 3:37:14 PM

All American
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It's basically like whenever some other country burns American flags... sure, a bunch of Americans get mad about it, but we don't try to arrest them.

6/4/2008 3:37:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"and both of you have missed the point entirely. But Im sure you will be singing a different tune when shit hits the fan closer to home because of immature things like this."

Is that a threat?

6/4/2008 3:38:39 PM

All American
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I'm all for political correctness and whatnot, and yeah it wasn't in the best taste for those Danish dudes to make a mockery of their religion, but who do these guys think they are? Yeah it may be against the law in Jordan, but obviously the Danish guys weren't in Jordan. You don't see Saudi Arabia throwing around crap like this because women in other countries aren't covered from head to toe when they go outside.

6/4/2008 3:38:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"their sovereignty stops at their border"

6/4/2008 3:39:49 PM

All American
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I saw this thread title as 'taking a shit 1,993 miles farther than necessary'

6/4/2008 3:39:58 PM

All American
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Well Saudi Arabia is too busy making bank to be worried about little petty crap like this...only a poor, and highly uneducated country would be so stupid to allow some crap like this...

6/4/2008 3:40:22 PM

All American
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^^ ditto

^ you mean "allow" free speech?

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:41 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 3:40:51 PM

New Recruit
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the points not whether or not drawing or printing the cartoon was a wise choice, its a choice they had the right to make due to freedom of speech

the point is:

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"their sovereignty stops at their border"

and they are idiots for thinking otherwise, and so are you

6/4/2008 3:40:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^ you mean "allow" free speech? "

I'm talking about Jordan

6/4/2008 3:42:34 PM

All American
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6/4/2008 3:43:08 PM

All American
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this is why we cant have good things in the world

6/4/2008 3:43:51 PM

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6/4/2008 3:44:38 PM

12280 Posts
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lol. a lot of worthless human garbage in this thread.

6/4/2008 3:44:38 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"and both of you have missed the point entirely. But Im sure you will be singing a different tune when shit hits the fan closer to home because of immature things like this."

what Golovko?

im not really sure what you mean here

6/4/2008 3:44:44 PM

12280 Posts
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of course you did. you are no different than a dumbass redneck who thinks the world revolves around his 'kind'

6/4/2008 3:45:29 PM

New Recruit
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ya id say itsa pretty worthless to think that killing 6 people because a cartoon hurt their feelings menas "they've got a good point"

6/4/2008 3:47:58 PM

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they dont have a point because their sovereignty stops at their border

what is so hard to understand about that?

that would be like the usa demanding that france send over everyone who has ever been naked at a beach because it isnt allowed here

do you see how silly this is?

Quote :
"of course you did. you are no different than a dumbass redneck who thinks the world revolves around his 'kind'"

hypocritical much?

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:49 PM. Reason :

6/4/2008 3:48:05 PM

12280 Posts
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"threatening the national peace."

is a perfectly valid point...for all of you that did not actually read the article but just jumped on the bandwagon of hate. But then again, I guess if you can't defeat your enemy you may as well act like them.

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"that would be like the usa demanding that france send over everyone who has ever been naked at a beach because it isnt allowed here"

lol? actually no, not even close. and yes there are beaches here that allow this.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:50 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 3:49:37 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"According to the Copenhagen Post, prosecutor Hassan Abdullat has subpoenaed the 11 Danes for drawing and reprinting cartoons they say offend Islam, charging them with "threatening the national peace.""

what nation? jordan or denmark?

if it is in jordan, well then they have the problems

i fail to see how something happening in jordan is denmark's problem

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:51 PM. Reason :

6/4/2008 3:51:08 PM

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You know...this is a very very new concept....but there are people of different religions, cultures, and race that live in these countries....denmark included.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:52 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 3:52:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"of course you did. you are no different than a dumbass redneck who thinks the world revolves around his 'kind'"

seriously, you should be cautious as to what you say on here or you'll be in a semantics battle with an FBI agent soon enough.

6/4/2008 3:52:14 PM

All American
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Its the reaction to the free speech which is actually threatening world peace. You are too busy calling people human garbage to realize you are the only one taking the irrational side of the argument.
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6/4/2008 3:52:18 PM

All American
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Regardless of who's feelings were hurt, calling for legal action across international borders for a FUCKING CARTOON is outrageous and ridiculous. It would be one thing if the same authors were making slanderous comments about Jordan's governmental officials. Something like that would have political ramifications that could be detrimental to Jordan's acceptance in the global theater. However, making a cartoon crudely depicting a religious figure is harmless to every legitimate (by this I mean widely accepted as a true following, not a cult) religion, save Islam.

