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 Message Boards » » Holy shit I'm outta shape! Page [1]  
All American
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So after I destroyed my shoulder back in March I haven't been able to do anything in the gym. I couldn't even run because the joint was all loose and if I jogged it felt like my arm was getting pulled up and down and it hurt like a motherfucker.

Today I finally got back on the treadmill and.... holy shit I'm beat. I used to do a 5k 4-5 times per week (on top of the 5 or 6 miles I walk at work), I couldn't even get close to that shit today. I probably did 1.5 miles and then got on the bike for 15 minutes after that. I am fucking spent.

Is this how fat people feel all the time? I guess now I can see why it's so hard for folks to start an exercise program. I feel like I'm going to die and I've only been sedentary for 3 months.

6/5/2008 12:22:30 PM

45208 Posts
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That sucks

Hopefully you'll bounce back quick since you were so active prior to the injury.

6/5/2008 12:24:28 PM

All American
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just take things slow and try not to lose patience with yourself
I know it might be hard to know you were at a certain point and are having a hard time regaining that, but just be patient

6/5/2008 12:25:40 PM

All American
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I had a bad spinal contusion during football one season in high school and I was out for about a month. Even after being out that long it sucked getting back into shape.

6/5/2008 12:26:47 PM

All American
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I knew I was in trouble since I put on about 15 pounds from initial injury until return to work, but jeezy pete! I've already lost about 5 pounds just going back to work, but I've got some serious work to do to get back to 195 or so. Rebuilding the lost muscle mass is really going to be a motherfucker. I can't even throw a baseball right now. My right arm is noticeably smaller than my left, so is my right pec. and it's probably going to be another 3-4 weeks before I can even begin to do any real lifting.

I think I'm more depressed now than I was right after surgery.

6/5/2008 12:30:18 PM

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You can come workout with me. You will instantly feel better about yourself I will keep ya laughing the whole time!

6/5/2008 12:31:43 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"Is this how fat people feel all the time? "

Or worse. I've made drastic improvements, and I'm fucking excited at how much I can do now (which is still very pathetic), compared to before I started exercising. Also, Nerdchick is one hell of a personal trainer

But...most fat people have no idea what it feels like to be in shape, active, and able to do whatever. I think that that's making you feel worse, to some degree. We can't miss what we don't know, but you know exactly what you're missing out on. You do know you'll get there again, though

I'm irritated as hell right now, because I've long had trouble with one of my hips. My legs are not of equal length. This has caused me problems since middle school, and add obesity into the mix, and it's easy for it to start hurting. It's not nearly as bad as it used to be, and I don't know what changed (I used to not be able to go shopping at the mall without it hurting, back in high school), but it hurts much less now. I'm at a point now, for running/walking (I can't run for long times yet, but running a LOT more than I used to), I could go on longer, if not for my damn hip. It pisses me off.

6/5/2008 12:46:19 PM

All American
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Being overweight puts a tremendous amount of stress on all the joints in your legs. It usually shows up first in the knees, but if you've actually got legs of different lengths then yeah, your hip probably would hurt. The more weight you can lose the better those joints will feel.

For a virtually zero impact workout try swimming laps. You'll need someone who actually swam competitively to show you proper form, but it does wonders aerobically and for burning calories. It would be a huge boon to you since it wouldn't stress your joints.

6/5/2008 12:53:27 PM

63151 Posts
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this thread has inspired me

to go get another bag of fritos

6/5/2008 12:55:20 PM

45208 Posts
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^would you like the bag of doritos in my desk drawer

^^Swimming is a great exercise! I used to be pretty fit in high school because I swam competitively (yes a black person that can swim). I would like to get back into it, but it's more fun for me to swim laps with a partner.

6/5/2008 1:00:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
baby jelly"

More like papa jelly!

Why don't you just go get a tub of crisco and a spoon you disgusting fatbody?

6/5/2008 1:00:30 PM

63151 Posts
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fatty like crisco!

6/5/2008 1:01:09 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"Being overweight puts a tremendous amount of stress on all the joints in your legs. It usually shows up first in the knees, but if you've actually got legs of different lengths then yeah, your hip probably would hurt. The more weight you can lose the better those joints will feel.

