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Aging fast
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Quote :

He made her sit in her bathtub, and that was the first time he told her to gouge her eyes, Ms. Prunty said. He punished her for refusing by boiling water in a kettle and throwing it on her, the prosecutor said. The water jolted her so much that she broke through the bonds on her wrist, Ms. Prunty said, as the skin on her chest, torso and thighs blistered. (On hearing this detail, one of the jurors shook his head and covered his mouth.)

“Just kill me! Just kill me!” the woman pleaded, Ms. Prunty said.

Later, after her failed attempt to kill herself with the scissors, Mr. Williams threw a heavy object at the back of her head, cracking her skull, Ms. Prunty said.

Mr. Williams was intent on damaging her vision because, Ms. Prunty said, “a blind witness could never identify her attacker.”

Mr. Williams eventually slit the woman’s eyelids and face with a butcher knife, Ms. Prunty said, but she did not lose her vision. He fastened her legs and arms to a futon, and she lost consciousness.

When she awoke, she again pleaded for him to kill her, but heard no response. He was gone.

Mr. Williams “only stopped when he could no longer feel the scourge of control over another human being,” Ms. Prunty said.

The woman smelled smoke, Ms. Prunty said, so she wriggled her legs free and pulled the futon away from the wall. She used the fire to free her arms, Ms. Prunty said, and then ran through the smoke to her door. It took her several attempts to open it because her hands were limp and numb, Ms. Prunty said.

The woman ran through her hallway seeking help, Ms. Prunty said, “an image of the walking, living dead.”"

6/6/2008 2:54:56 PM

76471 Posts
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This is gonna be an SVU episode

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 2:57 PM. Reason : lkjdf]

6/6/2008 2:56:07 PM

All American
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6/6/2008 2:58:37 PM

Tom Joad
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6/6/2008 2:58:47 PM

All American
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6/6/2008 3:00:15 PM

Aging fast
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6/6/2008 3:00:55 PM

begonias is my boo
22491 Posts
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i dont like the death penalty. but shit.

id shoot this fucker myself.

6/6/2008 3:01:39 PM

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6/6/2008 3:05:15 PM

All American
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I still can't believe this goes on, that humans can do this to one another. I have a hard time watching movies like Saw and Hostel because I know that shit goes on in real life.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 3:11 PM. Reason : butt shit. ]

6/6/2008 3:05:33 PM

Aging fast
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6/6/2008 3:05:51 PM

All American
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That's fucking insane. That woman is amazing for living through all that. There's no reason her attacker shouldn't be put away for life (although I would prefer the bullet in a dome sentence at this point).

People are fucking sick.

6/6/2008 3:08:51 PM

All American
5543 Posts
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Move to soap box?

This kind of shit pisses me off beyond belief.

6/6/2008 3:28:16 PM

All American
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maybe they should put this guy in prison with a label on him of everything he did to that girl so the other inmates could "help him adjust" to the prison

6/6/2008 3:33:09 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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inmates in prison will find out.

he wont need a label.

6/6/2008 3:35:25 PM

All American
10527 Posts
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Jesus, she was a 23 year old student. Look at the fucker who did it

Quote :
"Mr. Williams, who was homeless at the time of his arrest about a week later at the scene of a burglary in Queens, has a lengthy police record dating to his childhood, the authorities have said.

He was charged in a murder as a juvenile, though the outcome of that case is sealed, a law enforcement official said, and he spent eight years in prison for an attempted-murder conviction in 1996.

6/6/2008 3:59:35 PM

begonias is my boo
22491 Posts
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not exactly who i envisioned doing shit like this.

i pictured a really fat, pale, white dude.
with graying hair.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 4:03 PM. Reason : oops]

6/6/2008 4:02:56 PM

147487 Posts
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pretty much exactly who i saw doing some shit like this...especially the eyes thing

6/6/2008 4:04:30 PM

5724 Posts
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yeh he just looks too cool to do something that aweful

6/6/2008 4:05:04 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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(Austrian incest monster)

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 4:07 PM. Reason : .]

6/6/2008 4:06:46 PM

begonias is my boo
22491 Posts
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i pictured a human form of this

6/6/2008 4:08:15 PM

147487 Posts
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he'd have to leave the house first which people like that dont often do lol

6/6/2008 4:08:57 PM

5724 Posts
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this reminds me of the movie "P2"

anybody seen it?

6/6/2008 4:09:20 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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I'll bet that he didn't even call her back.

6/6/2008 4:09:24 PM

2940 Posts
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Now for the real question

Was she hot?

6/6/2008 4:14:19 PM

37709 Posts
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I figured it was a black guy. Looks like I was right.

6/6/2008 4:28:12 PM

All American
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6/6/2008 4:33:10 PM

All American
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all these perfectly acceptable candidates and the nypd picked a random haitian to sodomize with a plunger...

