ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
take the test here to see if you have absolute pitch!
you only have 3 seconds to identify the note
I freaked out on a couple of them, so I didn't get them all correct
here were my results:

more like... absolute BITCH amirite? 6/9/2008 2:44:24 PM
nothing22 All American 21537 Posts user info edit post |
i did mine without speakers
Name aaron1 calhoun2 Pure tone score 7.5
Piano tone score 11.25
and for red dot purposes, i was midway on the top line of the box 6/9/2008 2:53:50 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
lol nice
what does that box mean anyway
also I like that little outlier on the bottom right ] 6/9/2008 2:54:38 PM
Grandmaster All American 10829 Posts user info edit post |
so does this mean you're a rock band vocal expert? 6/9/2008 2:56:13 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
I can't sing for shit lol 6/9/2008 2:59:40 PM
nothing22 All American 21537 Posts user info edit post |
i think it's the idiot box 6/9/2008 3:00:18 PM
parentcanpay All American 3186 Posts user info edit post |
i failed miserably 6/9/2008 3:17:29 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
I feel so privileged to have such an impractical talent 6/9/2008 3:18:30 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
everyone take the test and pick random notes and see how well you do
there are 80 tones played in the test, so it takes about 5-6 minutes I think 6/13/2008 12:19:42 PM
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
i'll take it in a min
i've been trained enough to have great relative pitch but i suck at the whole absolute pitch thing. i'll try it later though when i have time to concentrate 6/13/2008 12:25:49 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
I must have missed more than I thought I did, I'm not as high up as I wanted 
the pure tones are kinda weird sounding tho and take me a few seconds to register, and you only have 3 seconds 6/13/2008 12:55:17 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
lol someone else take the test lol 6/24/2008 1:19:27 PM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
I have no real knowledge of pitch as far as i have never played an instrument and have never had any training. So i didn't even know what each of those tones should have maybe sounded like. So i was guessing the whole time. I was pretty much stuck basing it off of whether i thought it was somewhere higher or lower on the scale.
That said:
Pure tone score 8
Piano tone score 8.25
with that score, i am amazed that i can pick out what numbers someone dials by the tones on the telephone. 6/24/2008 1:32:34 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
LOL 6/24/2008 1:34:06 PM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
i no rite 6/24/2008 1:35:09 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
remember when this was my only claim to fame
in this cruel world wolfweb 6/24/2008 1:35:46 PM
XSMP All American 16674 Posts user info edit post |
i sucked at this 7.5 8.0 6/24/2008 1:41:18 PM
mawle427 All American 22137 Posts user info edit post |
whew, i did better than someone... i don't feel so bad, now. 6/24/2008 1:42:03 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
I might take it again to see if I can do better
but I freak out when I'm doin it
so maybe now is not such a good time 6/24/2008 1:48:57 PM
ReceiveDeath INEED2 GET HIRITENOW 70298 Posts user info edit post |
took it again
Pure tone score 30.5 Piano tone score 35 6/24/2008 2:50:38 PM
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
all i need is them to tell me one note
then i could beast it 6/24/2008 2:54:54 PM