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 Message Boards » » What were some of your best jobs? Page [1]  
All American
3869 Posts
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...before the "real" world

6/10/2008 1:17:13 PM

All American
8483 Posts
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i'm still not in the real world. I bartend and it is pretty cool.

6/10/2008 1:18:39 PM

All American
3892 Posts
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C-Store and TOTA 24-hour desk

6/10/2008 1:20:10 PM

All American
39626 Posts
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Box seat waitress at Grainger Stadium for the Kinston Indians

worked 4-8 nights in a row for 5 hours, off 4-8 nights, had the days off to spend by the pool or go to the beach for the day. got lots of tips, good hourly wage, and i worked with all my friends. LOVED that job.

6/10/2008 1:20:41 PM

All American
29367 Posts
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hand, blow, rim

6/10/2008 1:22:27 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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freelance web/graphics/app designer (all of which i still do, but once i got out of school i needed my own insurance, hence the full-time "real" job)

man, to go back to those days

6/10/2008 1:24:55 PM

All American
4030 Posts
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jewelry repair
campus maintenance

6/10/2008 1:37:48 PM

11097 Posts
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Summer Camp Counselor at the YMCA.

6/10/2008 1:40:34 PM

All American
6787 Posts
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Port City Java on campus, student adviser at IDP

6/10/2008 1:46:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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hand, blow. i never really cared for rim.

6/10/2008 1:52:38 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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motherfucking DOT

6/10/2008 1:53:22 PM

All American
15858 Posts
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My first DOT internship was the best job I had before trying to find a better one (still not quite in the real world, here).

Got good exercise every day, plenty of fresh air, got to toy around with computers and draw stuff and take pictures, and I got to eat good homestyle southern cooking for lunch every damn day because I worked with people who grew up on the stuff and who knew where to eat. I also got to drive a big ass boat of a chevy suburban around. On rainy days I got to read. I never had to deal with assholes in my work (with the exception of one of the people who came onto the team after I was already there, and it mostly had to do with her being a crazy JoCo chick with man issues).

It was a lot nicer than what I'm going to have to do now, even with the better pay I should get.

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 1:57 PM. Reason : Oh yeah, I was a bridge inspector. I'm gonna be a structural engineer, so that's not my field now.]

6/10/2008 1:56:42 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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1) Y2k Consulting -- had my own gig, made tons and tons of cash from the state government from '98-'00.

2) CA in Sullivan hall freshman year (1996-97). Was supposed respond to calls and walk around at night to write up people for noise/alcohol violations, but usually used the job as a way to meet shit tons of people and party with them.

the other ones sucked.

6/10/2008 2:06:30 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Cooking at the lake grill at a high class country club, and doing day camp at the same high class country club.

It was kind of like the movie Dirty Dancing, but with no dancing.

6/10/2008 2:10:19 PM

All American
27287 Posts
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Fortran Lab TA from 2004-2008. Pay wasn't great but it got me groceries and gas while I was at school. I got to meet tons of people every semester, some of which I still talk to today. And as cheesy as it sounds, I really liked having a positive influence on my students... a lot of the other TA's weren't that great at teaching or didn't really speak English that well.

6/10/2008 2:15:15 PM

330 Posts
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Snowboard Instructor during high school. The pay sucked, but the free season pass, cutting to the front of every lift line, and ridiculously cheap food more than made up for it.

6/10/2008 3:13:32 PM

63151 Posts
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explotation of postive expected value in online casino bonuses

a job averaging ~$250/hr was awesome.

althought availibility was limited, and it's a shame that it's basically non-existant anymore.

(all basically -ev now)

6/10/2008 3:15:56 PM

All American
687 Posts
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Working at the old Cyberstation Arcade at Crabtree. Easy job, I was incredibly good at it, nice clientele, get to bully 12 year-old punks, and I got a whole lot of friends out of the deal.

6/10/2008 3:16:32 PM

All American
1398 Posts
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Henna Tattoo Artist
Bootshiner at various bike fests
Hair Model
Princess Ariel
"Take important people out to lunch"er
Babysitter at the resort ($texas)

6/10/2008 3:17:09 PM

All American
1684 Posts
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Construction... with these guys:

I think about going back often.

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 3:18 PM. Reason : ^^ CYBERSTATION!? I remember when that place opened. Virtuality FTW]

6/10/2008 3:18:08 PM

All American
9963 Posts
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^^^^oh shit I did that too, back when I actually had money and no wifey.

Wallstreet used to do 10% on new signups with no limit back in 2003 or so. Wire them $10,000 for $40.00, play a little, get $11,000 wired back for $40.00 wire fee a couple days later. Then use the gf's account and do the same and so on... That's what you're talking about, right?

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 3:20 PM. Reason : a]

6/10/2008 3:20:36 PM

All American
4755 Posts
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frozen food guy at a food lion for about 9 months during my senior year of high school. i came in when i wanted, left when i wanted, did whatever i wanted, and only worked about half the time i was on the clock. i had my own little corner and nobody ever bothered me. i took care of business without all the bullshit usually associated with that type of job.

my internship now is pretty chill, but mostly because the senior engineers are cool and laid back.