I have nothing against Islam as a religion, btw.

Bottom line is that Jordan bitching about this does nothing but hurt Islam on the whole, because it makes it look as if the followers of Islam include a bunch of whining pussies.

6/4/2008 3:52:29 PM

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Quote :
"seriously, you should be cautious as to what you say on here or you'll be in a semantics battle with an FBI agent soon enough. "

why's that? because I don't hate everyone in the world like the rest of you? Sounds to me like you are acting terrorist like.

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"You are too busy calling people human garbage to realize you are the only one taking the irrational side of the argument. "

just because you have Free Speech doesn't give you the rite to alienate an entire group of people just because they are different than you. Sounds like we are going backwards in time instead of forwards. Pretty soon we'll have 'whites only' signs every where.

so is it ok for the News and Observer to publish a racist cartoon about blacks? sounds to me like you are saying yes.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:55 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 3:53:15 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"You know...this is a very very new concept....but there are people of different religions, cultures, and race that live in these countries....denmark included."

no shit

but that doesnt change the fact that jordan has no jurisdiction over shit that happens in denmark

you are really struggling here with no ground

6/4/2008 3:55:26 PM

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Quote :
"so is it ok for the News and Observer to publish a racist cartoon about blacks? sounds to me like you are saying yes."

it is

it wouldnt be a smart business decision though

6/4/2008 3:56:11 PM

All American
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and this is why state religion is even dumber than regular religion

6/4/2008 3:56:38 PM

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you are struggling because I never commented on the legal action...they have a point that drawing these cartoons can disrupt peace. You are grasping for straws and trying to put words in my mouth. nice try though.

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"it is"

yeah, ok. you are clearly high as fuck.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 3:57 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 3:56:47 PM

All American
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I am all for unity. But for one I know it doesn't begin by degrading others. All for your assumption that 'we all hate the rest of the world' you are again flat wrong. I carry a lot of personal respect of Islamic culture and have a number of Muslim friends. While I sympathize with their frustration of the Danish Cartoon fiasco, I remain firm that freedom of speech shouldn't be constricted due to certain (Islam) religions.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 4:00 PM. Reason : ]

6/4/2008 3:58:59 PM

All American
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if Aficionado has a fan club, i'm joining it

6/4/2008 3:59:08 PM

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I'm all for freedom of speech as well. But for you to think that its not wrong for them to draw these cartoons and publish them...then clearly you do not respect Islam.

(i'm not Muslim either...but I can at least respect them)

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"if Aficionado has a fan club, i'm joining it"

don't forget your white sheet.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 4:00 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 4:00:05 PM

All American
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TSB is that way ^

6/4/2008 4:00:40 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"you are struggling because I never commented on the legal action...they have a point that drawing these cartoons can disrupt peace. You are grasping for straws and trying to put words in my mouth. nice try though."

you implied legal action when you said that they have a point because that is the subject of the article

6/4/2008 4:01:39 PM

All American
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I get very mildly offended when I see anti-christian symbols. Yet nothing of this nature warrants taking human lives through suicide bombings or the like. State religion in Jordan and other Islamic countries rule that depicting the prophet is illegal. But these cartoonists don't live in said countries.
So what is your point?

6/4/2008 4:02:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
""and both of you have missed the point entirely. But Im sure you will be singing a different tune when shit hits the fan closer to home because of immature things like this."

what Golovko?

im not really sure what you mean here


Your words:

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"of course you did. you are no different than a dumbass redneck who thinks the world revolves around his 'kind'"

That can be perceived as an implication of a threat no matter how idle it seems. Seriously, watch your words carefully.

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 4:02 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 4:02:36 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm all for freedom of speech as well. But for you to think that its not wrong for them to draw these cartoons and publish them...then clearly you do not respect Islam."


like you would stand up for christianity or the us in this way

6/4/2008 4:02:45 PM

12280 Posts
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edit post you assumed I meant legal action. The point of the story is that insulting cartoons were drawn and published.

the point they have is:
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""threatening the national peace."
because these drawings are unnecessary and insulting to a large group of people.

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i don't know what you are smoking...but i'm sure its illegal. So you are telling me that its some how illegal for me to comment that everyone is all about hate hate hate and as soon as something bad happens they preach love love love until it fades away...since when is the power of observation 'suspicious behavior'

[Edited on June 4, 2008 at 4:05 PM. Reason : .]

6/4/2008 4:03:08 PM

All American
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6/4/2008 4:04:06 PM

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