6/6/2008 4:34:05 PM

5724 Posts
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Quote :
"I figured it was a black guy. Looks like I was right."

great. now everybodies gonna pull the reverse racism card and completely forget about these horrific crimes

you're now public enemy #1. not this killer

6/6/2008 4:34:35 PM

All American
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why don't you get your head out of your ass and stop thinking that everyone has just one of two opinions

a lot people have a complete spectrum of opinions and feelings about such things

stop being dense

6/6/2008 4:37:08 PM

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6/6/2008 4:39:18 PM

2940 Posts
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Quote :
"you're now public enemy #1. not this killer"

too bad he wasn't a killer. proves you're racist. not that it needed any more proof.

6/6/2008 4:40:02 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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lets be fair, blacks get blamed for every robbery or street crime, but whites get it for serial evil stuff like this
so this IS a suprise, but it just goes to show that neither race is above anything
each one tries to pretend they're above certain things but its only that they minimize certain things by focusing specifically to do so
blacks minimize serial killing by being open about their feelings
whites minimize street crimes by promoting politeness
thats life, lets not make this racial, its cultural

6/6/2008 4:41:52 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"He was charged in a murder as a juvenile, though the outcome of that case is sealed, a law enforcement official said, and he spent eight years in prison for an attempted-murder conviction in 1996."

6/6/2008 4:42:10 PM

All American
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he probably did kill

he was involved in a murder case as a youth... but the case and outcome was sealed

also he served 8 years for attempted murder


6/6/2008 4:42:42 PM

5724 Posts
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Quote :
"too bad he wasn't a killer. proves you're racist. not that it needed any more proof."

it begins. wow. guy is harmless as a fly now.

reverse racism is outta control lately

6/6/2008 4:43:17 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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who are you

are you steve?

are you salisbury?

or are you just the next wave of stupid fuck?

6/6/2008 4:44:24 PM

All American
1450 Posts
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Quote :
"reverse racism "

i bet you say "irregardless" also, huh?

6/6/2008 4:44:55 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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i say all kinds of non-words

what of it?

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 4:47 PM. Reason : .]

6/6/2008 4:47:44 PM

5724 Posts
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what'd i say peter?

this guy is nothing more than an average joe.

it's you who's the racist whoremonger now. and me for simply pointing you out.

[Edited on June 6, 2008 at 4:48 PM. Reason : .]

6/6/2008 4:48:06 PM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
"i pictured a really fat, pale, white dude.
with graying hair"

you pictured me

6/6/2008 4:49:46 PM

All American
34478 Posts
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It's usually the crazy white people that are in to the whole torture thing.

Looks like the blacks have finally learned something from whitey

6/6/2008 4:54:22 PM

All American
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that's what we use to think, but this is at least the 2nd story i've heard like this in recent memory

and that's only in the US

there are horror stories galore from Africa

6/6/2008 4:56:19 PM

All American
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^tell me about one of these "horror stories"

6/6/2008 5:06:47 PM

All American
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^^ are you still googling for one, c'mon i thought there were "horror stories" galore

6/6/2008 5:11:13 PM

Sup, B
53286 Posts
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man, I sure am glad we didn't treat this guy as an adult when he murdered someone when he was 16. We sure got our money's worth, don't ya think? Poster-boy for executions, I tell ya.

6/6/2008 6:29:14 PM

All American
37009 Posts
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^^ even Glamour magazine knows about that!

Quote :
"When we begin talking, Nadine seems utterly disassociated from her surroundings—far away. “I’m 29,” she begins. “I am from the village of Nindja. Normally there was insecurity in our area. We would hide many nights in the bush. The soldiers found us there. They killed our village chief and his children. We were 50 women. I was with my three children and my older brother; they told him to have sex with me. He refused, so they cut his head and he died.”

Nadine’s body is trembling. It is hard to believe these words are coming out of a woman who is still alive and breathing. She tells me how one of the soldiers forced her to drink his urine and eat his feces, how the soldiers killed 10 of her friends and then murdered her children: her four-year-old and two-year-old boys and her one-year-old girl. “They flung my baby’s body on the ground like she was garbage,” Nadine says. “One after another they raped me. From that my vagina and anus were ripped apart.”

Nadine holds onto my hand as if she were drowning in a tsunami of memory. As devastated as she is, it is clear that she needs to be telling this story, needs me to listen to what she is saying. She closes her eyes and says something I cannot believe I’m hearing. “One of the soldiers cut open a pregnant woman,” she says. “It was a mature baby and they killed it. They cooked it and forced us to eat it.”"

Quote :
"Alfonsine is thin and poised, profoundly calm. She tells me she was walking through the forest when she encountered a lone soldier. “He followed me and then forced me to lie down. He said he would kill me. I struggled with him hard; it went on for a long time. Then he went for his rifle, pressed it on the outside of my vagina and shot his entire cartridge into me. I just heard the voice of bullets. My clothes were glued to me with blood. I passed out.”"

6/6/2008 6:33:25 PM

All American
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^that is completely different, horrible but different
what we're talking about is serial killers or torturers, this is a war torn country and during war all kinds of messed up stuff is bound to happen

6/6/2008 6:39:58 PM

All American
8094 Posts
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fucking fucker!!

6/6/2008 10:51:50 PM

2940 Posts
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Because we sure know stories printed in Glamour magazine are truthful.

6/6/2008 10:54:00 PM

41759 Posts
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6/6/2008 10:55:30 PM

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