6/10/2008 3:21:12 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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lifeguarding - slack job (most of the time) and pays $texas for what you do

6/10/2008 3:22:56 PM

All American
170962 Posts
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"tree expert" for southern village and sunset ridge.

realized after about 2 weeks of testing that they dont need MUCH water. so we worked maybe 10 hours a week and explored the eateries of the chapel hill area the other 35. YEAH WE GOT OVERTIME.

and for a job in college that wasnt related to college, it paid really really well. i really wish i had started saving money before 28. haha

6/10/2008 3:23:15 PM

63151 Posts
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sd2nc, yes.

i had like 12 gnomes

6/10/2008 3:24:18 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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waiting tables and singing at Macaroni Grill


6/10/2008 3:24:50 PM

All American
5913 Posts
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Sports writer for the Gaston Gazette a few summers ago. I covered a college summer baseball league team four nights a week. Got paid $50 per story. Not bad at all.

Deputy sports editor at Technician was a pretty sweet gig too. Hard to beat press-box seats and field-level views at the Orange Bowl and Carter-Finley -- not to mention kick-ass press-row seats at RBC.

And that's just the "covering things" perks. Great job all around, really.

6/10/2008 3:49:58 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Working in the ASU library for 2 years

The NC State library won't hire me no matter how many semester I apply. Seems like somebody with library experience >> somebody without library experience.

It's the government, I don't know why I expect them to be logical

6/10/2008 3:54:36 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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maybe you should get an MLS--librarians get bank

6/10/2008 3:55:41 PM

All American
15028 Posts
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I was a walmart greeter.

6/10/2008 3:55:49 PM

All American
8522 Posts
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Quote :
"maybe you should get an MLS--librarians get bank


I've seen what they all do, it's boring and full of bureacratic nonsense

6/10/2008 3:58:51 PM

All American
17209 Posts
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meh, it's like being a pharmacist but with less tuition

6/10/2008 4:00:16 PM

All American
2965 Posts
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model recruiter for jr powers, inc.

tax-free and all i did was sit at a table and get hot chicks to write down them digits.

mellow mushroom was pretty f'n sweet as well.

6/10/2008 4:02:03 PM

All American
1753 Posts
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Luxury Suites Server at the RBC Center

Got to work and watch all events (including every home game of the Stanley Cup playoffs) 5-6 hr shifts, always off by 11 at the latest and man did I make fuckin texa$ there.

If I could make it there in time after my full time job I would still be working there. The most fun and by far the most money I have ever made per hour. Way easier and higher paying that any waiting job I had

Also, I was a Student Sales rep for 4 free trips down to Mexico later I am still reaping the benefits and not even working for them anymore. It was like selling candy to kids on campus.

[Edited on June 10, 2008 at 4:13 PM. Reason : .]

6/10/2008 4:12:28 PM

All American
1304 Posts
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Lifeguard at the Y...boy did we raise hell and have a good time. All behind the scenes of course haha.

It was slack as hell except for when you had to save someone, the rest of the time was fun in the sun and loads of hot broads that i worked with.

Possibly the best summer ever

6/10/2008 4:35:03 PM

35780 Posts
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i got a summer job at a brand new restaurant with like 8 really good friends. 4 of us were chefs in the kitchen which was great. we met about 10-15 new friends, mostly girls that we ended up all messing around with that summer and are still pretty close to today.

orientation/training before the grand opening was like summer camp for the 20 or so of us. and it was fun to come to work and just goof off and talk about the party the night before.

6/10/2008 4:40:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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In the kitchen at a summer camp. All we did was eat free food and dick around.

Bouncer. All I did was meet womens.

6/10/2008 4:40:57 PM

32613 Posts
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chinese delivery boy was pretty fun

making pizzas was fun, cause we drank the whole time and got to play with peoples food then laugh at them when they told us it was delicious

hmm what else

6/10/2008 4:55:28 PM

All American
3299 Posts
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@ casummer

I did that last summer but I was dairy/frozen. so it was a little bit more work but still awesome

6/10/2008 4:55:37 PM

225 Posts
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Quote :
"It's the government, I don't know why I expect them to be logical"

could it be b/c you can't use your right hand very well?

6/10/2008 6:05:55 PM

All American
44691 Posts
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when i washed cars after senior year in HS - I got paid some shit hourly rate, like 6$ or something, but i brought home on average $150-200 in tips per day, and got to have the day off when it rained

6/10/2008 6:20:51 PM

balls deep
89892 Posts
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probably waiting tables

sure it sucked serving, and all the side work that went along with it....

but I made some nice tips, met some cool ass people, and got to flirt with female customers

6/10/2008 6:24:54 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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golfcourse.... drinkin beer and mowin lawns.... does it get any better than that?

6/10/2008 6:35:15 PM

All American
3608 Posts
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Cooking pretzels at the Carolina Mudcats baseball stadium. Got to watch free baseball and maybe sell 4 or 5 pretzels during the entire game except the busy days...

CAC in Sullivan 2004-2005...I supervised 11 people who worked at the free room and board and a stipend...and worked like 5 hours a week.

6/10/2008 6:38:08 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » What were some of your best jobs? Page [1]  
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