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 Message Boards » » People that don't use the internet Page [1]  
All American
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At work I always have people do dumb shit like ask, "whats the address for" Then they try to type, then they get a 404. Then I tell them to google "amazon" and they spend 5 minutes looking through links going "is it this one?"

These aren't even old people. Are there people like this everywhere?

6/8/2008 12:55:07 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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Yes... Yes there are.

6/8/2008 12:55:47 PM

63151 Posts
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oh noes!

6/8/2008 12:56:00 PM

All American
24529 Posts
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someone posted a statistic either here, or i saw it on but there was a pretty damn high percentage of people that dont even know how to use computers still, let alone get on the internet

6/8/2008 12:56:03 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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say the same about people who don't travel

6/8/2008 12:56:30 PM


15145 Posts
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well, if information wasn't important/relevant to your life... why bother?

6/8/2008 12:57:00 PM

All American
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^^^ It's 20%. That's in America...

6/8/2008 12:58:28 PM

All American
14880 Posts
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^^people have gotten info way before computers so its not a necessity

6/8/2008 1:00:53 PM


15145 Posts
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the internet increase the amount and speed with which you get information.

I have a hard time imagining a life where the need for information is so little that the benefits of the internet can be overlooked.

I'm sure others would have a hard time imagining a life where it can't be overlooked.

6/8/2008 1:05:21 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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ironically, 3/3 neighbors don't even have an internet connection.

It's not that they're stealing WiFi either, they just have no use for it. Computers are foreign to them (which is weird, one of them is only late 20's and has never really used a computer)

6/8/2008 1:05:45 PM

All American
35165 Posts
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Quote :
"well, if information wasn't important/relevant to your life... why bother?"

not in the case of the op (i'm assuming since those people have jobs they live in a way that would allow them to have access to/purchase a computer if they wanted) BUT the reason that theres a large percentage of people that don't use computers probably doesn't have to do with the fact that they don't value information or that civilization has gotten by without computers in the past. there's still a fairly large (maybe similar) percentage of people that don't have cable or even phones. yes, poor people still exist in america (omg). i wonder if people in rural areas or inner cities comprise a big part of the 20%. i know some people just refuse to learn how to use a computer (like my grandmother) but i think it probably also has a lot to do with income. when one is sitting pretty in the middle class it IS hard to imagine foregoing a computer for food, a car, care for children, etc etc etc.

6/8/2008 1:13:41 PM

All American
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It's mostly old people.

6/8/2008 1:14:48 PM


15145 Posts
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There's this one old lady in the town where I grew up, and people would visit her when they did like a food kitchen service project or something. She was like pushing 100 and had been getting shit from everyone she knew to get a land phone for decades upon decades, but never gave in.

You tired of being hassled to get on facebook?


6/8/2008 1:19:23 PM

All American
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some of us didn't have rich parents to fly us around the world and are still in college

6/8/2008 1:24:12 PM


15145 Posts
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flying international is actually a significant financial burden to some people.

True story.

6/8/2008 1:25:13 PM

All American
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if by travel you mean different beaches on the east coast and vegas, then i am a world class traveler son

6/8/2008 1:29:07 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » People that don't use the internet Page [1]  
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