For a virtually zero impact workout try swimming laps. You'll need someone who actually swam competitively to show you proper form, but it does wonders aerobically and for burning calories. It would be a huge boon to you since it wouldn't stress your joints."

I already swim some.

And guess who did/does swim? Ye olde nerdchick. We spent a good long while on form. Thankfully, all my swimming from when I was on a swimteam as a kid stuck with me, so we didn't have too much work to do.

I just like to get out there and run, though.

6/5/2008 1:10:00 PM

All American
1900 Posts
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Quote :
"I couldn't even run because the joint was all loose and if I jogged it felt like my arm was getting pulled up and down and it hurt like a motherfucker."

Hit the bike up to keep your cardio up. Sounds like you hit it after trying running but this should help.

On my personal note, when I went sedentary for 2 months I realized how the poor choices I made in my diet affected my weight and overall health. Since I travel for work more and have less opp to get in a gym I have made a strong effort to eat better.

Quote :
"Is this how fat people feel all the time? "
To my point, fat people usually eat bad and do not exercise so probably the answer is yes.

6/5/2008 1:13:10 PM

45208 Posts
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Oh fun!!! I injured my ACL & MCL about 5 years ago, so running still isn't fun for me after a while

Now I wanna go swimmin'

6/5/2008 1:14:37 PM

All American
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you have to work back up to it, i was running 12-13 miles at a time, stopped working out completely for a few months, and couldn't even run to the end of the street without feeling like i was going to die... just increase each workout by a little longer and do strength training to build your legs back up, that worked for me.

[Edited on June 5, 2008 at 1:17 PM. Reason : fart]

6/5/2008 1:16:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"My legs are not of equal length."

The Chiropractor told me my right leg was one inch longer than the left leg. He said sometimes it is really do to having a short leg, and other times the way the hip moves it won't move at its full length. Since I've been going to him, my right leg is only 1/2 inch longer than my left and it freakin' rocks.

6/5/2008 1:17:09 PM

All American
15134 Posts
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Quote :
"Is this how fat people feel all the time? I guess now I can see why it's so hard for folks to start an exercise program. I feel like I'm going to die and I've only been sedentary for 3 months.

yeah, that's how it works. i take 2-3 months off and it sucks the first 2 weeks. after that hump i'm over it. but yeah. i think fat people's lives would suck. being tired all the time. after 2-3 months of not working out i get winded a bit more easily and that's not good.

imagine having to carry an extra 50-60 lbs. imagine being 100lbs overweight. i tip my hat off to bigger ppl. i hope they can dig in.

honestly, seeing fat people is what motivates me to be a better person.

6/5/2008 1:17:43 PM

All American
10015 Posts
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that is a pretty fucking fascinating article

6/5/2008 1:22:11 PM

76471 Posts
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^I actually thinkg about that scenario a lot

Quote :
"Cynthia Istook, an associate professor in textile apparel at North Carolina State University, says the economies of making fewer sizes would be tremendous."

This woman is a raving bitch, by the way.

eahanhan got an interview to intern with Target. I dunno about her, but I'd rather intern with Target, than, say, Dolce & Gabbana. She was going to have to miss a day of class (senior design seminar, for fashion development) to go to Minneapolis for this, so she told Istook. She was going to miss the choreography practice run for the senior design fashion show.

Let me reiterate: a shot at interning with Target is a big deal.

Istook's response? Too bad. She wouldn't give eahanhan any sort of notes, review, or anything, for the choreography. For an excused absence. Because emily isn't one of her favorites.

6/5/2008 1:29:58 PM

All American
5286 Posts
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I started out in January in the worst shape of my life, was doing 3 laps at the indoor track in the Gym...I'm up to 13 laps now(2 miles) and I run it everyday of the week along with 15 minutes of bike/rowing machine then lift alternating arms/chest/shoulders...I've lost 60lbs so far this year, feels great..

I could probably run 3 miles because I feel as tired as I do after 4 laps when I run 13, it's all a mind game I've come to conclude...I'm trying to get down to 17 minutes for 2 miles....I'm just under 18 now

6/5/2008 2:01:34 PM

All American
4809 Posts
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Quote :
"i tip my hat off to bigger ppl. i hope they can dig in."

I don't know why but I found this really funny.

6/5/2008 2:06:27 PM

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