parentcanpay All American 3186 Posts user info edit post |
based on the acronyms i've assigned
Death Dealing Entreprenuer
Really Manipulates News
Blow Job Commander
Horrible Reeling Cunt
Horribly Singes Towns
Just Face Killed 6/8/2008 6:02:00 AM
NC86 All American 9134 Posts user info edit post |
your moms vag 6/8/2008 6:02:41 AM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Dwight D Eisenhower...
Richard M Nixon
Bill J Clinton
Hillary R Clinton
John F Kennedy...
[Edited on June 8, 2008 at 6:02 AM. Reason : ]
[Edited on June 8, 2008 at 6:03 AM. Reason : ]
[Edited on June 8, 2008 at 6:03 AM. Reason : lol]
[Edited on June 8, 2008 at 6:04 AM. Reason : ]
[Edited on June 8, 2008 at 6:05 AM. Reason : I dunno what HST is. Truman?] 6/8/2008 6:02:45 AM
parentcanpay All American 3186 Posts user info edit post |
good job. you got them all. 6/8/2008 6:05:35 AM
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Too bad there's nothing else to do now. Maybe I'll go shave or bang my head against the wall or something. 6/8/2008 6:06:52 AM
parentcanpay All American 3186 Posts user info edit post |
Death Dealing Entreprenuer: DDE- Dwight D. Eisenhower (General in WW2, credited for scaling up the military-industrial complex)
Really Manipulates News: RMN- Richard M. Nixon (Watergate scandal, too obvious)
Blow Job Commander: BJC- Bill J. Clinton (obvious)
Horrible Reeling Cunt: HRC- Hillary R. Clinton (just because she is)
Horribly Singes Towns: HST- Harry S. Truman (a-bombed Japan)
Just Face Killed: JFK- John F. Kennedy (assassination) 6/8/2008 6:07:17 AM
parentcanpay All American 3186 Posts user info edit post |
i really wish Obama's initials were TID so i could have used Terrorist In Disguise. 6/8/2008 6:08:16 AM